Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat to host e-leadership workshop in Sarajevo on Monday
25 June 2010

RCC recognizes the significant role of information and communication technologies in promoting further economic and social development of SEE and catching up with EU standards and practice. (Photo:
SARAJEVO – A two-day regional e-leadership workshop will open at the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) in Sarajevo on Monday, 28 June. The event is co-organized by the RCC Secretariat and the eLeadership Programme for the Western Balkans of the United Nations Development Programme, with support of the Italian Government.
The aim of the meeting is to assist e-leaders in implementing reforms and e-government systems. It will comprise of several training sessions, designed to strengthen capacities of South East Europe (SEE) e-Leaders.
The sessions will focus on lobbying about benefits of the information and communication technologies (ICT) and address the fundamentals of change management techniques to ensure proper utilization of the ICT. Building of collaboration among SEE countries through a joint development of regional information society programmes will also be discussed, along with e-inclusion, as a very important and sensitive topic.
The event will be opened by the UNDP Resident Representative and UN Resident Coordinator for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yuri Afanasiev, Minister of Communications and Transport of BiH, Rudo Vidovic, RCC Political Advisor, Alphan Solen, and Director of Italian Development Cooperation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Silvano Tabbo.
A side meeting, that will bring together e-SEE Initiative government representatives and e-SEE Secretariat, along with the RCC, is to discuss preparations for the forthcoming e-SEE ministerial conference envisaged for autumn 2010.
The ministerial conference plans to gather SEE ministers in charge of development of the Information Society, in order to recognize the benefits of e-SEE Agenda and e-SEE Agenda Plus in building a regionally coordinated Information Society. The ministers are expected to reaffirm the strong commitment to the implementation of the e-SEE Agenda Plus priorities and to endorse its updated and revised deadlines.
e-SEE Agenda Plus is the regional action plan for eGovernance and ICT development adopted by nine Governments at the Regional eSEE Ministerial Conference in Sarajevo in October 2007.
Journalists are invited to attend the opening of the meeting on Monday, 28 June 2010, at 10 a.m., at the premises of the RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo, Trg BiH 1/V, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.