RCC’s ESAP help Montenegro Employment Agency in upgrading their Information Technology System
23 April 2018

RCC’s ESAP help Montenegro Employment Agency in upgrading their Information Technology System (Photo: https://jooinn.com/)
Podgorica – The Regional Cooperation Council’s (RCC) Employment and Social Affairs Platform Project (ESAP)provided technical assistance to the Employment Agency of Montenegro in upgrading the Information Technology System in accordance with the European Employment Service (EURES) requirements.
The EURES, as a cooperation network, is designed to facilitate this movement is of great relevance for Montenegro in light of its accession process to the EuropeanUnion (EU). The Employment Agency of Montenegro (EAM) through ESAP support reviewed the current state of the EAM information system, its applications and functionalities and the development of technical specifications for the upgrading of the existing software platform in order to ensure full compatibility with the EURES regulations and requirements.
Launched in 1993, the EURES network gathers public employment services, trade union, and employers' organizations under the coordination of the European Commission and provides information, guidelines and advisory services to potentially mobile workers on job opportunities,living and working conditions and vacancies in the EU and assistance to the employers willing to recruit workers from other countries.
One of the ESAP objectives is to provide technical assistance to support national processes related to the preparation, monitoring and follow up of national employment, labour market and social affairs strategies, action plans and/or measures, as well as other priority areas under the mandate of Ministries of Labour and Public Employment Services, which are the beneficiaries of this assistance.