RCC Secretary General at the OECD High-Level Conference on South East Europe
26 June 2024 | SPEECH
RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the opening panel of OECD High-Level Conference on South East Europe, held on 26 June 2024 in Paris.
“Western Balkans is a much different region from the one 10 years ago. Regional cooperation proved itself as a safe vessel in a storm, with 80% of the citizens fully supporting it. But as the region is still riddled with tensions, its full potential is yet to be harnessed. With credibility at stake, full implementation of the made commitments, is a hard must! Persistent stalemates and blockages are no longer affordable. The new phase of the Common Regional Market, a regionally-owned framework, is in preparation. While it may not change the whole situation in the region, it is going to bring the region closer together, fast-tracking the much-needed convergence,” said Bregu among other things.
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