For the first time in the region: RCC presents SecuriMeter - perceptions of security in the Western Balkans

24 May 2021 Online

The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) will present its first-ever regional Securimeter - Security Public Opinion Survey and its analysis to the general public in an online event on 24 May 2021

 #SecuriMeter 2021 tells us what Western Balkan citizens’ think on security in general, their perceptions on terrorism fighting, organized crime and preventing border security, on gun ownership, trafficking,  illegal immigrations, disinformation, and fake news and much more.

If you want an invitation to join the presentation of the SecuriMeter, please register here.  

The launch is being organized by the RCC in cooperation with partners IISG, SEESAC, MARRI, DPPI, and will hold the presentation of key findings of the public opinion survey followed by panel discussion: “Radicalisation and Terrorism in virtual sphere – how to boost resiliance among young people”.


Documents Agenda