Documents & Publications

EU-Western Balkans reduced roaming prices information

EU-Western Balkans reduced roaming prices information


Following extensive consultations and discussions with the telecommunications operators from Western Balkans 6 and the European Union, led by RCC and supported by the European Commission, EU-WB Roaming Declaration was signed in December 2022. This Declaration has led to substantial reductions of data roaming charges as of 1 October 2023 for the customers of the signatories.

In line with the Declaration, the price of 1 GB of data in at least one product offered to the widest number of consumers by each signatory of the Declaration should be lower than 18 EUR as of 1 October 2023, 14 EUR as of 2026 and 9 EUR as of 2028. Taking into account that the operators could choose the way how to introduce the reductions, most of them reduced the prices of roaming packages, many of them significantly, while some operators even cut the regular roaming prices of 1 GB.

The links to the reduced roaming offers of the signatories of the Declaration are shown below.

For more information and details, please contact your mobile operator.

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Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Berlin Process Summit

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Berlin Process Summit


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the 10th Berlin process Summit held on 14 October in Berlin.

Bregu highlighed progress and challenges faced over the past decade in fostering regional cooperation in the Western Balkans. She reflected on the four main objectives of the Berlin Process: addressing bilateral issues, reconciliation, enhancing economic cooperation, and promoting sustainable growth. While Bregu acknowledged that resolving bilateral issues remains difficult, she emphasized the success of initiatives like the Green Lanes, increased trade, and mutual recognition of professional qualifications.

RCC Secretary General also marked her final Summit as RCC Secretary General and expressed pride in the region's strides toward EU integration while stressing the importance of the Common Regional Market in uniting the region and shaping a shared European future.

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Declaration on Research and Innovation Infrastructure Access and Collaboration

Declaration on Research and Innovation Infrastructure Access and Collaboration


Declaration on Research and Innovation Infrastructure Access and Collaboration has been signed by WB6 leaders at the 10th Berlin Process Summit.

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Western Balkans Six Leaders Declaration on Common Regional Market 2025-2028

Western Balkans Six Leaders Declaration on Common Regional Market 2025-2028


Western Balkans Six leaders declaration on second phase of Common Regional Market for 2025-2028 was signed at the 10th Berlin Process Summit held on 14 October 2024 in Berlin.

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Common Regional Market Action Plan 2025-2028

Common Regional Market Action Plan 2025-2028


Second phase of the Common Regional Market (2025-2028) has been signed by Western Balkans Six leaders at the 10th Berkin Process Summit on 14 October 2024 in Berlin

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Regional FDI Screening Standards of the Western Balkans Six

Regional FDI Screening Standards of the Western Balkans Six


Western Balkans Six Leaders signed the Regional FDI Screening Standards of the Western Balkans Six at the 10th Berlin Process Summit held on 14 October 2024 in Berlin.

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Agreement on Access to Higher Education and Admission to Study in the Western Balkans

Agreement on Access to Higher Education and Admission to Study in the Western Balkans


Agreement on Access to higher education and admission to study in the Western Balkans was signed by WB6 leaders at 10th Berlin Process Summit held on 14 October 2024 in Berlin.

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Common Regional Market 2 (CRM2) Factsheet

Common Regional Market 2 (CRM2) Factsheet


Common Regional Market is a path to a stronger Western Balkans Six, a stronger region and a brighter fuure!

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Speech by RCC Secretary General at Balkathon 5.0 Award Ceremony

Speech by RCC Secretary General at Balkathon 5.0 Award Ceremony


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu opened the Award Ceremony of the fifth edition of RCC's flagship initiative Balkathon, held in Tirana on 3 October 2024.

"Five years ago, during a global uncertainty of the Covid pandemic, when the world was adjusting to a new reality, we asked ourselves: What can we create? What problems can we solve using technology? What ideas can disrupt the usual “cog in the wheel” roles and dive the region into problem-solving with freedom and creativity? How to ensure cooperation will not be abandoned? And we came with the idea of a hackathon called Balkathon-more than just a space for innovation, because to us it is a platform of cooperation. Bringing people with different skills and perspectives to the same place, encouraging collaboration that goes beyond boundaries.
In five years what began as a response to a crisis has since evolved into a platform for transformation. Nearly 400 applicants have participated in 23 diverse topic, supported by 72 mentors and evaluated by almost 60 experts in digitalisation and ICT. To date, we have awarded 22 ground-breaking solutions through Balkathon," said Bregu among other things.

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Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Berlin Process, 1 October 2024, Berlin

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Berlin Process, 1 October 2024, Berlin


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs in Berlin on 1 O ctober 2024.

Among other things, Bregu said: "There is room for everyone to do more. We all need more integration than disintegration; we all need more cooperation than isolation; we all need more togetherness not in words but in actions; we need better planning and sustainable financial instruments as part of the new gradual accession of WB into the EU, we need a Growth mind-set, not only a Growth Plan. This is a collective journey if we want to drive real lasting change. Cooperation is not a choice but a must! We owe it to ourselves and to the future generations."

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Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Balkan Barometer 2024

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Balkan Barometer 2024


RCC presented the findings of Balkan Barometer 2024 on 16 Septermber 2024 in Tirana.

Secretary General Majlinda Bregu showcased the most prevalent data saying, among other things: “Balkan Barometer reveals that hiking prices and inflation are the biggest worry this year for the people of Western Balkans, who for the past decade worried most about either economic situation or unemployment. This change doesn’t come as a surprise, given that inflation in the Western Balkans is nearly double that of the EU (8.1% to 3.4% respectively), while food prices are almost the same as in the EU. Yet, our GDP is just half of that of the EU."

Download: EN SQ 

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the at the High-Level Cybersecurity Conference “Cybersecurity challenges and opportunities in the Western Balkans”

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the at the High-Level Cybersecurity Conference “Cybersecurity challenges and opportunities in the Western Balkans”

09 JULY 2024 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu opened the High-Level Cybersecurity Conference “Cybersecurity challenges and opportunities in the Western Balkans”, organized by RCC and with the support of European Commission.

Among other things Bregu said: “Last year, we initiated a high-level dialogue on cybersecurity and have since seen significant progress. All Western Balkan economies have prioritised digital skilling in their National Reform Agendas. The ID-Wallet, initially RCC’s proposal, is now recognised by the EU for accession to the Single Market. The RCC, with EU support, is developing a regional cybersecurity approach. The Western Balkan legislation is aligning with the EU acquis and cybersecurity is now a key focus in the Common Regional Market's second iteration, aiming for integration into the EU Single Market by 2028. Efforts include aligning with the EU cybersecurity certification framework, regional cooperation, and developing AI legislation. Embracing all-inclusiveness is paramount in our endeavour to implement cybersecurity measures across the Western Balkans,”

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RCC Secretary General for Monitor

RCC Secretary General for Monitor


Albanian Monitor published an interview with RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu.

The interview discusses the challenges and progress of gender equality for women in the Western Balkans. Major challenges include limited access to property, income, and decision-making roles, compounded by gender stereotypes and inadequate childcare services. The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) is addressing these issues through initiatives like public awareness campaigns, support for women entrepreneurs, and the establishment of networks for women in STEM. In Albania, efforts to improve legal standards, combat gender bias, and support women in business and politics are emphasized, although challenges such as the gender pay gap persist. Bregu stressed the importance of genuine political reform, better support for women's re-skilling, and access to education and training in higher-paying sectors to enhance economic growth and gender equality.

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RCC Secretary General at the 6th Meeting of the WBIF Strategic Board

RCC Secretary General at the 6th Meeting of the WBIF Strategic Board

01 JULY 2024 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the 6th Meeting of the WBIF Strategic Board in The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in London on 1 July 2024.

“Despite achievements, there are still untapped potentials in economic integration that could add 10% growth to our economies.
One of those is human capital. Between 2009 and 2023 our region received through WBIF 118 mil EUR for human capital development and it is estimated that investment in that area for the same period was cca. 2.2 billion EUR.
Through regional cooperation Western Balkans can tap into human capital development even more. For example, fostering labour mobility within our region could potentially add 1.3% to GDP by 2025 and generate 80,000 new jobs. The new phase of the Common Regional Market, as an “access gateway” to Single Market will bring Human Capital Development to the spotlight, through free movement of workers, skills development and upskilling fit for the future.”, said Bregu.

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RCC Secretary General at the OECD High-Level Conference on South East Europe

RCC Secretary General at the OECD High-Level Conference on South East Europe

26 JUNE 2024 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the opening panel of OECD High-Level Conference on South East Europe, held on 26 June 2024 in Paris.

“Western Balkans is a much different region from the one 10 years ago. Regional cooperation proved itself as a safe vessel in a storm, with 80% of the citizens fully supporting it. But as the region is still riddled with tensions, its full potential is yet to be harnessed. With credibility at stake, full implementation of the made commitments, is a hard must! Persistent stalemates and blockages are no longer affordable. The new phase of the Common Regional Market, a regionally-owned framework, is in preparation. While it may not change the whole situation in the region, it is going to bring the region closer together, fast-tracking the much-needed convergence,” said Bregu among other things.

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Assesment Report on the training needs of parliamentary staff in the Western Balkans on Common Regional Market

Assesment Report on the training needs of parliamentary staff in the Western Balkans on Common Regional Market

21 JUNE 2024 | REPORT

The Common Regional Market (CRM) initiative in the Western Balkans aims to enhance regional competitiveness, reduce the gap with EU markets, and promote economic integration and job creation. Its success relies also on well-informed parliamentary staff adequately prepared to play a constructive role in supporting policymakers and enabling the advancement of regional cooperation and integration efforts in the Western Balkans.

Recognizing this, the Group for Integration and Democracy (GID) assessed the knowledge and awareness of parliamentary staff regarding the CRM to identify capacity building needs. The report highlights existing capabilities and gaps, suggesting the tailored training programs that the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) should develop to enhance understanding of the CRM and its benefits.

This assessment was commissioned by the Regional Cooperation Council in the framework of continuous assistance provided to support the efforts towards strengthening parliamentary cooperation within the Berlin Process.

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RCC Secretary General for Radio Free Europe

RCC Secretary General for Radio Free Europe


North Macedonian Radio Free Europe published an interview with RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu.

In an interview Bregu emphasized the need for the Western Balkans to adopt a more realistic perspective towards EU integration, given the shifting priorities and changing dynamics within the EU. Reflecting on her tenure, Bregu highlighted significant regional cooperation achievements such as reduced roaming charges and mutual recognition of professions and diplomas. She acknowledged persistent challenges, including the small economies and bilateral disputes of the region, but noted an increasing political will for cooperation.

Download: MK BS EN 

Speech by RCC SG at SEECP Summit

Speech by RCC SG at SEECP Summit

13 JUNE 2024 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) Summit in Skopje on 13 June 2024.

Among other things Bregu said: "EU integration has been the promise and the North Star our region has looked upon for decades, despite the serious blows, disappointments, and sluggish advancements. The past year has seen some progress in the EU enlargement: the opening of accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina and Moldova, and the long-overdue visa liberalisation for Kosovo*. In December last year, yet another EU-Western Balkans Summit was held, which has become a traditional forum to discuss important issues of EU accession, following the successful Berlin Process Summit hosted by Albania. The EU’s Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, supported by a commitment of 6 billion EUR in grants and loans, will stimulate economic growth and socio-economic convergence in our region, providing a significant boost to our EU aspirations."

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2023-2024

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2023-2024

13 JUNE 2024 | REPORT

The Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) covers the period May 2023 – May 2024. It outlines main RCC activities and achievements in the past year. It also lays out the overall background and crucial developments impacting and shaping the activities of the RCC and the region of South East Europe in the reporting period.

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Common Regional Market Action Plan 2021-2024 Main achievements & results factsheet

Common Regional Market Action Plan 2021-2024 Main achievements & results factsheet


The leaders of the Western Balkans Six, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, endorsed the Common Regional Market (CRM) 2021-2024 Action Plan at the Berlin Process Summit held on 10 November, 2020 in Sofia.
Over the years the Common Regional Market yielded tangible achievements and results for the citizens of the region.

