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Regional workshop on law enforcement/judicial services and state attorneys / prosecutors in dealing with terrorism and violent extremism –connected crimes, Tirana, 30 May 2018.

Regional workshop on law enforcement/judicial services and state attorneys / prosecutors in Dealing with terrorism and violent extremism –connected crimes Hotel Tirana International, 30 May 2018
The conference aims at:
- Exchanging views and experiences of dealing with the cases of terrorism in different judicial practices across the region Identifying clear referral mechanism risks at borders and gaps in exercising operational measures in order to prevent movements of FF
- Developing common understanding and solutions in judicial practices in dealing with cases of violent extremism and terrorism in judicial procedure;
- Improving cooperation between judicial and law enforcement authorities and agencies in cross-border CT cases;
- Exchanging experiences, views and ideas in dealing with procedures of document classification and de-classification at courts of justice. How these conditions are legally defined in different jurisdictions and what is the best European practice in that sense
The conference/workshop will gather representatives of prosecutor’s offices and courts from the Western Balkans who are dealing with issues of violent extremism, radicalisation and terrorism and experts/practitioners for the legal procedures in dealing with procedures of document classification and de-classification at courts of justice. Representatives of EU Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) and European Judicial Training (EJT) along with the representatives of the RCC’s WB WG on Justice will also be invited.
Target group:
EJTN – Judges and Prosecutors from the Western Balkans dealing with fighting terrorism, extreme violence, radicalization.
Financial support:
This conference is organised and implemented as component part of a DCAF Project/Programme: IISG/WBCTi “IPA II 2016 Regional Action on P/CVE in the Western Balkans”
Background information:
The more prevention-focused CVE approach has become a policy priority for many countries. United Nations Security Council Resolution 2178 denounces violent extremism and recommends that states work within the international legal framework to curtail the mobility of foreign terrorist fighters. The EU Initiative on the Integrative and Complementary Approach to Counter-Terrorism and Violent Extremism in the Western Balkans (WBCTi) received significant support from EU institutions (European Commission, Council of the EU and the European External Action Service as well as the Office of the EU Counter Terrorism Coordinator) from the initial stages, and was subsequently endorsed by the Council of the EU at the level of ministers in late 2015 in the form of Council Conclusions , accompanied by a first multi-annual WBCTi Integrative Plan of Action (iPA) for the period 2015-2017 . The Council Conclusions invite EU actors (relevant EU institutions, agencies and 28 EU Member States) to coordinate and cooperate planned actions by means of WBCTi, in order to effectively identify and fill identified gaps by engaging in a more rational use of resources, joining expertise and by creating synergies – as opposed to overlapping of efforts in the region due to a lack of coordination witnessed so far.
Having that in mind and being a part of the Integrative Internal Security Governance (IISG), the RCC worked together with partners on shaping up WBCTi Action Plan 2018-2020 which puts strong emphasis on the whole of society approach in dealing with detrimental phenomenon such is violent extremism, radicalisation that is leading to terrorist acts.
The whole of society approach presupposes efficient work and networking of the law enforcement institutions, especially courts of justice and correctional measures and facilities. Judges, prosecutors, prison and probation staff are therefore the main professionals who are supposed to enable implementation of coherent legal and judicial response to the violent extremism, radicalisation that is leading to terrorism.
This conference also offers the possibility to all participants to discuss the training needs in courts, prosecution offices, prisons and probation services concerning the specific nature of cases of violent extremism, radicalisation and terrorism.
As the organisation whose security portfolio is guided by the main principle of the EU regional security cooperative order approach, the RCC organises this event in timely manner and with main aim to address important questions pertinent for efficient, more coherent and better harmonised with EU standards legal and juridical procedures in cases of violent extremism and terrorism.
If you are interested to attend, send us your application on this email: political.department@rcc.int
For any questions related to logistics you can contact Ms. Natasa Mitrovic at: natasa.mitrovic@rcc.int
Documents_ Download: 1. Agenda 2. Background Paper |