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Type Official document
Date published 06.09.2015
Author Government of the Republic of Kosovo

Government of the Republic of Kosovo is responsible for ensuring the protection and security of its inhabitants, together with the protection of their rights to freedom of opinion and religion. Inthis regard, the Government is determined to draft a strategy that will address, in a responsiblemanner, the security risk posed by radicalization and extremism, while observing the rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, which determines that "no one shall be discriminated against on grounds of race, colour, gender, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, relation to any community, property, economic and social condition, sexual orientation, birth, disability or other personal status". As a member of the family of democratic countries, the Republic of Kosovo is aware of its role and responsibilities towards regional and global security.

The successful fulfilment of such responsibilities requires a comprehensive strategic platform that takes into account the transnational challenges of violent radicalism and extremism that lead to terrorism, and the important role of regional cooperation in addressing such threat. Strategic objectives determined under this strategic document aims to address the push and pull factors that influence the radicalization of the population, with special emphasis on the youth. Through achieving four strategic objectives: Early identification - of causes, factors and target groups; Prevention -of violent extremism and radicalization; Intervention -with the purpose of preventing the threat arising from violent radicalism; and De-radicalization and reintegration - of radicalized persons, and specific objectives/measures contained thereof, the government of the Republic of Kosovo aims to prevent and reduce the risk of violent radicalism and extremism.


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