Here are presented some of the main achievements and results of the CRM.

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RCC Secretary General for

RCC Secretary General for

05 JUNE 2024 | INTERVIEW published an interview with RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu.

In an interview Bregu talks about the critical need for freedom of movement to achieve regional integration and a common market in the Balkans. She highlights the failure to implement the visa-free agreement between Pristina and Sarajevo, despite its signing under the Berlin Process, due to Bosnia and Herzegovina's non-ratification. Bregu emphasizes that this stalemate restricts citizens' mobility and hampers economic and regional development. She also urges more political will to overcome these obstacles and stresses the broader benefits of regional cooperation and integration for achieving EU membership.

Download: SQ EN 

Opening speech by RCC Secretary General at the Western Balkans Civil Society High-Level Conference

Opening speech by RCC Secretary General at the Western Balkans Civil Society High-Level Conference

24 MAY 2024 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu opened Civil Society High Level Conference, dubbed Continuing the success story of EU enlargement – Bringing benefits to the Western Balkans in advance of accession, organized by EESC in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 24 May 2024.

Among other things Bregu said: "Under the weight of various consecutive crises the EU’s “cold feet” were often met with our region’s reform fatigue and unconvincing reform records, creating a lot of vicious instead of virtuos circles. Until the aspirations of around 18 million citizens for a stronger Union that can be more, with Western Balkans firmly in its fold, materialise, the Common Regional Market (CRM) is bringing the region closer together, and to the EU Single Market, both fast-tracking the much-needed convergence between the WB and EU. This is where RCC is putting its undivided focus. But we're running against the clock and concrete impacts and more sizeable investments must be felt on the ground as soon as possible,"

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RCC Secretary General for RTRS

RCC Secretary General for RTRS


BiH public broadcaster RTRS published an interview with RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu.

Bregu spoke about Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, new phase of the Common Regional Market, human capital, successes of regional cooperation and more.

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Speech by RCC Secretary General at the TRATOLOW Ministerial Western Balkans and Türkiye Conference

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the TRATOLOW Ministerial Western Balkans and Türkiye Conference

26 APRIL 2024 | SPEECH

Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu spoke at the TRATOLOW Ministerial Western Balkans and Türkiye Conference in Vienna on 26 April 2024.

Bregu said: "The call for accelerated integration of our region and earlier access to the EU’s Single Market necessitates that our region delivers strongly on green and energy transitions, also in view of integration into the Internal Energy Market. Geopolitical tensions strain available resources and might impact policy prioritisation. Neglecting the green transition is not viable, as it poses the risk of anchoring the region in outdated, carbon-intensive technologies. This stance could seriously undermine our competitiveness in the EU Single Market."

Full speech is below.

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RCC Secretary General for publication

RCC Secretary General for publication "Connecting The Region"


Connecting The Region, a regional publication that unites top officials, the diplomatic community, and leading businesses from the Western Balkans and Soth East Europe, published an interview wit RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu. The interview dubbed Huge Potential for Collaboration delves into the significance of regional collaboration in Southeast Europe. Bregu discusses the untapped potential for cooperation among countries in the region, highlighting the opportunities it presents for economic growth, stability, and European integration. She emphasizes the importance of fostering dialogue and partnerships to address common challenges and unlock shared benefits, underscoring the RCC's role in facilitating this collaborative effort.

Download: EN BS SQ 

RCC Secretary General for European Western Balkans

RCC Secretary General for European Western Balkans


European Western Balkans (EWB) published an interview with RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu.

The interview dubbed "Bregu: EU Growth Plan could double Western Balkan economies in the next decade" delves into the significance of the EU Growth Plan for the Western Balkans and the ongoing efforts towards the creation of a Common Regional Market (CRM). With a commitment of €6 billion, the Growth Plan aims to bolster economic growth and socio-economic convergence in the Western Balkans, crucial for advancing the region's EU integration. Bregu emphasises the substantial disparities between the region and the EU in key economic indicators, highlighting the urgent need for closer alignment.
The interview underscores the potential of the Growth Plan to double the region's economies within a decade and stresses the importance of CRM in facilitating access to the EU Single Market. Bregu also discusses the challenges posed by internal political crises and regional issues, emphasising the necessity for consensus and implementation of agreed-upon measures. Furthermore, Bregu acknowledges the role of civil society organisations in promoting regional cooperation and integration, stressing the importance of their engagement and recommendations in initiatives like the Berlin Process.
Among other things, Bregu says: Central to the Growth Plan is the Common Regional Market (CRM) Action Plan, spearheaded by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). Building upon successful initiatives already in place within the CRM, the Growth Plan is crucial in offering the Western Balkans opportunities for closer integration with the EU’s Single Market. However, access to the EU Single Market is contingent upon fulfilling commitments within the Common Regional Market framework, itself modelled on the EU Single Market.

Download: EN SQ SR 

For the period 1 November 2023 – 1 February 2024


18 MARCH 2024 | REPORT

Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period 1 November 2023 – 1 February 2024 was presented by the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the 51st RCC Board meeting on 18 March 2024.

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Painting the Western Balkans’ Labour Markets in Brighter Colours  -  Op-Ed by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu

Painting the Western Balkans’ Labour Markets in Brighter Colours - Op-Ed by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu


Op-ed by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu discusses the evolving labor market trends in the Western Balkans, highlighting a decrease in unemployment rates but also pointing out significant challenges such as skill shortages, emigration of talented workers, and disparities in vocational education participation. It emphasizes the importance of addressing these challenges through targeted interventions, particularly in vocational education and training (VET), to align with industry needs and retain talent within the region.

The article calls for collaborative efforts among governments, businesses, and civil society to develop comprehensive strategies to foster innovation, productivity, and economic growth in the Western Balkans.

Download: EN BS SQ 

South-East Europe 2030 Strategy: State of Play in 2023
Second Annual Interim Implementation Report

South-East Europe 2030 Strategy: State of Play in 2023 Second Annual Interim Implementation Report

13 MARCH 2024 | REPORT

This Second Annual Interim Report on implementation of the SEE 2030 Strategy has been drafted in accordance with the monitoring cycle adopted by the SEE 2030 Monitoring Committee. The purpose of the Report is to provide an overview and assess the state of play of regional efforts toward meeting the SDG targets. Moreover, the Report reflects on the regional and global developments that have impacted or may impact the performance of SEE Economies.
The reporting period of the Second Annual Interim Implementation Report is 1 June 2022- 31 May 2023.

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South-East Europe 2030 Strategy: State of Play
Interim Implementation Report

South-East Europe 2030 Strategy: State of Play Interim Implementation Report

12 MARCH 2024 | REPORT

This report presents an interim account of the state of play regarding the implementation of SEE2030 Strategy prior to the publishing of the first AIR in December 2022. The interim report seeks to provide the MC with an overview of the progress recorded and challenges faced in the implementation of SEE2030 to facilitate its overall steering of the Strategy. The report furthermore sets to out a concise summary of key developments regarding
the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – related priorities of SEE 2030 and the progress achieved within each of its dimensions and priorities. This part will take the role to substitute the quantitative and qualitative monitoring and to underscore the relevance of the challenges confronted to the existing priorities of SEE2030 with the purpose to pave the way for the first biennial updating of the Strategy by June 2023. The interim report also provides a short summary of the activities undertaken by the RCC Secretariat based on the mandate granted by the MC and gives an account on their current state of play. The last part of the report includes a set of recommendations to address the corresponding challenges particularly the ones related to the monitoring and implementation of SEE2030.

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Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Regional Summit on Growth and Convergence Plan

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Regional Summit on Growth and Convergence Plan


Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu spoke at the Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Regional Summit on Growth and Convergence Plan in Tirana on 29 February 2024.

Bregu said: ""The time is ticking on defining the future of our region that is working in two parallel streams right now. The first is the work on national reform agendas advancing the path to the EU, and the second is deepening regional economic integration among themselves, which is a stepping stone to accessing the EU Single Market. The first one has a clearly set path by the EU, while the second one is a work in progress and the new phase of the Common Regional Market (CRM) Action Plan, we are currently preparing in cooperation with all regional partners, is aimed at establishing a functional CRM within the Western Balkans, as a pre-condition for closer integration with the EU Single Market,"

Full speech is below.

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Western Balkans Security Synopsis: Reflections & Recommendations from the 8th Regional Security Coordination Conference 2023 (Post-Conference Report)

Western Balkans Security Synopsis: Reflections & Recommendations from the 8th Regional Security Coordination Conference 2023 (Post-Conference Report)


The 8th Regional Security Coordination Conference, themed "Secure the Future: Building Resilience through Collaboration," convened in Rome on November 14th and 15th, 2023, focusing on addressing security challenges in South-East Europe, notably the Western Balkans. Organized through collaborative efforts by the RCC, the International Relations Service of the Office for Coordination and Planning of Police Forces of the Ministry of Interior, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy, the conference hosted over 100 participants and 55 speakers from diverse backgrounds, fostering dialogue among Western Balkan economies, Italy, EU member states, and international organizations.

Aligned with SecuriMeter 2023 findings, the conference addressed critical themes, including violent extremism, organized crime, migration, and cybersecurity, while exploring human security and the integration of AI and innovative technologies in policing for the first time. This year's Regional Security Coordination Conference included one thematic panel dedicated to the regional exchange between the Ministries of Interior and Ministries of Justice of the Western Balkans at the level of leaders of working groups for Chapters 23 and 24, thus laying the groundwork for enhanced regional cooperation.

The accompanying report offers a concise summary of the conference discussions, introducing new chapters analyzing the security landscape and trends in the Western Balkans, observations, and preliminary recommendations for future conference editions.

Click below to download and explore the full report.

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Opening speech by RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the Western Balkans Coordination Meeting “Revolve to Evolve - Go Circular”

Opening speech by RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the Western Balkans Coordination Meeting “Revolve to Evolve - Go Circular”


Secretary General Majlinda Bregu opened the Western Balkans Coordination Meeting dubbed “Revolve to Evolve - Go Circular” on 8 February 2024 in Pristina.

Among other things Bregu said: Though becoming a hotspot for climate change, our region, which finds itself all too often crushed against the heaviness of various socio-economic or political crises, can often instinctively resort to myopic lenses. Lenses that still do not truly capture the urgency and omnipresence of the climate change nor, for instance, the alarming low recycling rates and the high municipal waste generated per capita.

Download: EN SQ 

Unleashing the Potential for Competitiveness: Trends in the Western Balkans

Unleashing the Potential for Competitiveness: Trends in the Western Balkans


RCC’s Foresight study, "Unleashing the Potential for Competitiveness: Trends in the Western Balkans," presents trends likely to shape the region's competitiveness until 2035. It examines the potential impacts on inclusive growth and offers examples that might be useful to the Western Balkan (WB) economies. Utilizing Strategic Foresight methodology, the study equips stakeholders with evidence-based insights to prepare for future developments, aiding in the formulation of effective policy options and strategies. The study focuses on four key areas defined by the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report 2020: enabling environment, human capital, markets, and the innovation ecosystem. Through desk research, qualitative interviews, and expert workshops, it identified trends providing a comprehensive outlook on probable competitiveness evolution over the next 12 years, empowering policymakers to anticipate future challenges.

The study offers a methodological overview of Strategic Foresight and delves into trends within the identified pillars providing a summary of findings and recommendations for future actions. By elucidating the trajectory of competitiveness and its implications, the study equips policymakers with valuable insights to navigate the evolving landscape effectively, fostering sustainable growth in the Western Balkans.

