Energy Community, RCC to host workshop on reducing emissions in the energy sector in South East Europe
24 October 2010

RCC works to encourage emissions reduction from the power industry in South East Europe. (Photo: UNFPA,
SARAJEVO – A two-day workshop on reducing pollutions from the power industry in South East Europe will commence in Sarajevo tomorrow, co-organized by the Secretariats of the Energy Community (EnC) and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC).
The event will discuss the progress of the Contracting Parties to the Energy Community Treaty in implementing the environmental requirements of this treaty.
Workshop participants are expected to share experiences on the industry’s best practices, legal and regulatory issues, as well as financing models for implementing modern technologies and reducing the emissions. They will be presented with a study on potentials for combating the climate change in power generation in the Energy Community.
The opening remarks will be delivered by Dirk Buschle, Legal Counsel and General Coordinator at the EnC Secretariat, and Miroslav Kukobat, Senior Expert on Infrastructure and Energy at the RCC Secretariat.
The event will bring together representatives of the ministries responsible for energy, environment and power utilities, from the Contracting Parties to the Energy Community Treaty (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and UNMIK/Kosovo) as well as from other RCC members from South East Europe and Energy Community observer countries.
Journalists are invited to attend the opening of the workshop on Monday, 25 October 2010, at 9 a.m., at the premises of the RCC Secretariat, Trg BiH 1/V, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.