News Archive
28 October 2024 | News
Western Balkans records 23% rise in tourist arrivals last year
Bar/Sarajevo – With an aim to shape a sustainable future for Western Balkans (WB) tourism, the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) organised and co-hosted the conference dubbed A Sustainable Future: Cooperation, Communication, and Connectivity in the Western Balkans' Rural and Adventure Tourism on 24-25 October in Bar. The ...
04 April 2023 | News
Bregu: Economic importance of tourism can make or break any region
Tirana – “Western Balkans pre-pandemic tourism showed positive trends. More than 12 million people visited the region, which brought a profit of 7.2 billion EUR. Tourism made 10.2% of the region’s GDP and accounted for more than 25% of exports. While one can go figure digging through reports, the core question for all of us is how to position Western Balkans at the world ...
21 October 2022 | News
All-inclusive regional cooperation and Common Regional Market deliver results
Berlin/Sarajevo – The Western Balkans (WB) Foreign Ministers approved three regional agreements - on Freedom of Movement with Identity Cards, on Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications, and on Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Doctors of Medicine, Dentists and Architects – at the WB-EU ministerial meeting, organised within the Berlin Process by the German Government ...
12 May 2022 | News
Bregu: Removing barriers is the first step in positioning Western Balkans at the world tourism map
Tirana – “Tourism has a vast potential as a major catalyst for job creation and a driving force for economic growth and development especially for tourism dependent regions like ours. In 2019 more than 12 million people visited Western Balkans, which brought us a profit of 7.2 billion euros. The post-pandemic period of 2021 shows 70% recovery in all tourism visits, while WB regional ...
11 May 2022 | News
RCC to host Western Balkans Ministerial Conference on Tourism Development
Tourism has a great potential to accelerate progress and transform threats into opportunities
16 June 2021 | News
Bregu: 2020 was difficult, but a real progress and achievements have been made for development of our region
Antalya – “Last year, ruled by the pandemic has definitely showcased the extent of our interconnectivity and interdependency and demonstrated that in cooperating, we boost our strengths and resilience. It is clear that regional socio-economic integration is crucial for regional development. There is no doubt about the fact that cooperation brings mutual benefit to its participants. ...
08 April 2021 | News
Western Balkans endorses Tirana Declaration to Support Tourism in the Region
Sarajevo/Tirana – Ministers and representatives of the six Western Balkans (WB) governments endorsed the Tirana Declaration on supporting sustainable tourism recovery and growth in the region, at the high-level regional conference marking the finalisation of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)’s EU-funded Tourism Development and Promotion project, held in Tirana today.
06 April 2021 | News
Tirana Declaration endorsement to mark the finalisation of RCC’s Tourism Development and Promotion project
Sarajevo, Tirana – The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and its Triple P Tourism Project are organising a 2-day Regional Conference - Tourism as a Key to Sustainable Development which will kick off on 7 April marking the finalisation of the RCC’s EU funded Triple P Tourism Development and Promotion project. Paving the way for tourism and travel industry rehabilitation, the participating ...
11 March 2021 | News
Bregu: 77% of Western Balkans citizens agree that the relations in the region are better than a year ago
Sarajevo/Tirana – “The months since our last meeting in October have been difficult with the onset of new Covid-19 waves and new variants of the virus turning things topsy-turvy with a downward spiralling. In terms of regional cooperation, the big good news was the success of the Sofia Summit of the Berlin Process and the endorsement of the Declaration on Green Agenda for the ...
05 March 2021 | News
Adapting Tourism Products for New Priority Markets webinars
Elite Travel Group in association with RCC Triple P – Tourism Development and Promotion Project funded by the EU started a series of free webinars on 3rd March 2020 aiming to provide a rapid response for the post-pandemic Western Balkan tourism sector to restart.
02 March 2021 | News
Bregu: Futourismo is a new hope to help our region recover its tourism
Tirana/Sarajevo – Seven teams from the Western Balkans: • Guidi for app Veni, Vidi, Guidi • BIB for 'Be in Balkan' Mobile Application, • Digital Clinic for e-Health Tourism • TED for Safe Traveling Western Balkans • Sanatec7 for 'Virtual Culture' • ...
01 March 2021 | News
Six Western Balkans projects aimed at helping region’s tourism to be awarded 15.000 EUR each, at a ceremony tomorrow
Sarajevo/Tirana – On 3 February 2021, the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and its Triple P Tourism Project launched the 1st regional FUTOURISMO competition, seeking innovative digital solutions that will help mitigate the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the heavily affected sector of tourism.
