Regional Cooperation Council website introduces new user-friendly features
28 April 2011

Photo RCC: Follow us on Twitter @rccint
SARAJEVO – The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat launched today several new online features, designed to diversify user-friendly access to the content of the organization’s website.
The new website features include enhanced social media function (Twitter), PDA friendly display and new multi-media gallery containing photo, audio and video files. The existing features, enabling subscription to RCC newsletter, news, events, press releases, documents and publications, have also been improved.
“The Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat has constantly strived to keep abreast with new technologies and make the content of its website as user-friendly as possible”, said Dinka Zivalj, RCC Spokesperson.
“The website is an important public information tool of the organization and a key means of keeping the organization’s stakeholders and wider audiences up-to-date with the implementation of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2011-2013.”
“This open and transparent approach is the core of the RCC Secretariat’s communication strategy. The goal is to establish understanding and awareness of the RCC mission to promote mutual cooperation and European and Euro-Atlantic integration of South East Europe in order to inspire development in the region to the benefit of its people.“
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