Success Stories

Meet Blerina Ago, Western Balkans Young Woman Entrepreneur of the year

She is the owner of ActiveAlbania, passionate about sustainable tourism in Western Balkans, and takes active part in conservation of WB ecosystems.

Eager to hear what @blerina_ago has to say about launching a business? 
Financial independence and success can't be the long-term motivation, but the intention to bring change and support something bigger is something that can be an inspiration for each and every day. It can be hard to do the 'right' thing when those decisions impact financial stability, but these hardships are always worth the struggle.

Ever wanted to start your own business? Blerina has some advice for you
Own your accomplishments, and recognise the value of your ideas. Do not fall into the wrong stereotypes that encourage you to downplay your own worth. Life is a journey of ups and downs, embrace the best around you, learn from your mistakes and don't forget to stay curious and travel, as entrepreneurship is a trip that can change your life.

Blerina Ago