03 February 2021 | News
RCC launches FUTOURISMO, regional competition to boost tourism in the Western Balkans
Sarajevo - The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and its EU funded Tourism Project are organising the first Western Balkans FUTOURISMO competition, seeking innovative digital solutions that will help mitigate the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the heavily affected sector of tourism.
05 January 2021 | News
RCC: Supporting Western Balkans tourism through art
Sarajevo - The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) nurtures a beautiful blossom in its midst, with a substance more resilient than any form we try to give to our incentives, the project that promotes tourism, the natural beauties and unique art of our blessed countries.
16 July 2020 | News
Bregu: Balkathon – Smarten up for the future is not only regional response to pandemic outbreak but also a mind-setter for the changing, digital world
Sarajevo – Miron Lukač on behalf of Portal World Team from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albana Mucaj on behalf of the Kallz Training Center Team from Albania, and Dritan Mollanji on behalf of Symmetric Team from Albania were awarded for their best innovative solutions for Smart Tourism, Digital Learning and Online Payments at the final session of Balkathon, the 1st Regional Online Competition ...
15 July 2020 | News
BALKATHON FINALS: Best Digital Solutions from the Western Balkans to be Awarded at the Final Session of the 1st Regional Online Competition
Sarajevo - 1st Regional BALKATHON ends tomorrow, 16 July 2020, with selection of the 3 best innovative digital solutions out of 88 applicants from the Western Balkans, at the final online session.
25 June 2020 | News
Bregu: It is up to the region to retain commitment to cooperation and bring forth tangible progress to citizens
Tirana/Sarajevo/Prishtina – The two meetings have been held today within the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) - the meeting of the SEECP Ministers of Foreign Affairs and the RCC Annual Meeting, which RCC co-organised with the outgoing Kosovo SEECP Chairmanship-in-Office (CiO).
24 June 2020 | News
Bregu: Cooperation is the only blueprint that holds the promise of ‘Stronger Together’
Sarajevo – “The regional cooperation continues to grow in prominence with an overwhelming majority of citizens supportive of its role in improving the political, economic and security situation in their home economies - 77%, and 65% of them believes that what brings WB citizens together is more important than what separates us. The quick spread of COVID -19 was a grim reminder ...
23 June 2020 | News
The Shape of the Things to Come - Presentation of Balkan Barometer 2020
Sarajevo – The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) will present 2020 edition of Balkan Barometer on Wednesday 24 June 2020. This annual public and business opinion survey of the RCC examines the perception and expectations on life and work, prevalent socio-economic and political trends & regional and European integration in the Western Balkan. The 2020 edition presents for the first ...
08 June 2020 | News
Tourism in the Western Balkans: Where and How in the Times of the Pandemic?
Sarajevo – “These are very difficult times for the Western Balkans’ tourism as the consequences of the global corona virus pandemic took the highest toll on travel and tourism industries. For our region it is especially important to find the ways to support these industries and help them recover, given that tourism contributes to the region’s GDP with over 10%”, said Snjezana Derviskadic, ...
18 May 2020 | News
Western Balkans: Amazing virtual museum tours
18th May is International Museum Day and today we are coming together to celebrate the history, art and cultural heritage throughout the museums in the Western Balkans. Museums around the world have closed to prevent the spread of COVID-19, meanwhile their virtual tours are still open and trending. From the comfort of your couch, through the following Western Balkans museums you are able ...
14 May 2020 | News
Bregu: Pandemic created a common awareness that at least for now humankind takes precedence over politics and disputes
Sarajevo – “For all its aggressiveness, the COVID-19 crisis also offers glimmers of hope. It has connected Western Balkans even more, this time in a fight against an invisible enemy. It has persuaded us that cooperation should be resilient. It has created a common awareness that at least for now humankind takes precedence over politics and disputes, while borders are considered ...
06 May 2020 | News
Bregu: No brilliant regional plan can succeed without strong political leadership and fully synchronized EU- WB trajectories
Sarajevo/Tirana/Zagreb - Now, almost 4 years after we initiated the work on Regional Economic Area (REA) the region is ready to embark on the next phase of deepening regional economic cooperation assure the WB6 economies to have ownership first, and bringing the region closer to the EU internal market. While it is my pleasure to officially commit today the full readiness and dedication ...
