Private and banking sector to discuss sustainable development, development financing and green transformation

17 November 2022 Online

Joint meeting between chambers and banking associations of SEECP in the context of  SEE2030 Strategy is to take place on 17 November 2022 in an online format. 

The meeting is to gather all South East Europe Cooperation Process (SEECP) participants’ representatives of the private and banking sectors to discuss their role in sustainable development, development financing and green transformation.

The objective of the meeting is to discuss the scope of regional cooperation in SEE region between private and banking sectors in the context of SEE2030 Strategy, and in accordance with the best practices of sustainable development financing and new EU rules on corporate sustainability reporting as part of the Sustainable Finance Package. This meeting will be the first attempt to gather all SEECP participants’ private and financial sector representatives in charge of development financing, and to initiate a regionally all-inclusive network in the context of SDGs. 

The meeting is being organized by the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat (RCC), Chamber of Economy of Montenegro and Association of Montenegrin Banks.