Download: EN 

Fostering Cross-Border/Boundary Mediation Excellence - Towards Harmonised Quality Standards and Best Practices in Civil and Commercial Dispute Resolution Across South East European Jurisdictions

Fostering Cross-Border/Boundary Mediation Excellence - Towards Harmonised Quality Standards and Best Practices in Civil and Commercial Dispute Resolution Across South East European Jurisdictions


The study addresses the escalating demand for efficient dispute resolution in South East Europe (SEE) by extensively examining cross-border mediation, with a focus on the European Union (EU) perspective, inter-domestic instruments, and the dynamics of SEE jurisdictions. Key findings highlight the EU's robust mediation foundation, diverse practices in SEE jurisdictions, and the pressing need for expedited dispute resolution. The study underscores the viability of mediation, with privacy and efficiency driving adoption, but challenges in due awareness and promotion persist. In summary, the study provides a comprehensive analysis, emphasizing the potentials of mediation as a powerful extra-judicial tool for harmonious cross-border dispute resolutions, and also offering potential strategies for SEE jurisdictions to enhance the use of mediation.

Download: EN 

Interview with RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu for

Interview with RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu for


Online portal published an interview with Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). Bregu spoke about the imperative of implementing national reform, creating a Common Regional Market, joining the EU Single Market and EU accession, and preventing blockage of regional processes.

Download: SQ EN BS 




This comparative report on youth policies, funding, participation, and donor programs in the Western Balkans (WB) is based on desk and empirical research conducted between August and November 2023. It includes a mapping of donor programs in the region and utilizes individual economy reports to assess the current state of youth, identify support gaps, and analyze youth involvement in decision-making. Guided by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), the report aims to inform the implementation of the Western Balkans Youth Lab, offering insights for public administrations, donors, youth councils, and umbrella organizations. It highlights challenges such as the lack of consistent youth-focused statistical data and variations in age range definitions (15-24; 15-29; 15-30) among institutions in the region.

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This report conducts a thorough examination of the existing youth policies in Albania, placing its analysis within the broader context of mapping youth policies and uncovering support and financing gaps in the Western Balkans. Drawing on the findings of the initial report from 2020, the various sections of this report will pinpoint current support and financing deficiencies in youth initiatives, examine youth involvement in decision-making processes through the highlighting of best practices, offer recommendations, and present a mapping of donor programs in the youth sector. In doing so, it provides valuable insights into emerging developments in the field.

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This report presents a comprehensive analysis of youth policy, programs, and mechanisms in Bosnia and Herzegovina, combining desk research and empirical investigations, including interviews with key stakeholders. An updated version of the 2020 publication, the report aims to evaluate the current youth policy framework, programs, and mechanisms for youth participation. It identifies support mechanisms and financing deficiencies, utilizing examination and analysis of policy papers, laws, strategies, and government documents, along with statistics from various sources and recent publications by local and international organizations. The empirical investigation involved comprehensive interviews with local and economy-level institutions and organizations, contributing valuable insights into the youth sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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This report offers a thorough analysis of the current youth policy landscape in Kosovo*, exploring existing support structures, financial gaps in youth initiatives, and the enduring impact of the pandemic on youth policies. It also investigates youth participation in decision-making processes and outlines donor programs targeting the youth demographic. The research methodology employs a dual approach: desk research involves a detailed examination of the legal framework, encompassing laws and strategies, as well as a review of domestic and international reports on youth issues in Kosovo*. Meanwhile, empirical research includes interviews with key stakeholders such as central and local public officials, representatives of civil society organizations, and members of the international donor community.

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

Download: EN 




This comprehensive analysis serves as the report for Montenegro within the broader context of mapping youth policies and identifying support and financing gaps in the Western Balkans. As a vital and dynamic segment Montenegro’s youth population plays a crucial role in shaping its social, economic, and cultural landscape. To address the challenges and opportunities faced by Montenegro’s youth, this report explores key aspects of youth policies, funding mechanisms, participation, and donor interventions.

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This report comprehensively reviews the existing framework for youth policy, programs, and mechanisms for youth participation in North Macedonia. It also highlights support and financial gaps in youth initiatives. Prepared through desk research and in-depth interviews with stakeholders in the youth sector, including public administrations and youth civil society organizations, the research involves examining legislation, economy strategies, action plans, and youth programs. Statistical data from various sources and recent reports from local and international organizations contribute to the understanding of the youth sector in North Macedonia. In-depth interviews were conducted with representatives from entities such as the Government, Assembly of North Macedonia, Agency for Youth and Sport (AYS), civil society organizations like the Youth Council of North Macedonia (NYCM), and the Union for Youth Work.

Download: EN 




This report provides an overview of the current state of youth policies in Serbia, tracking their trajectory from 2020 to 2023. It assesses available support, identifies financing gaps in youth initiatives, and maps donor programs in the youth sector. The report also delves into the analysis of youth participation in decision-making processes, spotlighting successful approaches and offering recommendations. Developed through desk research, which included an analysis of laws, regulations, national strategies, and programs, as well as the examination of statistics and recent reports from various sources, the report also incorporates empirical research involving 14 interviews with representatives from institutions, youth-led organizations, youth-oriented organizations and their associations, and the donor community.

Download: EN 

Balkan Barometer Public Opinion 2023

Balkan Barometer Public Opinion 2023


Balkan Barometer Public opinion 2023 is 9th edition of RCC's survey of Western Balkan citizens perceptions. The analysis of the results provides a detailed insight into trends and evolution of the attitudes of thousands of region’s citizens and businesses across socio-economic-environmental topics affecting their everyday lives.

Since the first edition in 2015 the Balkan Barometer became firmly established as a reliable source of regional data widely employed and referenced by media, business, civil society and decision-makers alike.

Balkan Barometer is commissioned by the RCC and financed by the European Union.

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Balkan Barometer Business Opinion 2023

Balkan Barometer Business Opinion 2023


2023 edition of the Balkan Barometer- the annual survey of Western Balkan business perceptions. It provides insights into trends and evolution of the attitudes of region’s businesses across socio-economic-environmental topics affecting their everyday lives and business.

Balkan Barometer is commissioned by the RCC and financed by the European Union.

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Secretary General Bregu for RTV Klan's

Secretary General Bregu for RTV Klan's "31 Minuta"


RTV Klan's show "31 Minuta" featuring Regional Cooperation Council's Secretary General Majlinda Bregu's statement on youth exodus and how much it costs our region, but also on policies to keep our youth in the Western Balkans.

Speech by RCC Secretary General at EU-WB Summit

Speech by RCC Secretary General at EU-WB Summit


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu addressed the EU-WB Summit which took place on 13 December in Brussels.

"One year after the EU-WB Summit in Tirana, we feel that the pace and sense of heightened urgency for reforms and regional cooperation on the side of the region, and for institutional and budgetary preparedness of an EU fit for enlargement, is more palpable. Deepening our economic integration and continuing to build on the policies aligning us more with the EU is always valuable. A true and fully functional Common Regional Market, unhindered by regional disputes, can be our vessel to the EU Single Market, which, in all likelihood, will be our future prospect,” said RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu at the Summit.

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Opening speech by RCC Secretary General at the second edition of the Regional Butterfly Award ceremony

Opening speech by RCC Secretary General at the second edition of the Regional Butterfly Award ceremony


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu opened second edition of the Regional Butterfly Award ceremony together with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria Mariya Gabriel, in Sofia on 12 December 2023.

“Investment in research and Development (R&D) in our region remains quite low - less than 1% of the GDP while in EU the figure is 2.3%. To fulfil the promise of today’s smart machines, policies need to be smart too. As part of the EU's new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, a regional pre-accelerator focusing on deep-tech will be launched soon. We're delighted to see our efforts bearing fruit. We also aim for a segment of this initiative to support early-stage innovation teams beyond deep-tech," said Bregu among other things.

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Assessing and strengthening the institutional capacities of Parliaments of the Western Balkans region related to the Common Regional Market

Assessing and strengthening the institutional capacities of Parliaments of the Western Balkans region related to the Common Regional Market


The study aims to assess the level of familiarity of Members of the Parliaments (MP) with the Common Regional Market (CRM), and includes a mapping of parliamentary committees/ bodies in charge of every given action envisaged by the Common Regional Market Action Plan. The study contains a set of useful recommendations on strengthening capacities and involvement of MPs in promoting and advancing legislative work on regional integration and CRM, with the main aim to facilitate a stronger role and awareness of the Parliaments related to the regional integration agenda.

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Regional Assessment of the State of Play of Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial Matters in Western Balkans

Regional Assessment of the State of Play of Judicial Cooperation in Civil and Commercial Matters in Western Balkans


Overcoming the heterogeneity of various systems in the area and fostering mutual confidence and recognition via closer judicial collaboration amongst Western Balkans authorities is essential for the Common Regional Market-building process and the socio-economic development of our region. This legal regional assessment aims to showcase the current state of play of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters in Western Balkans, by providing a detailed overview of the existing relevant legal framework in each of the Western Balkans jurisdictions and at the same time proposing concrete recommendations to further enhance it for the benefit of economic integration of the region.

The study relies on desk research, utilizing a standard framework and methodology for each jurisdiction, focusing on bilateral treaties, multilateral conventions, and their compatibility with the HCCH 2019 Judgements Convention.

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SecuriMeter2023–Public Opinion Survey on Security

SecuriMeter2023–Public Opinion Survey on Security


The 2023 SecuriMeter edition, carried out between 14 May and 2 June across Western Balkan economies, successfully engaged with 6,023 respondents. It delves into a plethora of themes, ranging from general security perceptions (Chapter A), the fight against terrorism, organized crime, and border security (Chapter B), to more nuanced topics like the sentiments surrounding gun ownership (Chapter C), irregular immigration and asylum-seeking (Chapter D), emigration intentions influenced by the quality of life and the prevailing political situation (Chapter E). Furthermore, it addresses disaster prevention and preparedness (Chapter F), challenges posed by disinformation and cyber threats (Chapter G), pervasive issues of corruption (Chapter H), and ongoing aggression by Russia against Ukraine (Chapter I). The repercussions of the latter have cast a long shadow over our region, manifesting in cyber-attacks, disinformation campaigns, and "weaponization of energy," all of which have tangible impacts on the economic development and well-being of Western Balkans citizens.

Since the inaugural edition in 2021, our journey with the SecuriMeter has been measuring public sentiment on various security-related challenges in the Western Balkans. Each edition, including this one, builds on the previous, introducing new themes that mirror the changing global scenario and highlighting external and internal factors shaping our security landscape. Our goal is to equip practitioners and governments with insights that can shape informed decisions and evidence-based policies to address emerging challenges.

SecuriMeter 2023 was funded with the support from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

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SecuriMeter 2023 Infographics

SecuriMeter 2023 Infographics


SecuriMeter 2023 Infographics feature some of the most interesting and defining data from the second edition of regional Public Opinion Survey on Security

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RCC Secretary General's lecture at the College of Europe

RCC Secretary General's lecture at the College of Europe


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu was a guest lecture at the College of Europe on 23 October 2023 in Bruges, Belgium.

At the lecture dubbed "The Western Balkans and the EU: First-hand insight after the Berlin Process Summit 2023" Bregu said among other things:

"The Western Balkans region is like a canvas painted with all hues of history and diversity, a tapestry of languages, cultures, and painful conflict. Yet it is precisely in this diversity that the true potential for cooperation lies.
If the Balkans seems complicated and confusing, it is because it is. But there is nothing incomprehensible or even covert that doesn’t exist elsewhere."

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Green Agenda for the Western Balkans Action Plan - Implementation Report 2022

Green Agenda for the Western Balkans Action Plan - Implementation Report 2022


The Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (GAWB) Action Plan Implementation Report, the first annual report since its endorsement in 2021, assesses progress in 2022 and outlines key priority actions for 2023 in seven thematic Roadmaps: climate action, sustainable energy, sustainable transport, circular economy, depollution, sustainable agriculture, and protection of nature and biodiversity. The report reflects the challenges faced by the region, including recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and dealing with the energy crisis triggered by the war in Ukraine. This underscores the urgent need for embracing green and digital transitions to ensure sustained growth, energy security, and fulfill commitments outlined in Nationally Determined Contributions.

