Documents and Publications

Analysis of Priorities and Budgets of the Official Roma Integration Policies (2017)

Analysis of Priorities and Budgets of the Official Roma Integration Policies (2017)


Within the efforts to assist governments in the Western Balkans and Turkey to improve the budgeting of the National Roma Integration Strategies, the Roma Integration 2020 commissioned an analysis in order to assess the official strategies and action plans in terms of planned measures with corresponding budget and the funding opportunities available in the region besides the public budget. It focuses on the areas of employment and housing, as these two areas have been assessed as the most demanding and least developed in the region. The analysis is used to base the discussions to take place at the regional conference “Filling in the Budget Gaps in Roma Integration Policies” and for any follow up activities of the Roma Integration 2020 project, while assisting the governments to properly plan their national budgets responsive to the needs of Roma. The analysis is prepared by the Roma Integration 2020 consultant Ms Meliha Kozaric Fanning.

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