Third meeting of the RCC’s SEE Group of National Focal Points for countering radicalization and violent extremism and foreign terrorist fighters

22 March 2017 Skopje, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

The RCC organizes the third regular meeting of its SEE National Focal Points (NFP) for countering radicalization and violent extremism (CVE) and foreign terrorist fighters (FTF).

The meeting will evaluate the progress made under the SEE Regional CVE-FTF Platform, whose website will become operational in April 2017, and discuss remaining challenges in fight against radicalization, violent extremism, terrorism and foreign terrorist fighters in the region.

The SEE Regional Platform on CVE-FTF will strengthen coordination and cooperation on countering radicalization and violent extremism in SEE at both national and regional levels. It is developed by the RCC under the political umbrella of the South East Europe Co-operation Process and works on establishment and development of regional cooperation and coordination, research, raising awareness, prevention, and rehabilitation.

The first NFP meeting gathering government representatives from South East Europe dealing with security issues took place late January 2016 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Tirana, Albania in November same year for the second time.