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Secretary General Bregu for RTSH's show

Secretary General Bregu for RTSH's show "3D"


Regional Cooperation Council's Secretary General Majlinda Bregu's interview for Radio Televizioni Shqiptar with Alban Dudushin, on Common Regional Market, roaming reductions between European Union and the Western Balkans, regional cooperation in the region, and more.

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RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu speech at the Berlin Process Summit, on 16 October 2023 in Tirana

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu speech at the Berlin Process Summit, on 16 October 2023 in Tirana


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the Berlin Process Summit, which for the first time took place in the region, in Tirana on 16 Octber 2023.

"The concerted efforts we put towards mutual recognition of a new set of professions, which now amount to 7 in total, fully based on EU rules – is another symbolic entry ticket to the single market as it can be a crucial step towards recognition of professional qualifications with the EU. It remains imperative though that there are no implementation and enforcement gaps and that the signatures of the agreements are promptly followed by entry into force so that the benefits reach those intended for – our citizens, said Bregu.

Fact sheet: Agreement on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications of Nurses, Veterinary Surgeons, Pharmacists, and Midwives

Fact sheet: Agreement on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications of Nurses, Veterinary Surgeons, Pharmacists, and Midwives


The Heads of Governments of the Western Balkans Six signed one more agreement under the Common Regional Market (CRM) Action Plan’s mobility agenda, a process facilitated by the RCC - on the recognition of professional qualifications of nurses, veterinary surgeons, pharmacists, and midwives – at the Berlin Process Summit held in Tirana on 16 October 2023.

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Tirana Conclusions of Local Self-Governments of the Western Balkans on the Implementation of the Green Agenda

Tirana Conclusions of Local Self-Governments of the Western Balkans on the Implementation of the Green Agenda


Tirana Conclusions of Local Self-Governments of the Western Balkans on the Implementation of the Green Agenda were endorsed on the first Local Self-Governments Forum: Unlocking the Future: Innovate, Eco-vate, Elevate - Western Balkans Unite for Smart Cities took place on 12 October 2023 in Tirana.

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Speech by RCC Secretary General at the first Local Self-Governments  Forum

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the first Local Self-Governments Forum


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu opened the first Local Self-Governments Forum Unlocking the Future: Innovate, Eco-vate, Elevate - Western Balkans Unite for Smart Cities in Tirana on 12 October 2023.

"For the first time in history, the majority of world's people are living in cities. Growing cities face enormous challenges, worsen the most common headaches of city life, such as traffic jams, overcrowded buses, trams, air pollution. Overpopulated cities can also strain vital services, including water supply, energy production, waste management, stress the citizens who cannot afford to buy a new apartment and so on and so forth.
Said this, the other side of the coin is true: cities are increasingly becoming incubators of change and drivers of innovation."

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the Berlin Process Foreign Ministers Meeting

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the Berlin Process Foreign Ministers Meeting


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the RCC Secretary General at the EU-WB Foreign Ministers Meeting organised within the Berlin Process by the Albanian Government in Tirana on 6 October 2023.

Bregu took part at the first session together with Olivér Várhelyi, Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, European Commission, Pascual Navarro Ríos, State Secretary for the European Union, Angelina Eichhorst, Managing Director for Europe at the European External Action Service and Albert Hani, Secretary General, Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO).

"A success story of EU-rules based regional cooperation and a symbolic entry ticket to EU single market saw the light of the day on 1 October this year – when the EU-WB roaming reductions came into effect. It was a demonstration of commitments made and pledges kept. Against a very difficult backdrop in our region currently, this 1 October we managed all together, in close partnership and cooperation with the European Commission, and under the political guidance and support of the European Union and with the support of 38 telecom operators, to see the first roaming charges reductions between European Union and Western Balkans. It might look like an achievement that has been there. After long processes and expectations, people start to take things for granted, but all of us here working on the Common Regional Market Action Plan know how hard it can be. We know how difficult it is to come to a conclusion, and have a success story, " said Bregu among other things.

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RCC Secretary General for BHT

RCC Secretary General for BHT


RCC SG Majlinda Bregu for BiH public broadcaster BHT on the benefits of EU-Western Balkans roaming charges reduction for region’s citizens, digitalisation in the region and more.

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RCC Secretary General at WBDS 2023

RCC Secretary General at WBDS 2023


RCC Secretary General took part at the opening ceremony at the 6th Western Balkans Digital Summit (WBDS) on 4 October 2023, together with included Edin Forto, Minister of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Oliver Varhelyi, Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Roberto Viola, Director General of DG Connect, Stefan Schnorr, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (Berlin), Steliana Nedera, UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS, Istanbul Regional Hub Director, and Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

"As the Digital Summit concludes its journey across all Western Balkan economies, marking the last event in this format, we must now aim higher for accelerated digital connectivity and accessibility in the region. By working on digitally transformed, yet inclusive Western Balkans – stronger together, we are sewing important parts of threads intricately woven into the fabrics of the Europeanisation of our region. It is a path towards more connected, accessible, and affordable future for all that we in RCC are fully committed and dedicated to. Our all-inclusive convening role, facilitation and expert capacities will remain a key backing on the challenging digitisation journey ahead," said Bregu among other things.

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RCC Secretary General for Al Jazeera

RCC Secretary General for Al Jazeera


Al Jazeera Balkans published article on WBDS dubbed "Western Balkans Digital Summit brings the region closer to EU standards", featuring statement by RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu.

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Opening speech by the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at Balkathon 4.0 grand finale

Opening speech by the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at Balkathon 4.0 grand finale


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu opened Balkathon 4.0 grand finale in Sarajevo on 3 October 2023.

"Balkathon is more than a competition; it's a canvas for your ideas, a laboratory for your creativity, and a launchpad for your dreams. In the face of the challenges that surround us, it's your novelty that offers hope, your start-ups that breathe life into change, and your ideas that can redefine our day-to-day life,"said Bregu, among other things.

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"Call from a Region in My Mind" : Bridging the Gap – The Roaming Revolution in the Western Balkans


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu's Op-ed on beginning of reduction of mobile data costs between the European Union and Western Balkans.

"The journey to this milestone began with the entry into force of Roam Like At Home regime in the Western Balkans in July 2021, based on the Western Balkans Regional Roaming Agreement. It is a testament to the unwavering commitment of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), the European Commission (EC), and telecommunications operators from the EU and Western Balkans. A year-long negotiation process, facilitated by the RCC and EC, has borne fruit.

It is a real change for both citizens from this region and our beloved ones living in the EU. It empowers both EU and WB citizens to bridge distances; it represents a profound shift in the way we connect with Europe. It is part of a thread intricately woven into the fabric of the Europeanisation of our countries."

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the Berlin Process Forum of Economic Ministers

Speech by the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the Berlin Process Forum of Economic Ministers


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the Berlin Process Forum of Economic Ministers: “Common Regional Market - A Stepping stone towards the EU Single Market on 26 September 2023 in Tirana.

"A human-centric Europe, that is adapted, reformed, rebooted and more - with Western Balkans firmly in its fold - is the best investment in peace and security for the entire continent! The Western Balkans has made significant progress in the last two decades, but we are not where we wanted and should be and unfortunately, friction amongst countries persists, and conflicts can hinder investments and economic growth in the region,” said Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Majlinda Bregu, among other things.

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General at SEECP Ministers of Foreign Affairs meeting, New York, 21 September 2023

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at SEECP Ministers of Foreign Affairs meeting, New York, 21 September 2023


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu took part at the SEECP Ministers of Foreign Affairs Meeting co-organised by the RCC in New York today.

"The Western Balkans have made significant progress in the last two decades, but the Western Balkans are not where their inhabitants or outside peacemakers hoped we would be twenty-plus years after the guns went largely quiet. Unfortunately, friction among countries persists, and conflicts can hinder investments and economic growth in the region. This, and having in mind the backdrop of these vast geopolitical shifts, we must ponder the evolution of regional entities like SEECP whose value could perhaps be in its pre-negotiation capabilities, its function as a conduit to pre-empt and resolve disagreements before they reach larger multilateral stages. Can we envision SEECP as a regional bastion—a true reflection of South East Europe's unique characteristics, bound by shared values echoing the ethos of the European Union," said RCC SG Majlinda Bregu among other things.

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General at Tirana Home Affairs Ministerial Meeting

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at Tirana Home Affairs Ministerial Meeting


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu took part at the Home Affairs Ministerial Meeting in Tirana.

"Western Balkan citizens have identified these factors important for affecting the perception of security:
- Crime, organized crime, drugs, human trafficking, violence and vandalism (60%)
- Misuse of firearms and arms trafficking (48%)
- Possibility of an armed conflict or political instability in the WB region (47%).
But these are not the only security factors our citizens take into consideration. 7 out of 10 agree that fake news and fake narrative represent a problem for democracy and 74% agree that disinformation represents a security threat to their economies. There are excellent models in the EU that could be mirrored in the Western Balkans, but fighting against security threats at the regional level is just as important. At the end of the day, the goals are simple: security and safety," said RCC SG Majlinda Bregu among other things.

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Balkan Barometer 2022 - Special Security Edition: Impact of the war in Ukraine on the Western Balkans Public and Business Opinion

Balkan Barometer 2022 - Special Security Edition: Impact of the war in Ukraine on the Western Balkans Public and Business Opinion


This Special Security Edition of the Balkan Barometer aims to explore perceptions of public opinion and businesses in the Western Balkans, given the impact and consequences of the war in Ukraine. In this context, the report comes as a specific additional instrument along with other reports commissioned by RCC, such as the Balkan Barometer and SecuriMeter, the objective of which is to provide updated information on citizens and/or business perceptions across a wide array of policy areas pertinent to the Western Balkans.

The report analyses public responses regarding the perceived risks from the war for their economies, potential instabilities and concerns for their resilience. Decisions taken by public authorities in the region regarding their economies’ positioning towards the war and measures taken to cope with consequences are also thoroughly discussed based on data collected from the survey and additional research work. In addition to analysing important components of the impact in the region, such as inflation and energy security, the report also focuses on other related threats, such as disinformation and cyberattacks, which have been present across the region in 2022.

The report consists of two main parts: the Public Opinion Survey, with 3,000 participants from Western Balkan economies with 32 posed questions, and the Business Opinion Survey - a survey of business perceptions in each of the Western Balkan economies with a total of 600 companies, and a total of 24 questions.

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RCC Secretary General Bregu for Inglosus Foundation

RCC Secretary General Bregu for Inglosus Foundation


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu interview for Inglosus Foundation given on the sidelines of the Digisustain Conference in Frankfurt.

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Balkan Barometer Public Opinion 2023 - INFOGRAPHICS

Balkan Barometer Public Opinion 2023 - INFOGRAPHICS


BALKAN BAROMETER is an annual survey of public opinion and business sentiments in six Western Balkans economies, commissioned by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), which examines aspirations and expectations on life and work, prevalent socio-economic and political trends & regional and European integration.

BALKAN BAROMETER’S 2023 infographics features some of the defining thoughts of Western Balkans citizens and businesses on prevailing issues facing the region.

The entire BB survey is available at

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General at Tirana Policy Development Forum

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at Tirana Policy Development Forum

14 JULY 2023 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu took part at the Tirana Policy Development Forum in Tirana.

"Good to see that cybersecurity and manipulation of information is getting more attention everywhere, our region included, as the Western Balkans is living in the times of friction making it a perfect playground for hybrid threats. They provoke hate, create economy slowback and harm trust in institutions. Organized corruption and the misuse of funds to support the spread of disinformation pose serious challenges to society. Undue financial gains are used to “employ” an army of trollers, to buy influence, and spread fake narrative and propaganda through social media. That’s why the transparency of political parties finance should be a fundamental rule to foster the culture of accountability," said RCC SG Majlinda Bregu among other things.

