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RCC Event: Student Discussio and Workshop „Community Dialogue – Preventing Radicalisation in Local Communities and Among Youth

Discussion with students: Early signs of radicalisation in local communities, particularly among youth
In cooperation with the Faculty of criminalistics, criminology and security studies of the University of Sarajevo, the RCC will on September 18th gather in Sarajevo students from Bihac, Banjaluka, Tuzla, Zenica, Mostar and Sarajevo in order to discuss early signs of radicalisation in local communities and in particularly among youth.
It is expected that this event will generate a constructive debate on societal context of local radicalisation as well as necessity for developing strong referral mechanism for not only detecting, but also preventing radicalisation narratives among youth. We expect to have experienced lecturers from the EU, universities in BiH and region. This one day will put in focus interesting lectures and theoretical aspects alongside will practical work in breakout session where students will discuss different case studies and will consequently come up with their own ideas and suggestions addressed to their institutions and local communities.
This project is implemented as IPA II 2016 Regional Action on P/CVE in the Western Balkans together with DCAF Ljubljana and IISG.