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Home affairs funds: Council adopts €18 billion funds for 2021-2027
The EU is increasing the scope of its funding for measures in the fields of asylum and migration, integrated border management and internal security, so as to address growing challenges in these policy areas.
The Council today adopted three sectoral proposals for the funding of home affairs policies, under the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework (MFF). The texts now need to be adopted by the European Parliament.
Developing a common migration policy and improving the security of our citizens within the Schengen area require the funds to match our ambitions. In the past years we have adopted legislation to reinforce Frontex, as well as to improve the databases used to control borders and fight crime. The texts adopted today will allow us to bring these important agreements out of the paper and into reality.
Eduardo Cabrita, Portuguese Minister for Home Affairs
Asylum, migration and integration fund
This fund will equip the EU with the necessary tools to respond to evolving migration challenges, both within the EU and in cooperation with third countries. It sets four specific objectives: asylum policy, legal migration and integration, irregular migration and returns, and solidarity and responsibility sharing between member states. Minimum percentages of the fund are linked to some of the objectives, with a minimum of 15% allocated to each of the objectives on asylum and on legal migration in the member states’ programmes, and 20% allocated to the solidarity objective in the thematic facility. 5% of the thematic facility will target local and regional authorities to assist them in the integration of third country nationals.
Under the solidarity objective, the fund will increase incentives for transfers of applicants and beneficiaries of international protection between member states. Incentives for the admission of persons through resettlement and humanitarian admission will also continue.
The asylum, migration and integration fund also covers actions in third countries or in relation to them, while acknowledging the role of other EU funds intended to address external action.
Instrument for financial support for border management and visa
The agreed text reflects recent developments such as the expansion of the European Border and Coast Guard, the modernisation of the common visa policy and the development and interoperability of large-scale IT systems (including the European travel information and authorisation system and the entry/exit system).
Under the new instrument, a minimum of 10% of the member states’ programmes will be allocated to the visa policy, while the maximum percentage for operating support in the programmes has been increased to 33% of the funding. The co-financing rates for priority actions, such as measures to improve the interoperability of IT systems, have been increased.
The new provisions also enhance simplification, flexibility, cost-effectiveness and cooperation and coordination between national authorities. The assets purchased with a financial contribution from this instrument will also be used in other areas, including in customs and maritime operations or to achieve the objectives of the other two home affairs funds.
Internal security fund
The fund builds on the current one and adapts it to new developments, such as the need to intensify the fight against terrorism and radicalisation, serious and organised crime and cybercrime. It will support measures to improve the exchange of information, to intensify cross-border cooperation, including joint operations on terrorism and organised crime, and to strengthen capabilities to prevent and combat crime.
Funding for the purchase of equipment has been increased in the member states’ programmes to a maximum of 35%, while that for operating support has been raised to a maximum of 20%. Decentralised agencies will exceptionally be eligible for funding when they assist in the implementation of EU actions which fall within their competence and are not covered by the EU contribution to their budget made through the annual EU budget.
On 13 June 2018, as part of the next MFF package, the Commission issued three sectoral proposals in the area of home affairs. Drawing from lessons learned, and taking into account new policy developments, the Commission proposed a significant reinforcement of the EU budget in the areas of migration, borders and security.
- Position of the Council at first reading on the regulation establishing the asylum, migration and integration fund
- Position of the Council at first reading on the regulation establishing the instrument for financial support for border management and visa policy
- Position of the Council at first reading on the regulation establishing the internal security fund
- Long-term EU budget 2021-2027 (background information)
Source: Link