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the European Economic and Social Committee 580th plenary session and  “The future role of civil society in the enlargement process

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the European Economic and Social Committee 580th plenary session and “The future role of civil society in the enlargement process" debate

12 JULY 2023 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu took part at the European Economic and Social Committee 580th plenary session and a debate dubbed “The future role of civil society in the enlargement process" held 12 July 2023 in Brussels.

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the Dubrovnik Forum

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the Dubrovnik Forum

08 JULY 2023 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu took part at the Dubrovnik Forum held 8 July 2023 in Dubrovnik.

"The language of power is the language of leadership. By necessity, and maybe not by choice, the EU is learning every day that speaking the language of power is power itself. European leadership, power, and unity have never been more important, more needed, and more obviously in the interests of EU Member States and other regions worldwide, including the Western Balkans," said RCC SG Majlinda Bregu among other things.

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Secretary General for Radio Televizioni Shqiptar

Secretary General for Radio Televizioni Shqiptar


Regional Cooperation Council's Secretary General Majlinda Bregu's interview for Radio Televizioni Shqiptar with Elona Meco, on Common Regional Market, roaming reductions between European Union and the Western Balkans, regional cooperation in the region, EU integration of the Western Balkans and more.

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the EU-Western Balkans Regulatory Dialogue meeting

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the EU-Western Balkans Regulatory Dialogue meeting

30 JUNE 2023 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu took part at the EU-Western Balkans Regulatory Dialogue meeting, in Brussels on 30 June 2023.

“Today’s accession to the Digital Europe Programme for four conomies from our region is a major development enabling them to benefit from a program of almost 7,5 billion EUR. What once seemed almost utopic is now a reality since 2021 - with the regional roaming fees eliminated. We continue to keep our promises on the roaming agenda. During the first Regulatory Dialogue I emphasised the next challenge to reduce the massive roaming charges between the EU and WB. As of 1 October, we expect an average regional reduction by 30% of data cost while roaming. The impact of the slashed costs is as always beyond monetary,” said RCC SG Majlinda Bregu among other things.

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Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2022-2023

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2022-2023

27 JUNE 2023 | REPORT

This Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) covers the period April 2022 – April 2023. It outlines main RCC activities and achievements in the past year. It also lays out the overall background and crucial developments impacting and shaping the activities of the RCC and the region of South East Europe in the reporting period.

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2022-2023 has been adopted at the SEECP Summit held in Budva on 5 June 2023.

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the SEECP Summit

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the SEECP Summit

27 JUNE 2023 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu took part at the SEECP Summit in Podgorica.

"As we meet today for the annual SEECP Summit on the eve of the 20th anniversary of Thessaloniki Agenda and RCC’s 15th anniversary - we witness and acknowledge some undisputable truths. Regional cooperation nurtures, consolidates, transforms. It keeps delivering concretely on the ground despite ups and downs. Yet, it cannot be taken for granted and more cooperation instead of less remains crucial for addressing the recent worrying regional tensions. Also, enlarged Europe that acknowledges that integrated Western Balkans is a genuinely smart investment can be more. Last but not least regional integration through concrete achievements alongside European integration is the best and most credible way forward," said RCC SG Majlinda Bregu among other things.

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 Secretary General for the Frankfurter Rundschau

Secretary General for the Frankfurter Rundschau


German daily Frankfurter Rundschau published an article featuring RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) on regional cooperation, investments in Western Balkans, EU integration and Common Regional Market.

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General at Digisustain Conference in Frankfurt

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at Digisustain Conference in Frankfurt

12 JUNE 2023 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu took part at the Digisustain Conference in Frankfurt.

"We already have tangible results for out citizens from Green Lanes, mutual recognition of diplomas, Travel with ID cards and more. Roadmaps for green transition and digital transformation are in place, but it is up to Western Balkans to follow up and continue our efforts together" said RCC SG Majlinda Bregu among other things.

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the Leaders Dialogue Implementing Green Agenda for Economic and Societal Prosperity in the Western Balkans

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the Leaders Dialogue Implementing Green Agenda for Economic and Societal Prosperity in the Western Balkans

07 JUNE 2023 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu took part at the Leaders Dialogue “Implementing Green Agenda for Economic and Societal Prosperity in the Western Balkan”, held 7 June 2023 in Tirana.

“Ramping-up regional cooperation and integration in EU’s energy and environmental initiatives is the solution. Our region must remain steadfast on the sustainable, green transition and decarbonization path, despite pressing challenges. No U-turns on energy security and green transition are a viable option. Green Agenda for the Western Balkans must be seen in the truly development, growth, opportunities and positive perspective it has. Green Agenda cannot just be seen from a cost perspective, it can be a source of substantive growth in the region,” said Bregu among other things.

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25 MAY 2023 | REPORT

The first Western Balkan Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2022 Report was developed under the RCC umbrella, and provides DESI calculation for 2021 and 2022. The methodology used for WB DESI calculation is based on the EU DESI 2022 Methodology and allows comparison with the EU DESI.

In addition, the Report helps setting the framework for permanent monitoring of digital developments on economy and regional level, as well as monitoring the progress towards digital strategy objectives and identifying areas that require relevant policy actions.

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the Adriatic and Ionian Council of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative (AII) and the Ministerial Meeting of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the Adriatic and Ionian Council of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative (AII) and the Ministerial Meeting of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region

24 MAY 2023 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu took part at the at the Adriatic and Ionian Council of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative (AII) and the Ministerial Meeting of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region.

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Women entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans: Stocktaking on constraints and good practices

Women entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans: Stocktaking on constraints and good practices

19 MAY 2023 | REPORT

This document provides a state of play of women entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans economies, aiming to provide key findings and recommendations through an actionable roadmap for each economy. While the analysis is conducted separately, there are striking similarities, both on key positive developments as well as challenges faced by women entrepreneurs. Therefore, the report takes both a comparative perspective and an economy specific one.

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Common Regional Market Report on Implementation for 2022

Common Regional Market Report on Implementation for 2022

17 MAY 2023 | REPORT

The Leaders’ Declaration on Common Regional Market (CRM) and its Action Plan, endorsed at the Berlin Process Summit in November 2020, ushered a qualitatively new framework for regional cooperation in the Western Balkans that puts regional cooperation and EU standards at the centre. Hailed as a decisive and all-inclusive process for the WB region, together with the Green Agenda for WB, it sets out the main cooperation framework and represents the backbone of the region’s socio-economic recovery and twin transition.
The report takes stock of the implementation track record and state of play, providing a resume of the second year of implementation of the CRM agenda starting with an overview of achievements reached at a regional level. The majority of measures are well on track in line with the CRM Action Plan. The second section of the report provides a list of key achievements under each of the four CRM policy areas, specifically Regional Trade Area (including the Four Freedoms of the EU), Regional Digital Area, Regional Investment Area, Regional Industrial and Innovation Area at an economy level. In line with the principle of regional ownership that underpins the implementation of CRM agenda, this section is drafted from the contributions of the responsible line ministries/agencies in each of the WB economies.
This regional overview is compiled jointly by the lead organisations, the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) Secretariats, based on their specific areas of responsibility, while the Transport Community Treaty (TCT) Secretariat and WB6 Chamber Investment Forum (WB6 CIF) provided contributions relevant to their respective policy areas.

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the high-level meeting on countering firearms trafficking in South East Europe in Brussels

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at the high-level meeting on countering firearms trafficking in South East Europe in Brussels

16 MAY 2023 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu took part at the high-level meeting on countering firearms trafficking in South East Europe in Brussels held 12 July 2023 in Brussels.

"There are lessons we learn from roadmaps and lessons we learn in sorrow. Just in the first quarter of 2023, 821 firearm incidents were reported in South East Europe, resulting in 334 victims, while this month started with a devastating death toll from the bloodiest mass shooting in Western Balkans. Recent tragic events in Serbia tell us that damage that comes from light and small weapons is never small and that the use coming from illicit trade or civilian ownership can never be taken lightly.
Where do we go from here? Cooperation among WB6 can play a significant role in reducing illegal firearms from circulation and contribute to a safer and more secure region, support for mental health must be considered, medical and psychological evaluation for gun owners. SALW Roadmap is testimony of region's commitment and great example of regionally-owned process." said RCC SG Majlinda Bregu among other things.

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Interview by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu: Closing in to Europe: lowering roaming prices between Western Balkans and EU

Interview by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu: Closing in to Europe: lowering roaming prices between Western Balkans and EU


On Europe Day, Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, in an interview for "Zëri" , gives the first details of one of the concrete achievements for the citizens of the Western Balkans.

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Regional Overview of Western Balkan Economies Regarding the European Pillar of Social Rights 2022

Regional Overview of Western Balkan Economies Regarding the European Pillar of Social Rights 2022

27 APRIL 2023 | REPORT

The overview regional report analyses the progress of six Western Balkan economies (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia) regarding the 20 principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights (EPSR). The 2022 review of the performance of Western Balkan (WB) economies regarding the EPRS has been conducted by the Employment and Social Affairs Platform 2 (ESAP 2) programme implemented by the RCC and funded by the European Union. It was produced by WINS Global Consult (Germany) and experts from Western Balkans on behalf of the RCC. Individual economy reports are available on

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General at NGO forum on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at NGO forum on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans

30 MARCH 2023 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu took part at the NGO forum on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans in Belgrade

"We already have tangible results for out citizens from Green Lanes, mutual recognition of diplomas, Travel with ID cards and more. Roadmaps for green transition and digital transformation are in place, but it is up to Western Balkans to follow up and continue our efforts together" said RCC SG Majlinda Bregu among other things.

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RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu for North Macedonian

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu for North Macedonian


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke to North Macedonian web-portal about mobility agreements signed four months ago as part of Berlin Process Summit by WB leaders, on roaming, Common Regional Market, regional integration, and more.

In the interview dubbed "WE NEED AN INVESTMENT CLIMATE FOR THE WESTERN BALKANS ", among other things, Bregu said:
"Every single effort and achievement that gives a chance to this part of the world we live in, to be closer, more cooperative, further economically integrated with each other , even through the Common Regional Market, is another step forward towards creating a welcoming climate for investments, attracting long-term investments and not allowing economies to be emptied of young people."

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Challenges and Lessons from Pandemics to War in Ukraine - POST CONFERENCE REPORT

Challenges and Lessons from Pandemics to War in Ukraine - POST CONFERENCE REPORT

20 MARCH 2023 | REPORT

The 7th Regional (Jumbo) Security Coordination Conference titled Security Cooperation in the Western Balkans - Challenges and Lessons from Pandemics to War in Ukraine was held in Rome on 17 and 18 November 2022, co-organised by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), International Relations Service of the Office for the Coordination and Planning of Police Forces of the Ministry of Interior, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the government of Italy, at the premises of the Police Institute of Advanced Studies in Rome.

The conference convened 49 speakers from 14 economies, and more than 100 participants and security practitioners from the Western Balkan economies, Italy, and other European Union (EU) member states, as well as representatives of the EU Commission, Frontex, IOM, IISG, MARRI, GI, and other relevant regional and international organisations, civil society organisations (CSOs), and law enforcement agencies.

The conference's main objective was to map out, assess, and explore prevalent security challenges facing the Western Balkans region and the EU in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine. Particular attention was given to sharing good practices and taking stock of lessons learned from participating stakeholders in tackling common transnational challenges. The ultimate goal of the conference was to streamline and strengthen security cooperation and coordination in the Western Balkans at the political, strategic, and operational levels between all relevant stakeholders, including international and regional organisations and initiatives.

This report provides a summary of the conference discussions, key points made by the participants during the thematic sessions, as well as some observations and preliminary recommendations on how future iterations of the Jumbo Security Conference could be fine-tuned to better respond to the needs and organisational goals of participating stakeholders and achieve the strategic objectives of the organisers.

