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READ: Joint statement and conclusions from 11th SEEMIC Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 5–7 November 2019

Photo: JOINT STATEMENT AND CONCLUSIONS, 11th SEEMIC CONFERENCE 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 5–7 November 2019
Directors of Military Intelligence Agencies and high level representatives from South East Europe (SEEMIC): Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Moldova, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey have met on November 6, 2019 in Ljubljana, at the 11th SEEMIC meeting under the Chairmanship of Slovenia and support of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), and concluded as following:
Ø SEEMIC Directors and representatives extend their gratitude to successful Slovenian Chairmanship and excellent organisation of 11th SEEMIC meeting at directors level;
Ø We congratulate to the Republic of Turkey for taking over SEEMIC Chairmanship in 2020;
Ø We call upon the RCC to continue supporting this important process and together with rotating chairmanships to facilitate new dynamics as of 2020;
Ø Having in mind the ever-changing nature of security threats and taking into account the national security interest of every member of the SEEMIC format, we commit to advance a coherent and effective joint regional endeavour;
Ø Based on the inputs provided by six SEEMIC members (Bulgaria, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia), we agree to reinforce the utility of the OSINT assessment by including in it the following: factors likely to be conducive of threat generation; potential directions of threat development; consideration of global security trends and their likely effects on SEE;
Ø We hereby suggest to the next Chairman to take the impact of illegal migrations on security of SEE and implications for the EU as a topic for the OSINT Report 2020;
Ø We reconfirm that confidence-building nature of SEEMIC remains our primary goal and we will therefore continue working in the present setting – EWG and directors level;
Ø To support confidence-building, enhance the added value and in response to inputs by the six members, but also based on OSINT Report 2019 findings, we task the SEEMIC Chairman 2020 and call upon RCC to figure out the way to help SEEMIC family members who have not yet developed military cyber capabilities. Tailor made trainings and education, using the best EU practice, can be done in collaboration with RCC and traditional SEEMIC external partners. We encourage all those who have such necessity to communicate it with SEEMIC Chairman 2020 and RCC, so that training plan can be drafted and executed in due course;
Ø We call upon the remaining SEEMIC members to provide the current SEEMIC Chairman with their inputs regarding the future of the SEEMIC format and increasing its added value;