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WBCTi: Kick Off Meeting of the Western Balkan Regional Network of National P-CVE Coordinators

Kick Off Meeting of the Western Balkan Regional Network of National P-CVE Coordinators, 7-8 June, Prague. Photo Credit: CEELI Institute
In pursuit of achieving the goals set up in the WBCTi Integrative Plan of Action 2018-2020, adopted by the IISG Board in March 2018, and in consideration of the recent EU Western Balkan Strategy the IISG Support Group, together with the EUD / EUSR to Bosnia and Herzegovina and the CEELI Institute organized the first meeting of the Western Balkan Regional Network of National P-CVE Coordinators. The main objective of the meeting was the establishment of a regional platform, whose purpose will be to create a high-level forum for a regular exchange of good practices, national approaches and challenges faced in the development, as well as the implementation of the P-CVE strategies and action plans in the Western Balkan region, including efforts contributed by the international community.
The meeting, held between 7-8 June in Prague, was attended by national P-CVE Coordinators or P-CVE representatives within the respective Ministry of Interior of the six Western Balkan countries, who presented an in-depth overview of their country`s state of play and national approaches in the field of P-CVE. In general, they expressed concerns over the high number of implemented activities, which are causing overlapping and duplication, and the lack of capacities and knowledge. The second part of the meeting was dedicated to representatives from the EEAS (EEAS HQ, EUSR and EUD BiH) and the European Commission (DG HOME and DG NEAR) to present the Strategy for the WB, as well as the latest developments and future support for the region. The IISG Chair presented the recently adopted integrative Plan of Action 2018-2020, and the multiagency cooperation mechanism, the P-R-A Concept. The meeting was also attended by EU Delegations and Offices from Albania, Kosovo, and Skopje.
In conclusions, participants welcomed the establishment of the Western Balkan Regional Network of National P-CVE Coordinators and agreed on future engagements of the network, as maintaining a continuous and active communication line between the members of the network on all P-CVE related matters is crucial for ensuring its effective functioning.
Source: wbcti.wb-iisg.com