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15 MARCH 2023 | REPORT

Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period 1 November 2022 – 1 March 2023 was presented by the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the 48th RCC Board meeting on 15 March 2023 in Sarajevo.

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Full speech by the RCC Secretary General at the WHO Forum

Full speech by the RCC Secretary General at the WHO Forum

02 MARCH 2023 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu took part at the World Health Organization WHO/Europe High-Level Forum on Health in the Well-Being Economy, held 1-2 March 2023 in Copenhagen.

Bregu spoke at the panel "A Well-being Economy Approach to Addressing Cost-of-Living Increases".

“Economic growth cannot be the only and ultimate policy objective. Collective wellbeing, healthy and thriving population where no one is left behind should be the foundation of every growth policy. The ambitious post-pandemic recovery aspirations are crushed against the stark realities of our fellow citizens in South East Europe who struggle with galloping inflation and bills that consume half of their incomes. Sadly, a large portion of the energy shock continues to be absorbed by the public sector, with health and social services being among the first to suffer. We first-handed felt the brunt of demographic pressures and daunting brain drain with 67% of Western Balkans citizens stating their willingness to live and work abroad,” said Bregu among other things.

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Western Balkans Roaming Report 2022

Western Balkans Roaming Report 2022


Western Balkans Roaming Report 2022 aims to provide information about the consumption and price developments of the roaming services in the region, thus supporting WB economies in the efficient monitoring of Regional Roaming Agreement implementation.

On the other hand, in order to determine key challenges and priority objectives in the process of reducing roaming prices between WB and EU, all important findings and trends in roaming users’ patterns, traffic volumes and costs of international roaming services between WB and EU operators have been assessed, analysed and presented herein.

Reporting period is the full year 2021.

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RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu for

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu for


Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General spoke to BiH portal about the upcoming EU-WB roaming prices reduction and the successes of the Roam Like at Home (RLAH) regime in the Western Balkans.

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RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu for FENA

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu for FENA


Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General spoke to BiH portal Federalna Novinska Agencija - FENA about the upcoming EU-WB roaming prices reduction and the successes of the Roam Like at Home (RLAH) regime in the Western Balkans.

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Women Entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans - economy factsheets

Women Entrepreneurship in the Western Balkans - economy factsheets


Gender statistics play an important role for evidence-based policy making in support of women entrepreneurship. Hence, a thorough review of gender statistics in the Western Balkans, with a specific focus on “women entrepreneurship”, has been commissioned by Regional Cooperation Council. In addition, a sector review for “women in agriculture” has enriched the insights and has been included considering the strategic importance of the agro-food sector in the Common Regional Market Action Plan’s value chains.
The findings will further contribute to the discussion and work of the Regional Network of Women in Entrepreneurship.
Here is what women entrepreneurship in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia looks like.

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RCC Secretary General for TRT World

RCC Secretary General for TRT World


Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu spoke to TRT World.
Bregu spoke about the position of the Western Balkans in regards of the war in Ukraine, Russian influence in the Balkans, EU enlargement of the region's economies, the importance of the regional cooperation and much more.

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Speech by RCC Secretary General at the EU - Western Balkans Summit in Tirana

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the EU - Western Balkans Summit in Tirana


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the EU - Western Balkans Summit organised in Tirana on 6 December 2022.

“The first question we were asked after the Roam Like at Home has come to action last July, was when the roaming prices with the EU will be lowered. And that is the first thing we have started working on after that 1 July. So, I’m happy to say that ‘when’ has arrived, the roaming prices between the Western Balkans and the European Union are going down with the leaves next fall. But this is just the start of the process until the final objective of EU-WB roaming prices at the level nearing domestic ones is attained in 2027,” said Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu at a press conference with Albanian Deputy Prime Minister Belinda Balluku, EU Enlargement Commissioner, Oliver Varhelyi, EU and WB telecommunications operators’ representatives, following the signing of the Declaration.

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Fact sheet: Stay Connected: Western Balkans - European Union roaming prices reduction

Fact sheet: Stay Connected: Western Balkans - European Union roaming prices reduction


Eighteen telecommunications operators from the European Union (EU) and the Western Balkans (WB) signed a Roaming Declaration enabling the reduction of roaming charges between the EU and WB as of 1 October 2023, kicking off the EU-WB Summit in Tirana on 6 December 2022.

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Press Statement by RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the signing of Roaming Declaration

Press Statement by RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the signing of Roaming Declaration


Press Statement by RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the signing of Roaming Declaration between European Union and Western Balkans telecommunications operators on 6 December 2022 in Tirana.

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European Union - Western Balkans roaming declaration

European Union - Western Balkans roaming declaration


At the EU-Western Balkans Summit held in Tirana on 6 December 2022, the telecommunications operators from the European Union (EU) and the Western Balkans signed a Roaming Declaration enabling the reduction of the roaming charges between the EU and the Western Balkans as of 1 October 2023.

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Opening remarks by RCC Secretary General at the 7th Annual Jumbo Security Conference

Opening remarks by RCC Secretary General at the 7th Annual Jumbo Security Conference


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu opened the 7th Annual Jumbo Security Conference on 17 November 2022.

“The EU and the Western Balkans share many evolving, borderless security threats, from radicalisation, violent extremism, and return of Foreign Terrorist Fighters to irregular migration, organised crime, corruption, disinformation and cyber-attacks. Such joint priorities have been re-validated by the war in Ukraine by also making clear the crucial role of the Western Balkans in maintaining peace and stability of Europe’s eastern borders,” said Bregu, among other things.

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Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Western Balkans Berlin Summit

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Western Balkans Berlin Summit


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the Western Balkans Berlin Summit, organised within the Berlin Process in German capital on 3 November 2022.

“Though written off as nearly impossible, after trying and nerve-racking two years, the three RCC-coordinated centrepiece mobility agreements finally see the light of day. Today they reach those intended for - our citizens! Much like the ubiquitous impact of the regional roaming agreement and the green lanes, their manifested impact on the ground will be direct and concrete. ” said Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General at the Summit

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Signing of the three mobility agreements under CRM at Berlin Process Summit

Signing of the three mobility agreements under CRM at Berlin Process Summit


Three mobility agreements under the Common Regional Market were signed by Western Balkans leaders on 3 November 2023 at the Berlin Process Summit. The agreements concern ID travel within the region, recognition of academic qualifications and recognition of qualifications for certain professions.
Agreements were signed with the presence of RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission.

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Anadolu Agency interview with RCC Secretary General dubbed

Anadolu Agency interview with RCC Secretary General dubbed "Bregu: Travel with ID cards in Western Balkans possible from 2023"


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu interview to Anadolu Agency dubbed "Bregu: Travel with ID cards in Western Balkans possible from 2023" on three Western Balkans mobility agreements, when they will enter into force, what are the expected results, and the next steps for the Western Balkans.

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Radio Free Europe article dubbed

Radio Free Europe article dubbed "I Dream of Bihać and Bosnia’: Bosniaks from Prizren waiting to travel to BiH without visas" featuring statement by RCC Secretary General


‘I Dream of Bihać and Bosnia’: Bosniaks from Prizren waiting to travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina without visas - Radio Slobodna Evropa article on three mobility agreements featuring statements of Western Balkans citizens and RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu.

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Compendium on Best Practices in DIASPORA ENGAGEMENT in the Western Balkans

Compendium on Best Practices in DIASPORA ENGAGEMENT in the Western Balkans


The purpose of this Compendium is to focus on collecting and systemising information on diaspora engagement practices in the Western Balkans in recent years. This will be achieved by sharing innovative policies, programmes, projects, and business models which have been implemented in the Western Balkans region, all aiming to gain better knowledge of their diasporas, and to strengthen their economic and social development contributions.

The Compendium outlines the state of play in each of the WB economies in terms of institutional and regulatory environment for cooperation with, and engagement of diaspora.

Furthermore, the Compendium also showcases new and innovative approaches, providing guidance on the extent to which some of the initiatives illustrated can be replicated by other economies in the region.

The publication is divided into economy-level sections and mainly focuses on initiatives fostering economic and social development contributions of diasporas. Each of the economy sections provides a summary overview of each economy’s diaspora and its regulatory and institutional setup, followed by factsheets on new and innovative initiatives that have been recently implemented to help engage diasporas in economic and social development.

This Compendium intends to go beyond traditional mappings of diaspora engagement practices. It has consolidated existing literature and mapping exercises, and consulted key stakeholders and thematic experts, with the objective of highlighting new innovative policies, programmes and projects. In particular, it focuses on initiatives adopted in the Western Balkans that participating economies can learn from. Since the emphasis of the Compendium is on promoting mutual learning between partners and peers, the initiative factsheets assess “replicability” and “scalability” of each presented initiative.

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In line with the Common Regional Market (CRM) Action Plan 2021-2024 and the Western Balkans Agenda on Innovation, Research, Education, Culture, Youth & Sport (WB Innovation Agenda), Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) aims to assist the development of Research and Innovation (R&I) infrastructure by creating the first Western Balkans Roadmap of Research and Innovation Infrastructures (WB Roadmap). WB Roadmap is a strategic policy document that sets out an overall vision for research and innovation infrastructure in the Western Balkans (WB) and the major steps needed to achieve it. It identifies R&I capabilities and opportunities for increasing interconnectivity, promotes the WB as a reliable partner in R&I and sets out the key recommendations to reach the long-term vision.

The main purpose of the WB Roadmap is to identify the potential for collaboration between the WB economies in the area of R&I. Given the limited R&I capacities of individual economies, the joint efforts of the Western Balkans economies have the potential to enhance the overall R&I potential of the region and of individual economies. The WB Roadmap highlights existing R&I resources and infrastructure that can support the launch of joint initiatives by the WB economies in R&I.

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Bregu: Roaming free regime between the EU and Western Balkans is our next objective

Bregu: Roaming free regime between the EU and Western Balkans is our next objective


Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General spoke to BiH portal about three mobility agreements approved by the Western Balkans Foreign Ministers on 21 October 2022 and expected to be signed by Western Balkans leaders on 3 November in Berlin at the Berlin Process Summit:
- Agreement on Freedom of Movement with Identity Cards in the Western Balkans,
- Agreement on Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications and
- Agreement on Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Doctors, Dentists and Architects

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Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Roundtable with the Energy Ministers of the Western Balkans

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the Roundtable with the Energy Ministers of the Western Balkans


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu addressed the Roundtable with the Energy Ministers of the Western Balkans, organized within the Berlin Process Summit 2022 on 24 October in Berlin.

Keeping the torch alight on the implementation of GAWB that was developed in times of stability is a hellishly difficult task in these times of adversity. It is clearly overshadowed by the impact of the war and the pan-European energy price surge.

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Conclusions of the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2022

Conclusions of the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2022


After Western Balkans Digital Summit 2022 held in Pristina in September, Conclusions of the WB Digital Summit were created to showcase ambition to work jointly on improving digital transformation, democratic, economic and digital policy development, regional cooperation, and the commitment including roaming prices reduction with European Union.

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Fact sheet: Agreements on Freedom of Movement with Identity Cards, Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications, Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Doctors of Medicine, Dentists and Architects

Fact sheet: Agreements on Freedom of Movement with Identity Cards, Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications, Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Doctors of Medicine, Dentists and Architects


The Western Balkans (WB) Foreign Ministers approved three regional agreements - on Freedom of Movement with Identity Cards, on Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications, and on Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Doctors of Medicine, Dentists and Architects – at the WB-EU ministerial meeting, organised within the Berlin Process by the German Government in Berlin on 21 October 2022.

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Speech by RCC Secretary General at the WB-EU ministerial meeting, organised within the Berlin Process

Speech by RCC Secretary General at the WB-EU ministerial meeting, organised within the Berlin Process


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the WB-EU ministerial meeting, organised within the Berlin Process in German capital on 21 October 2022.

