Open Calls

059-024 Assessment of Green Bond Readiness and Framework Development for the Western Balkan Six

Published: 16 OCTOBER 2024 Deadline: 31 OCTOBER 2024

The objective of the technical assistance is to assess the suitability of the enabling environment for development of green bonds. This assignment provides baseline work for the new workstream on sustainable finance under the CRM2. The eventual development of a harmonised framework could pave the way for the establishment of a regional market for green bonds.

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058-024 Comprehensive Assessment of the Investment Environment for Sustainable Development in the Western Balkan Six

Published: 16 OCTOBER 2024 Deadline: 31 OCTOBER 2024

The objective of the technical assistance is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the investment environment in each WB6, focusing on how regulatory frameworks, investment promotion activities, and measurement systems are conducive to attracting investments that contribute to sustainable development. The assessment will provide insights into the strengths and gaps in existing structures and offer recommendations for enhancing the region's ability to attract and retain sustainable investments. This will support the ongoing shift in CRM2 towards prioritising investments that address sustainability challenges in line with global and EU trends.

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