18 April 2020 | News
Bregu: Tourism in the Western Balkans already feels the pinch of COVID-19 pandemic
Sarajevo – “As this pandemic keeps billions of people at home, one sector is already feeling the pinch - tourism. One in five booked trips to Western Balkans planned for 2020 is cancelled. And this makes situation notoriously difficult, knowing that tourism contributes to 10.2% of the region’s GDP in the Western Balkans, while 11.4 % of the total employees are from Travel & ...
04 March 2020 | News
RCC tourism project exceeds plans; total number of development grants reaches 36
Sarajevo – “With the award of the eight new grants to be implemented over the next six months throughout the Western Balkans, we have reached the total number of 36 tourism development and promotion grants, which well exceeds the originally set target to have some 30 development initiatives implemented through our tourism project,” said Snjezana Derviskadic, RCC Tourism Development ...
21 February 2020 | News
RCC presents Balkan Monumental Trail, a new regional tourism route
BELGRADE – “We are very pleased to have used today, the Belgrade International Fair of Tourism, as a staging ground for the launch of the new joint regional cultural tourism route called the Balkan Monumental Trail,” said Snjezana Derviskadic, RCC’s Tourism Development and Promotion Project Team Leader.
08 January 2020 | News
RCC: Listen to Women as no challenge can keep them from fulfilling their dreams
RCC’s Women Empowerment - WE- campaign continues featuring remarkable women from the Western Balkans and brings you Uta Ibrahimi - “At the beginning they told me climbing was for men and I did a lot of work to prove them wrong and change that mentality. You can do the same, just listen to women!”
02 December 2019 | News
RCC continues developing tourism in the Western Balkans: 3rd call for proposals for tourism development grants published
SARAJEVO – As the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) implemented and EU funded Tourism Development and Promotion Project enters its final stage, the RCC published the 3rd Call for Proposals for the award of tourism development grants in the Western Balkans. The total value of the call is 320,000 euros which will be used to fund up to 7 different projects.
22 November 2019 | News
16 New Grants for Tourism Development and Promotion in Western Balkans Awarded by RCC, EU
Durres – “Today, with presenting the results of the completed 12 and awarding 16 new grants for the tourism development and promotion in the Western Balkans, we are showing you a part of the success story from this region, and it is not a success of policy-making or GDP but of the people. For us, tourism project is not just a matter of how many grantees are with us today – 16, or 12 ...
08 November 2019 | News
Via Dinarica expands its regional coordination structure throughout Western Balkans
Non-governmental organisations from Albania, Kosovo* and Serbia joined today Via Dinarica regional coordination structure during a meeting organised by the RCC implemented and EU funded Tourism Development and Promotion Project in Tirana.
07 November 2019 | News
Via Dinarica just keeps getting better
It is 11 o’clock on an idle Monday and about to start raining in a tiny village of Rekë e Allagës in Rugova Mountain, all green with pine trees. Fetije Nikiqi is well under way to prepare cheese pie in a wooden stove while Hozefa Indorewala looks to the sky from the porch thinking just how far up the mountain have his friends gone and how damp might they be as they return for lunch.
10 June 2019 | News
RCC launches the next grant call: 750,000 EUR for developing tourism in the Western Balkans
SARAJEVO – The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), under its Tourism Development and Promotion EU funded project, launched today the second in a row grant call for projects developing the tourism offer in the Western Balkans. While the grants scheme totals EUR 1.62 million, this second tranche is making available EUR 750,000 for the implementation of some 14 pilot projects worth up to EUR ...
08 June 2019 | News
Via Dinarica connectivity in the Accursed Mountain gets an upgrade
PEJE/PEČ - Community Development Fund, beneficiary of the RCC implemented and EU funded tourism development grant scheme, organize today a FAM trip for tour operators and media to inaugurate 6 newly developed sections of Via Dinarica trail in Kosovo* connecting it with the trail portions in Albania and Montenegro.
07 June 2019 | News
New circuit trail and tales of river log-driving enrich Via Dinarica
PODGORICA - A new attraction for hikers of Via Dinarica’s White Trail passing through Tara River Canyon in Montenegro was presented today in Podgorica.
07 June 2019 | News
New regional hiking trail comes to life: Mokra Gora Mt., Beauty of the Balkans
ZUBIN POTOK - A brand new regional hiking trail running across Mokra Gora Mountain from Montenegro, across Kosovo* to Serbia was inaugurated today in Zubin Potok. The trail was developed by the Institute for Territorial Economic Development – InTER through an RCC implemented and EU funded tourism development grant scheme.