“We proudly today showcase that all-inclusive regional cooperation and Common Regional Market deliver results. That the region has agreed on three RCC-coordinated centrepiece mobility agreements whose implementation, much like with the green lanes and regional roaming agreement, will very soon bring their own manifested impact on the ground,” said Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General at the meeting, announcing that the Western Balkans Foreign Ministers approved three regional agreements - on Freedom of Movement with Identity Cards, on Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications, and on Recognition of Professional Qualifications for Doctors of Medicine, Dentists and Architects.

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RCC SG Majlinda Bregu for Beta News Agency

RCC SG Majlinda Bregu for Beta News Agency


Beta News Agency published an interview with RCC Secretary General Malinda Bregu.

Bregu spoke about the current economic situation in the region, Berlin Process, Common Regional Market, Western Balkans Green Agenda, and much more.

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General at Western Balkans Digital Summit 2022

Speech by the RCC Secretary General at Western Balkans Digital Summit 2022


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke at the opening of the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2022 which took place in Pristina on 21-22 September 2022.

"Digitalisation in our region has its two sides of the coin. On one hand there have been great broadband connectivity strides, such as Roam Like at Home in the Western Balkans, and massive spread and uptake of e-services. On the other hand, our region is recently struggling with serious cyber-attacks. Our digital literacy is still low, as is the level of cross-border interoperability. Disinformation and fake news flourish. So, the region needs more cooperation, not less." , said Bregu among other things.

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General for the  72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe

Speech by the RCC Secretary General for the 72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu took part at the 72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe held on 12 September 2022.

"We are living in challenging times. In 2020, we saw ourselves fighting a pandemic while environmental challenges were at its peak, and on top of them, now we are experiencing a war that is impacting severely energy and food security. The risk of stepping back on health and environment protection and increasing poverty is a menace.
On average, the SEE households allocate some 40-45% of their income to energy and food consumption. In case a new wave of Covid-19 comes up in the upcoming winter and pushes up the average household level of out-of-pocket health expenditures higher, new layers of population groups are to be pushed down to the poverty level."

Download full speech bellow.

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Opening speech by the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at Balkathon 3.0

Opening speech by the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at Balkathon 3.0


Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General opened Balkathon 3.0 finale in Pristina on 6 September 2022.

Among other things, Bregu said:

"Being true to our focus on the region’s human capital development – we embarked on RCC’s Balkathon trademark journey three years ago.
What was initially a Covid lockdown-born idea – transformed into a sizable regional flagship initiative that is eagerly anticipated by our youth and start-ups.
In three (3) years, we are proud to have an initiative that:
-taps into the considerable potential of ICT sector to boost the added value and exports of services across the region,
-addresses unemployment in a region in which labour force participation rates remain low and youth unemployment is at a staggering thirty-three (33) percent (%) - more than double the EU average,
-creates further opportunities in a region in which thirty-nine (39) percent (%) of citizens are considering leaving for better opportunities abroad."

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Feasibility study for identification of technical interoperability in Montenegro

Feasibility study for identification of technical interoperability in Montenegro

01 AUGUST 2022 | STUDY

Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) is working to support each Western Balkan (WB) economy in the implementation of the digital transformation as part of the Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans. Through this report, the RCC is supporting Montenegro in the process of identification of technical interoperability in Montenegro.

Further, the report contains a list of technical standards which can be implemented and serve the public sector/ public administration bodies as a framework in the process of achieving technical interoperability.

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RCC Secretary General for

RCC Secretary General for


Albanian web portal published an interview with RCC Secretary General Malinda Bregu.

Bregu spoke about the current Western Balkan economies' European Union integration process with special reflection on the Albania, about regional cooperation, and more.

Full article in Albanian is at a link bellow.
In addition, find excerpts of the article featuring statements by the RCC SG in English language.

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Statement by RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu on Opening of accession negotiations with EU for Albania and North Macedonia, 19 July 2022

Statement by RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu on Opening of accession negotiations with EU for Albania and North Macedonia, 19 July 2022


Better late than never!
Statement of Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) on the occasion of Albania and North Macedonia opening accession negotiations with the EU.

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Notified eID Scheme: Feasibility study for North Macedonia

Notified eID Scheme: Feasibility study for North Macedonia

12 JULY 2022 | STUDY

Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) is working to support each Western Balkan (WB) economy in the implementation of the digital transformation as part of the Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans. Through this report, the RCC is supporting the North Macedonia in the process of planning the economy level eID solution.

Further, the report shows the current situation in the economy, developing proposals for economy level notified eID scheme under eIDAS, including best practices and approaches from the EU.

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Speech by the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the Regional Butterfly Innovation Award ceremony

Speech by the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the Regional Butterfly Innovation Award ceremony

27 JUNE 2022 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu opened Regional Butterfly Innovation Award ceremony in Tirana on 27 June 2022, where six winning innovation ideas from the region were awarded.

"This spring we launched the first Regional Butterfly Innovation Award. ‘What is now proved was once only imagination’- this Blake’s quote fits perfectly the 154 ideas in six competing categories - largely exceeded our boldest expectations. Women led almost half of the teams or most team members were women. This competition proves that innovation can bring together many bright and courageous minds. The RCC has started slowly to support research and innovation in the region and we hope the Butterfly Innovation Award will help the winners take their solutions to another level and shine a light on the regional innovation community and its undiscovered potential. Congratulations to the winners!”

The ceremony, co-organised by the RCC and the European Commission, took place on the side-lines of the Ministerial Meeting of the Western Balkans Steering Platform on Research and Innovation & Education and Training, hosted by the European Commission.

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Opening remarks by the RCC secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the presentation of Balkan Barometer and SecuriMeter surveys

Opening remarks by the RCC secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the presentation of Balkan Barometer and SecuriMeter surveys

24 JUNE 2022 | SPEECH

Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) opened the presentation of Balkan Barometer and SecuriMeter surveys, in Brussels on 24 June 2022

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Balkan Barometer Public Opinion 2022

Balkan Barometer Public Opinion 2022

24 JUNE 2022 | SURVEY

Balkan Barometer Public opinion 2022 is 8th edition of RCC's survey of Western Balkan citizens perceptions. The analysis of the results provides a detailed insight into trends and evolution of the attitudes of thousands of
region’s citizens and businesses across socio-economic-environmental topics affecting their everyday lives.

Since the first edition in 2015 the Balkan Barometer became firmly established as a reliable source of regional data widely employed and referenced by media, business, civil society and decision-makers alike.

Balkan Barometer is commissioned by the RCC and financed by the European Union.

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Balkan Barometer Business Opinion 2022

Balkan Barometer Business Opinion 2022

24 JUNE 2022 | SURVEY

2022 edition of the Balkan Barometer- the annual survey of Western Balkan business perceptions. It provides insights into trends and evolution of the attitudes of region’s businesses across socio-economic-environmental topics affecting their everyday lives and business. Balkan Barometer Business Opinion survey presented 177 questions to 1203 business owners, managers, or executives in the period mid February to mid-March 2022.

Balkan Barometer is commissioned by the RCC and financed by the European Union.

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SecuriMeter 2022

SecuriMeter 2022

24 JUNE 2022 | SURVEY

Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)'s second edition of Security Barometer Survey (#SecuriMeter) was compiled based on the results of a
comprehensive survey commissioned by the RCC on attitudes, experiences and perceptions of the general public in the Western Balkans concerning the security situation. Being the only instrument that measures sentiments related to security, SecuriMeter has become a valuable resource in developing policies on individual economy and on regional level as well as contributing to monitoring their effects and impact in the security environment of the Western Balkans.

The Western Balkans SecuriMeter is a public opinion survey on security issues conducted among more than 6,000 citizens of the Western Balkans as a venture of the Regional Cooperation Council, finance by the government of Italy.

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Balkan Barometer 2022 - INFOGRAPHICS

Balkan Barometer 2022 - INFOGRAPHICS


BALKAN BAROMETER is an annual survey of public opinion and business sentiments in six Western Balkans economies, commissioned by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), which examines aspirations and expectations on life and work, prevalent socio-economic and political trends & regional and European integration.

BALKAN BAROMETER’S 2022 infographics booklet features some of the defining thoughts of Western Balkans citizens and businesses on prevailing issues facing the region.

The entire BB survey is available at

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SecuriMeter 2022 - INFOGRAPHICS

SecuriMeter 2022 - INFOGRAPHICS


SecuriMeter Infographics feature some of the most interesting and defining data from the second edition of regional Public Opinion Survey on Security

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Brochure: Western Balkans Youth Lab: Youth Lab on Unemployment Milestones

Brochure: Western Balkans Youth Lab: Youth Lab on Unemployment Milestones


Brochure captures milestones of Western Balkans Youth Lab on youth unemployment policies in the region.

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Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2021-2022

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2021-2022

10 JUNE 2022 | REPORT

The Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) covers the period April 2021 – April 2022. It outlines main RCC activities and achievements in the past year. It also lays out the overall background and crucial developments impacting and shaping the activities of the RCC and the region of South East Europe in the reporting period.

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REGIONAL RESPONSE IN TIMES OF UNCERTAINTY: RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2023–2025

REGIONAL RESPONSE IN TIMES OF UNCERTAINTY: RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2023–2025

09 JUNE 2022 | REPORT

The Strategy and Work Programme 2023-2025 ‘Regional Response in Times of Uncertainty’, of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat was endorsed at the RCC Annual Meeting, on 9 June 2022 in Thessaloniki, Greece. The overarching goal of SWP 2023-2025 is to promote the prosperity of South East Europe by supporting sustainable and equitable economic growth policies to enhance regional economic integration, green and digital transformation, while reducing the poverty and narrowing the existing social, economic, and environmental divergences with the European Union.

The SWP 2023-2025 serves as the main mid-term plan to prioritise RCC’s activities in line with RCC’s objectives defined by the Statute and the SEE 2030 Strategy, which focuses on the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals through the regional approach.

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Mapping of the Creative Industries in the Western Balkans

Mapping of the Creative Industries in the Western Balkans

01 JUNE 2022 | STUDY

“Mapping of the Creative Industries in the Western Balkans” aims to provide new perspectives of the landscape of creative industries in the Western Balkans as well as to make recommendations on the kinds of interventions that boost regional alignment and deliver economic, political and social benefits.

All around the world, governments have begun to recognise the importance of Cultural and Creative Industries as drivers of economic opportunity and social transformation. At EU level, Creative Industries have become high-capacity engines for economic growth, representing 11.2% of all private enterprises and 7.5% of all employed persons. Creative Industries have been recognised in the Common Regional Market Action Plan 2021-2024 as one of the key industries and as a crucial driver of growth and competitiveness in the Western Balkan region.

The term ‘creative industries’ refers to a range of economic activities that are concerned with the generation and commercialisation of creativity, ideas, knowledge and information. Even though, there is no specific systematic description in use globally, Creative Industries have been recognized as important drivers of economic opportunity and social transformation. Another clear benefit is the direct connection between the creative industries and tourism, with almost any kind of creative output stimulating the kinds of narratives that respond to the trend of Experience Tourism.

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Common Regional Market Report on Implementation for 2021

Common Regional Market Report on Implementation for 2021

31 MAY 2022 | REPORT

The Western Balkans (WB) leaders endorsed the Common Regional Market (CRM) 2021-2024 agenda at the Western Balkans Sofia Summit in November 2020. Being firmly anchored in EU recovery efforts, the CRM agenda aims at reducing the gaps with the EU Single Market and diversifying supplies to create jobs and offer greater choice at lower prices, and at enabling people to work throughout the region.
This report provides an overview of both regional and the achievements accomplished at the level of each Western Balkan economy per key CRM policy areas, namely Regional Trade Area (including EU
Four Freedoms), Regional Digital Area, Regional Investment Area, Regional Industrial and Innovation Area. The overview of key results in the regional area was drafted by RCC and CEFTA Secretariats,
each of them being in charge of their respective areas of expertise, whereas Transport Community Secretariat and WB6 Chamber Investment Forum (CIF) contributed to the regional overview with
their inputs in their respective areas of expertise.
Taking into consideration the regional ownership of the CRM agenda, this report also includes the contributions from the region’s economies, particularly in the Section II of the report Key Achievements
in CRM – Economy Level. The report covers the period from December 2020 – November 2021.

