Regional Roaming Platform was convened under the RCC’s auspices in direct response to the e-SEE Ministerial Declaration (of 30 September 2015, in Pržno, Montenegro) calling the RCC to work on the roaming policy harmonisation in the Western Balkans and future prospects of the Regional Roaming Agreement (RRA), signed in September 2014. The work of the platform was extended to support implementation of the actions under MAP REA and Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans.

The Platform consists of representatives from ICT ministries and regulatory agencies for electronic communications in the Western Balkans and has been in charge of elaborating the first consolidated regional analysis of the institutional, legal and regulatory framework relevant for roaming policies, as well as a systematized regional overview of the RRA’s market impact data.

The Platform facilitated the process of preparation of the new all-inclusive Regional Roaming Agreement (RRA) which is signed at the occasion of the 2nd Western Balkans Digital Summit in April 2019. The Regional Roaming Agreement introduces significant reductions from its first day of implementation, 1 July 2019, and entirely eliminates roaming costs within July 2021. The introduction of roaming free regime in WB enables the prospective integration of our region in EU’s roaming free space – which can be a major accomplishment.

The platform will be also in charge of monitoring of the implementation of the RRA2 in the future, and its expected full implementation as of 1st July 2021.