06 June 2019 | News
Powered by RCC, Accursed Mountains show their cultural edge
TIRANA – Stunningly beautiful nature of the Accursed Mountains settled between Albania, Kosovo* and Montenegro just got its cultural edge. From now on, colourful legends, verbal history, songs, dances, crafts and cuisine of local communities living in remote mountainous villages are going to be part of the hiking tours through this region.
05 June 2019 | News
The Tales of 4 Fortresses - Creative History Balkans Tour enriches regional tourism offer
NOVI SAD – With the summer at our door, the Western Balkans cultural tourism offers just got richer. EXIT Foundation, a beneficiary of the RCC implemented and EU funded tourism development grant scheme and a winner of the RCC’s champion of regional cooperation award, launched today in Novi Sad the Creative History Balkans Tour which takes visitors to four amazing fortresses in the region.
05 June 2019 | News
Legends of fortresses get new interpretation
DANILOVGRAD - Danilovgrad Municipality, through an RCC provided and EU funded tourism development grant, has revived three fortresses in three Western Balkans economies.
30 May 2019 | News
New horseback riding route connects Western Balkans
Subotica – The latest Western Balkans tourism attraction – a 500 kilometres long horseback riding route running from Vojvodina in the north to Hercegovina in the south – was inaugurated today in Subotica.
18 May 2019 | News
Hidden Gems of Skopje Old Town surface up with new cool mobile app
Skopje - Starting today, visitors of the Skopje Old Town, Čaršija, will be able to experience it in a completely new way. Coming to their service is the mobile application – Skopje Gems - that provides seven guided cultural tours through Čaršija and takes visitors to the doorsteps of shops owners who keep traditional crafts and cuisine alive, as well as to museums and religious and ...
14 May 2019 | News
Futuristic World War II monuments making comeback as Balkan’s tourism attraction
SARAJEVO - Among the Western Balkans cultural tourism routes that the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)’s Tourism Development and Promotion project is currently developing, is the so called Balkan Monumental Trail that encompasses region’s iconic World War II (WWII) monuments.
10 May 2019 | News
The region has spoken – the hottest summer spots in South East Europe selected
Sarajevo – The time has come for the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) to announce the winners of its #looking4summer photo/video contest featuring summer beauties of the South East Europe (SEE), which were selected in a joined excercise of Instagram and Facebook users and the RCC crew. And here they are:
07 May 2019 | News
Cultural diversity connects Sarajevo, Kotor and Novi Sad
SARAJEVO - Sarajevo Meeting of Cultures (SMOC), beneficiary of the RCC implemented and EU funded Tourism Development and Promotion Grant Scheme, presented today in Sarajevo a new regional tourism route based on cultural diversity of the Western Balkans.
29 April 2019 | News
Balkan Trafik! Festival: Promoting the best of the Western Balkans in the European Union
Brussels – For the past few days Brussels replaced its political foretoken as a European political centre and became a hub for Western Balkan art and culture. The 13th edition of Balkan Trafik! Festival (BTF), which took place 24-28 April, promoted the best of the Western Balkans (WB) and the South East Europe (SEE) in the European Union (EU) through a series of concerts, exhibitions, theatre ...
26 April 2019 | News
RCC powers Balkan Trafik! Festival, promotes cultural tourism
SARAJEVO – 13th edition of the Balkan Trafik! Festival which promotes cultures of the South East Europe through theatre, literature, cinema, music, graphic arts, gastronomy, street art, and workshops is taking place in Brussels from 24 to 28 April 2019.
25 April 2019 | News
Tourism industry accounts for 14 percent of employment in the Western Balkans
Belgrade – Planning of most viable itineraries along the two new Western Balkans cultural routes that are currently under development was the main topic discussed by the representatives of tourism agencies and tour operators from the region, at the meeting organized by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)’s EU funded Tourism Development and Promotion Project, in Belgrade today.
19 April 2019 | News
RCC grant recipient introduces new regional cultural tourism product: The Illyricum Trail
BELGRADE - Danube Competence Center (DCC), beneficiary of the RCC Tourism Development and Promotion Project’s grant scheme, funded by the European Union, introduced yesterday in Belgrade the new and upcoming Western Balkans branch of the Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route’s called the Illyricum Trail.
12 March 2019 | News
Western Balkans tourism on the rise: Powered by RCC, cultural and adventure tour operators promote the region at the ITB Berlin
Berlin – Over the last five days, 19 tour operators from the Western Balkans promoted the regional tourism offer at a joint Western Balkans – Powered by stand at the world’s leading travel trade show, ITB Berlin, which gathers some 10,000 exhibitors and over 100,000 visitors.
