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RCC Event: Workshop: „Training the Trainers” - National offices for P/CVE in 13 economies from South East Europe

Workshop: „Training the Trainers” - National offices for P/CVE in 13 economies from South East Europe, Skopje, 2 - 4 October, 2018
In cooperation with the Office of the National Coordinator for Preventing Violent Extremism and Terrorism of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the RCC will on October 2-4 2018 in Skopje, organise two days of “Training the Trainers” workshop aimed at boosting skills and knowledge base of national offices for P/CVE in 13 economies from SEE.
The Group of National Focal Points for Countering Radicalization and Violent Extremism Leading to Terrorism and Foreign Terrorist Fighters in Southeast Europe (“NFP CVE-FTF Group”) was established as a part of the RCC’s Regional Platform for Countering Radicalization and Violent Extremism Leading to Terrorism and Foreign Terrorist Fighters in Southeast Europe (“SEE Regional CVE-FTF Platform”).
The NFP Group has a strategic coordination role. It serves as a clearinghouse for ideas, proposals, and initiatives for regional CVE-FTF projects and activities, exchange of information and experience on CVE-FTF, supports more efficient cooperation of the RCC participants from the region in prevention and suppression of the FTF phenomenon, intensified cooperation and coordination with key international partners such as UN, UN specialized agencies, EU institutions and bodies, OSCE and The Group formulates policy recommendations, which feed the decision-making process of the SEECP Participants in their efforts to counter radicalisation and violent extremism.