Zijah Sokolovic in Pristina on 1 December 2015
30 November 2015

RCC supports theatrical-literary evening of the renowned Bosnia and Herzegovina’s actor, writer and director, Zijah Sokolovic, at the Qendra Multimedia, in Pristina, on 1 December 2015. (Photo: Courtesy of Mr Zijah Sokolovic)
The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) will be supporting a theatrical-literary evening of the renowned Bosnia and Herzegovina’s actor, writer and director, Zijah Sokolovic at the Qendra Multimedia, in Pristina, at 20.00h tomorrow.
Zijah Sokolovic is an acclaimed artist who has worked extensively through the Western Balkans, Slovenia, Croatia and Austria, and elsewhere in the world. He is the Director of Theaterland in Salzburg and a professor at the Bruckner Konsevratorium in Linz. He has starred in numerous movies, television programmes and plays but is maybe best known for his two hit one man shows - “An actor… is an actor… is an actor” (Glumac je… glumac je… glumac) and “Kabares kabarei”.
The activities of the RCC are focused on promotion and enhancement of regional cooperation in South East Europe (SEE) and the support to European and Euro-Atlantic integrations of the aspiring countries. The main areas of RCC’s work lie in the economic and social development spheres; energy and infrastructure; justice and home affairs; security cooperation; building human capital; parliamentary cooperation, civil society activities etc. An integral part of all these activities focused on economic recovery and prosperity is also to foster regional cooperation in arts and culture.
Therefore, the RCC and Qendra Multimedia are proud to offer the Pristina audience an opportunity to hear Mr Sokolovic present his book “An actor… is an actor… is an actor” and discuss theatre, acting, the role of arts and culture. You are cordialy inviting you to join us on Tuesday, 1 December 2015, at 20.00h in Qendra Multimedia, Rr. Idriz Gjilani 7/9 – 1, (Përballë Shkollës Fillore “Xhemajl Mustafa”), Lagja Dardania, 10000 Pristina.