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Multi-agency meeting RAN Exit-P&P ‘Meeting adjacent fields: rehabilitation, resocialisation and exit activities’ (2019)

Type Journalist article
Date published 29.07.2019
Author Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN)

Cooperation between the two fields is important. Exit workers and probation officers, as well as other relevant professionals, discussed the challenges and possibilities of working together. Agreeing on common guiding principles (building a trusting relationship with the client and working to forge a mutually beneficial perspective), participants highlighted the importance of maintaining transparency about competencies and obligations as regards sharing information disclosed by the client. For instance, probation officers operate within the legal framework of probation conditions imposed on the client by a court. Exit workers, on the other hand, usually work based on the voluntary participation of the client. Despite the differences, participants identified ways to bring exit work in line with probation conditions.

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