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National Survey on Bullying and Violent Extremism In the Education System of Albania (2017)

Type Study / research article
Date published 06.03.2017
Author Council of Europe

The “National survey on bullying and violent extremism in the education system of Albania ” was commissioned by Council of Europe to address the lack of current, reliable evidence about the nature and prevalence of bullying and violent extremism in the Albania education context, and to provide a foundation for informed action. This comprehensive study, conducted by the European Union/Council of Europe Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey action “Fighting Bullying and Extremism in the Education System in Albania” in collaboration with Department of Social Work and Social Policy and Albanian Institute of Public Opinion Studies (ISOP), was designed to provide information, at a representative national level, about what constitutes bullying and extremists’ behaviour, the forms they take, by whom they are practiced, towards whom they are directed, how frequently they were experienced, and the motives for it happening. In addition the study provides information about the intervention that schools take to fight bullying and extremist behaviour. These outcomes were taken from three sources: students, teachers and parents to see the whole picture of the problems fromdifferent perspectives.

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Author: Edmond DRAGOTI (Prof. Dr); Emanuela ISMAILI (Dr)

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