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EU home affairs ministers discussed counter-terrorism, hybrid threats and migration

Photo: From left to right: Mr Julian KING, European Commissioner for the Security Union; Mr Dimitrios AVRAMOPOULOS, European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship; Ms Maria OHISALO, Finnish Minister for the Interior. (Copyright: European Union)
The EU Justice and Home Affairs Council (JHA) met in Luxembourg on 7–8 October. The Council was chaired by Minister of the Interior Maria Ohisalo.
The first item on the agenda for the meeting of home affairs ministers on 8 October was combatting the sexual abuse of children. The Council adopted conclusions on the subject.
The home affairs ministers also discussed right-wing violent extremism and terrorism, focusing in particular on analysing the nature of the threat and the existing responses.
They also discussed the challenges and opportunities new technologies, such as 5G mobile networks, may bring to internal security.
As part of the debate on the prevention of hybrid threats, the ministers heard the results and recommendations for further work of their scenario-based discussion held in Helsinki in July.
Future of internal security
Ministers discussed the challenges and opportunities brought by new technology in the area of internal security. They noted that a proactive approach is needed which enables authorities to uphold the law while at the same time protecting privacy and fundamental rights. Ministers expressed their overall support for the creation of an innovation lab at Europol which could act as a monitor of new technological developments and drive innovation. They discussed the possible tasks and priorities for this new lab, as well as those who should be involved.
Ministers also examined the links between hybrid threats and internal security. The discussion focused in particular on how the EU can better support member states in detecting, identifying and countering hybrid threats from an internal security angle. Ministers also discussed which EU agencies and mechanisms could be relevant to this work.
Changes in our societies can make our lives easier, but they also allow criminals to find new ways to commit crimes. We are determined to work together to make sure that law enforcement authorities are able to respond to new threats.. Being at the forefront of technological development and having the right tools to respond to new and complex hybrid threats is important for all of us.
Maria Ohisalo, Minister of the Interior of Finland
Right wing violent extremism and terrorism
Home affairs ministers had a debate on right-wing violent extremism and terrorism. They endorsed the need for further work on the following issues:
- create a better situational overview of right-wing violent extremism and terrorism
- continue to develop and share good practices on how to strengthen the prevention, detection and addressing of violent extremism and terrorism
- address the spread of unlawful right-wing extremist content online and offline
- cooperate with key third countries