Progress Reports on the Integration of Roma for 2017 submitted by the RI2020 Participating Governments

Roma Integration 2020

Roma Integration 2020

The Governments participating in the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)'s Roma Integration 2020 (RI2020) submitted annual reports on the implementation of their national strategies and action plans on Roma integration for 2017, according to the regionally adopted standards for monitoring and reporting.

Each report provides information about the institutions responsible for Roma integration, including on the National Roma Contact Points and the inter-disciplinary bodies on Roma integration in each government. Detailed overview in the priority areas of education, employment, housing and health is provided through description of the implemented measures, as well as number of beneficiaries and budget spent for each measure, as available. The reports also contain overview of the annual budget and impact assessment with statistical data on the situation of Roma and the gaps between Roma and others.

The Roma Integration 2020 Action Team supported the reporting efforts of the governments by providing regional standards, coordination and technical expertise. The Roma Integration 2020 is also contributing to the follow-up of the progress reports by organizing public dialogue platforms where relevant institutions present the report, and other institutions, civil society and other interested parties discuss the achievements and challenges. The reports also make use of the data from the 2017 Regional Roma Survey.

The 2017 progress reports are the second round of reports. The analysis of the reports shows that there is still a need to support this process and build the capacities of the authorities to regularly collect relevant data, including statistics and budgetary data.

The reports are available here.