Setting Western Balkans Competitiveness and Innovation Accelerator in motion

21 February 2020 Tirana

Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and the World Economic Forum (WEF) meet to agree on next steps to set the first ever regional Competitiveness and Innovation Accelerator for the Western Balkans.

This, first Accelerator’s Leadership Group meeting, is to be held in Tirana on 21 February. The partners are to agree on key priorities for the development of the Action Plan, formalize the establishment of the Leadership Group and the role of the Regional Coordinator, as well as to outline 2020 activities and milestones for the Accelerator.

Last November the RCC and WEF signed Memorandum of Understanding on accelerating region’s competitiveness and innovation. The accelerator is envisioned as a public-private collaboration platform, to support the region in improving its competitiveness and long-term growth.