Policy Dialogue Seminar on Inclusion of Roma and Egyptian Communities in Albania
- 20 Apr 2022
- News

Orhan USEIN, Roma Integration Head of Office (Photo: RCC/Roma Integration)
Policy Dialogue Seminar on Inclusion of Roma and Egyptian Communities in Albania took place in Tirana, with education, antigypsyism, employment, health, social care, housing and civil registration in focus.
The aim of the seminar was to make an overall assessment of the implementation of the operational conclusions of the Seminar on Inclusion of the Roma and Egyptian Communities that was held in December 2018, inform about actions taken so far, discuss problems encountered at both central and local levels, and identify possible solutions to improve the effective implementation of inclusion policies.
At the opening, the guests were addressed by Ms Ogerta MANASTIRLIU, Minister of Health and Social Protection; Mr Alexis HUPIN, Chargé d’Affaires, EU Delegation to Albania; Mr Orhan USEIN, Roma Integration Head of Office, and Mr Adriatik HASANTARE, Roma Active Albania. During the event, Ms Merita Xhafaj, Roma National Contact Point presented the update on the implementation of Roma Seminar conclusion from the last seminar, held in December 2018, while the final recommendations and next steps were given by Ms Marta Garcia FIDALGO, Advisor, Coordination of Roma Policies DG, NEAR; and Ms. Denada SEFERI, Deputy Minister of Health and Social Protection.
The Seminar brought together representatives from the central and local levels, independent human rights and anti-discrimination institutions, experts from the EU, representatives of the civil society and international organisations. They exchanged opinions, experiences and best practices on inclusion of Roma and Egyptian communities in Albania. The event was organised jointly by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and the European Union in Albania, with the support of the Regional Cooperation Council - RCC's Roma Integration project and gathered around 100 guests.
Social inclusion of vulnerable groups is high on the agenda of the European Union, including in the context of its enlargement, and is a high priority for the Government of Albania, reinforced with the approval by the Council of Ministers of the Action Plan for Equality, Inclusion and Participation of Roma and Egyptians, 2021-2025.