04 March 2019 | News
Powered by RCC: Western Balkans’ adventure tourism takes Utrecht fair
Utrecht – Over the last three days, ten tour operators from the Western Balkans presented the best of regional adventure tourism offer at the Fiets en Wandelbeurs fair at Jaarbeurs in Utrecht, Netherlands, within the Regional Cooperation Council’s (RCC) EU-funded, Tourism Development and Promotion Project.
22 February 2019 | News
RCC introduces new regional cultural and adventure tourism routes at the International Fair of Tourism in Belgrade
Belgrade – The RCC’s Tourism Development and Promotion Project introduced today the three new Western Balkans cultural routes and presented the development work done by the three tourism grants recipients at the largest international tourism fair in the South East European – IFT Belgrade.
06 December 2018 | News
Western Balkans endorses development of joint tourism routes
VIENNA – The South East Europe Tourism Expert Group (TEG) endorsed a joint plan establishing the regional cultural and adventure tourism routes for the Western Balkans six, at the meeting held in Vienna today.
14 November 2018 | News
RCC’s tourism project develops regional umbrella identity: Western Balkans - Crossroads of Civilisations
Podgorica - The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)’s Tourism Development and Promotion Project prepared and presented the new joint regional umbrella identity concept dubbed “Western Balkans - Crossroads of Civilisations”, at the WB Tourism Focus Group meeting held today in Podgorica.
09 November 2018 | News
548.000 EUR worth grants awarded for improvement of Western Balkans cultural and adventure tourism
Sarajevo - The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)’s EU-funded Tourism Development and Promotion Project has awarded the first twelve, out of 30 + grants in total value of EUR 548,000, in Sarajevo today. These grants are awarded to the best project proposals received through the public call for proposals looking for ideas intended to improve a joint Western Balkans cultural and adventure ...
08 November 2018 | News
RCC to award first twelve grants for Western Balkans tourism development and promotion
Sarajevo – The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) will award the first twelve grants in total worth of EUR 550,000 for the development and promotion of tourism in the Six Western Balkans economies, at a ceremony in Sarajevo tomorrow.
22 October 2018 | News
Western Balkans promotes its adventure tourism offer at Adventure Travel World Summit – Powered by
Sarajevo – Regional Cooperation Council’s (RCC) Tourism Development and Promotion Project took the tour operators from the six Western Balkans economies to the annual Adventure Travel World Summit (ATWS), which was held in Montecatini, Italy last week, to promote their offers and products. The ATWS is the single largest adventure travel gathering that enables business-to-business ...
09 August 2018 | News
RCC continues fuelling regional cooperation in the field of youth creativity and tourism
Sarajevo – For the second year in a row, the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) is the international partner of the Sarajevo Film Festival (SFF), as a patron of the 'Heart of Sarajevo' award for the Best Student Film. The festival kicks-off tomorrow, 10 August 2018, and includes filmmakers from 12 South East European economies, which is an impressive regional representation.
15 July 2018 | News
RCC launches tourism development grant scheme; 1.62 million euro made available
Sarajevo – Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat launched today 1.62-million-euros worth grant scheme that will be utilised to improve infrastructure and quality of services along regional cultural and adventure tourism routes.
28 June 2018 | News
New RCC project to focus on development of cultural and adventure tourism in the Western Balkans
SARAJEVO – The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) officially marked the beginning of its 3-year project dedicated to the development and promotion of tourism in the Western Balkans, in Sarajevo today. The project will help six Western Balkans economies to diversify and consolidate their cultural and adventure tourism products, build and promote a joint offer, which would be competitive ...
27 June 2018 | News
RCC’s Tourism Expert Group adopts “Crossroad of Civilisations” as a regional tourism identity, agrees on tourism routes to be developed
Sarajevo – The South East Europe Tourism Expert Group (TEG) adopted “Crossroads of Civilisations” as a regional tourism identity that will be applied throughout all the routes development efforts in the framework of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)’s Tourism Development and Promotion project, at its 7th meeting held on 27 June 2018 on Jahorina Mountain near Sarajevo. The RCC’s ...
27 June 2018 | News
Regional Cooperation Council to launch Tourism Development and Promotion project for Western Balkans
Sarajevo – The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) will launch its project on Tourism Development and Promotion in the Western Balkans on 28 June 2018, in Sarajevo, presenting its team, planned activities and expected results.