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Trade – key of success is in cross-border cooperation?

Winner of the Round 5, Voice of the Region Competition

The Harbour of Possibilities (Photo by: Ivana Milinkovic, 29 years, Novo Mesto)
Photo by Ivana Milinkovic,
29 years, Novo Mesto


The photo "The Harbour of Possibilities" presents sunset in the largest Slovenian port of Kopar. Kopar is one of the most important commercial hub of Europe and the Balkans which cargo tonnage increases annually. Considering that just in 2013, about 18 million tons of various goods passed through Kopar. Long history of maritime trade brought with itself new people, also. According to the last census in 2002, a quarter of Kopar population consists of immigrants from the former Yugoslavia – mostly from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia ... Beside a beautiful sunset, pleasant evening walk in Adriatic port brings different languages, smells and opportunities that intense trade creates every day.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence