Regional Interoperability and Trust Services in Western Balkans - Methodology, Implementation Vision and Action Plan
23 November 2021 | STUDY
Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) is working to support Western Balkans in the implementation of the digital transformation as part of the Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans (WB), Western Balkan Digital Summits’ Conclusions and Common Regional Market (CRM) 2021-2024 Action Plan. On this note, and following the commitments of the Memorandum of Understanding on Regional Interoperability and Trust Services in Western Balkans Region, signed during the 3rd WB Digital Summit, through this report the RCC continues to support the Western Balkan economies on improving regional interoperability and advance with recognition of eIDs and trust services.
The report shows the current state of play in each Western Balkan economy, including the timeline and action plans at economy and regional level, with a view to enable recognition of eIDs and trust service, in order to ensure full compliance with European Interoperability Framework.
The ultimate goal is to develop and introduce practical approach and concrete action plan toward achieving the operational interoperability between WB economies, as well as between WB and EU Member States.
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