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RCC Deputy Secretary General for EUPolis: Can the Western Balkans be an Example of a Green Transition?

RCC Deputy Secretary General for EUPolis: Can the Western Balkans be an Example of a Green Transition?


Can the Western Balkans be an Example of a Green Transition? - interview by RCC Deputy Secretary General Tanja Miscevic published by EUPolis, on engagement of Western Balkans economies on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans.

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A Framework for Research Infrastructure Roadmaps

A Framework for Research Infrastructure Roadmaps

20 MAY 2022 | REPORT

Research Infrastructure (RI) Roadmaps are critically important policy documents in strategic planning. They serve as a point of reference when planning future scientific development by providing a comprehensive overview of existing research infrastructure capacities.
RCC supported the preparation of the first RI Roadmaps in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo* and North Macedonia, given that Montenegro and Serbia previously developed their RI Roadmaps. The new RI Roadmaps summarise the existing research potential of each scientific research system through the identification of research facilities, equipment, instrumentation and international cooperation, including the involvement of each economy in large European RIs and projects.
The Roadmaps provide decision-makers, research and business sectors with an insight into the current state of research infrastructure to make more efficient decisions at all levels. They assist policymakers to leverage investments in RIs more efficiently according to the domestic and international relevance of identified RIs.
Establishing new RIs, upgrading existing or joining international ones requires additional investments from the public funds. For that reason, evidence-based decisions are needed to improve the efficiency of spending public money. In addition, the Roadmaps give the business community a better insight into the research potential that could lead to establishing stronger cooperation with academia.
Finally, the RI Roadmaps may also be of interest to a wider audience, and increase the visibility and acknowledgement of domestic scientific research.

On the following links you can find:

Research Infrastructure Roadmap for Albania
A Framework for Research Infrastructure Roadmap of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Research Infrastructure Roadmap for Kosovo*
Research Infrastructure Roadmap of North Macedonia

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

Download: EN EN EN EN 

Opening remarks by the RCC secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the ministerial conference on “Lifting Barriers for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Western Balkans

Opening remarks by the RCC secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the ministerial conference on “Lifting Barriers for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Western Balkans"

12 MAY 2022 | SPEECH

Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) opened the ministerial conference on “Lifting Barriers for Sustainable Tourism Development in the Western Balkans", held in Tirana on 12 May 2022

Download: EN 

Statement by RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of Europe Day

Statement by RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of Europe Day


On this day seventy two years ago, the French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman suggested that European countries join together as an economic union. Such a union was the only way to guarantee peace in Europe for a long time. In his famous Declaration, Schuman said “concrete achievements” were essential to “the preservation of peace”.
For a dire circumstance, on this 9th of May, Europe is sucked into its worst crisis since the Second World War.
The outcome of the war in Ukraine is anything but certain.

This moment is also the centre of gravity for the future of the Western Balkans, showing that WB can contribute to solutions as other European countries are doing. We are not in an amber, but in the end, who is?

Each national story seems very different. But deeper, the same underlying beliefs stand.
“We have been in a bad place, we want to be in a better one, and the better place is called Europe.”

We are Europeans not only because we subscribe to the values enshrined in the Treaties of the European Union. We are Europeans because we choose to be.

Yet, now maybe a bit more, “the muse of lessons learned” is speaking louder:
Before late becomes a lifetime, the process of accession should change. For good.

The price of stagnation of enlargement of the Western Balkans - c’est plus qu’un crime, c’est une faute!

Download: EN SQ BS 

HORIZON EUROPE - A Brief Guide for NCPs

HORIZON EUROPE - A Brief Guide for NCPs

12 APRIL 2022 | STUDY

The short guide for National Contact Points (NCPs) in the field of Research & Innovation (R&I) comes at the very beginning of the implementation of the EU programme ‘Horizon Europe’.

‘A Brief Guide’ provides a clear and concise overview of the structure of Horizon Europe, the strategic guidelines and programme objectives, and the allocated budget. In addition, the new concepts of EU Missions and EU Partnerships have been explained concisely. Special emphasis is placed on the simplified presentation of the Rules of Participation and Implementation of Actions in this Programme, which is particularly interesting to NCPs.

It aims to facilitate WB researchers’ assigned roles and enable them to perform their NCP tasks with the ultimate goal of providing high-quality services to the R&I community in the WB. It can also be useful material for other researchers and scientists less experienced with the EU research and innovation programmes to deal with various issues related to the implementation of complex EU projects.

Download: EN 



11 APRIL 2022 | REPORT

Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period 1 October 2021 – 1 March 2022 by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, presented at the 45th Meeting of the RCC Board on 16 March 2022.

Download: EN 

RCC Secretary General for Indeks

RCC Secretary General for Indeks


North Macedonian web portal Indeks published an interview with RCC Secretary General Malinda Bregu.

Bregu spoke about the impact of the current situation in Europe on Western Balkan economies, regional cooperation, EU integration and more.

Entire interview in Albanian language is available on the link below.

Download: SQ 

RCC Secretary General for EurActiv: Brave New Europe?!

RCC Secretary General for EurActiv: Brave New Europe?!


Brave New Europe?! - Op-ed by RCC SG Majlinda Bregu published by EurActiv, on EU enlargement process in the light of the latest circumstances in Ukraine.

"For a long time now, there has been a dichotomy between methodology and the political aspects of the EU integration, which is put to the test now with the calls for fast-track EU membership of Ukraine and the tortoise pace of accession of the Western Balkans, writes Majlinda Bregu." said RCC SG Majlinda Bregu

Download: EN 

Declaration on the launch of the Regional Network of Women in Entrepreneurship

Declaration on the launch of the Regional Network of Women in Entrepreneurship


Recognising the linkages between women economic empowerment and sustainable growth as well as the importance of joint collaboration, today WE have agreed to launch the Regional Network of Women in Entrepreneurship to further support the advancement of women entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds in the Western Balkans.

Download: EN 

WomEn who Launch: Regional Network of Women in Entrepreneurs - RCC SG Opening remarks

WomEn who Launch: Regional Network of Women in Entrepreneurs - RCC SG Opening remarks

11 MARCH 2022 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu opened the regional event WomEn who Launch: Regional Network of Women in Entrepreneurs, In Tirana on 11 March 2022.

The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) just launching today the first Regional Women in Entrepreneurship Network in the Western Balkans. We will not boil the sea right away. But sometimes the smallest act can lead to the biggest impact. We’ll engage ourselves not only to connect women with each other but also to lend a helping hand with the informational support and mentorship for the start-uppers. And then, together, we will work on common endeavours such as financial challenges, including high start-up costs and equipment/maintenance fees, assets like cash grants or marketing, all the way up to policy making. One thing we at the RCC are sure of is that when women engage, take responsibilities, grow and help each other they can be a rising tide that lifts all boats,” said, among other things, Majlinda Bregu.

Download: EN 

Mapping the State of Play of Digitalisation of Justice in the Western Balkans

Mapping the State of Play of Digitalisation of Justice in the Western Balkans

03 MARCH 2022 | REPORT

This report is a result of the need to map the state of play of digitalisation of justice in the Western Balkans, and the need to identify potential areas for harmonised exchange of electronic data and documents among judicial systems of the region.

The report has two principal objectives: (1) to identify and assess digital solutions and availability of digital options in the justice systems of Western Balkans economies; and (2) to identify potential options for a regionally harmonised exchange of electronic data and documents among the judicial systems of the Western Balkans (WB).

Download: EN 

Euronews article featuring statement by RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu

Euronews article featuring statement by RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu


Euronews published an article dubbed "Could Ukraine kick-start the EU's stalled enlargement plan?" featuring statements by the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu on the Western Balkans enlargement process in the light of the latest circumstances in Ukraine and Europe.

Full article in English is at a link bellow.

In addition, find excerpts of the article featuring statements by the RCC SG in Albanian and Bosnian language.

Download: EN BS SQ 




Orhan Usein, Head of Office of RCC's Roma Integration project spoke to BiH's portal Newpipe on Roma in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

"Working in the informal economy is still a major issue. According to estimates, the formal employment rate for Roma in Bosnia and Herzegovina stands at only between 11 and 13 per cent. Another estimate states that 63% of all Roma workers are not registered and are working undeclared, which means that they cannot claim any rights coming out from the labour laws. Unfortunately, here too we lack clear statistical data and are actively working with governments to establish measuring. Another priority addressed by the Action Plan relates to inadequate and segregated housing – where there is still much more work left ahead before we can call ourselves done. However, our recent experience in Serbia could be easily replicated in Roma neighbourhoods throughout the region. In close cooperation with the local authorities, we managed to provide assistance for legalisation of 50 Roma households. Therefore, we are looking forward to expanding this activity to Bosnia and Herzegovina too", said Usein amongst other things.

Full interview published in English and Bosnian is on links below.

Download: EN BS 




Research on Youth entrepreneurship, NEET employability, and youth career management skills in Serbia provides the analysis of key issues related to strengthening youth employability and youth policy institutional framework with regard to the introduction of the Youth Guarantee piloting in Serbia. It contains recommendations for the policy makers focusing particularly on the youth policy stakeholders.

Download: SR EN 

Interview with Orhan Usein for 360 Stepeni:

Interview with Orhan Usein for 360 Stepeni: "We all pay the price for Roma exclusion"


"Antigypsyism and discrimination for Roma start from an early age, when Roma kids are enrolled in school and often put into special or segregated schools or classes. And it is happening in the entire region, and wider. In the 21 century, in the middle of democratic societies, in Europe, we are dividing kids based on their ethnicity – isn’t that disturbing? It continues with forced evictions of Roma families without offering them a proper solution and alternative housing, discrimination at work and in health and public institutions. We recently had police brutality over Roma, as well as ethnic profiling at the borders. All of this should be brought to an end", said Orhan Usein, Regional Cooperation Council Roma Integration, Head of Office, amongst other things, in his interview for portal 360 Stepeni.

The full interview is available on the links below.

Download: EN MK 

Western Balkans Youth and the Future of Europe; Op-Ed by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu

Western Balkans Youth and the Future of Europe; Op-Ed by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu


Op-Ed by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu on the Western Balkans youth and their potential to be a part and create a future of the European Western Balkans.

"Reality in which youth live today is specific, marked by the rapidly transforming era of the fourth industrial revolution, a changing and precarious labor market, and a pandemic unprecedented in modern history. In this and other issues, it should not be our goal to understand young people – it should be to give their inputs, priorities and recommendations adequate space in policy-making and public discussions. In 2022, the European Year of Youth carries a promise to do just that."

Download: EN BS SQ 

Regional guidelines for effective judicial E-learning in SEE

Regional guidelines for effective judicial E-learning in SEE


The overarching goal of these guidelines is to provide specific and practical advice for administrators and teachers at JTIs in the SEE region regarding planning, designing, preparing and conducting online training. However, the goal of the strategy and guidelines for E-learning should therefore not be to promote online training in all cases but provide nuanced advice on the possibilities, advantages and obstacles to training via internet.

The guidelines are structured in three main parts, of which the first part connects the current survey to that undertaken in the E-learning report and presents a detailed analysis of the outcome of the current survey. The second part presents the best practices of institutional and legislative development at the European level, aiming to support the development of judicial training. Finally, the third part reviews the status of technical and pedagogical approaches to E-learning, and concludes with practical proposals how best to implement and apply E-learning methods in judicial training.

The regional guidelines on judicial E-learning has been prepared in the framework of the South East Europe Judicial Training Institutions (SEE JTI) Network, jointly financed by the Regional Cooperation Council and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Download: EN 

Hate speech spreading faster from social media, Orhan Usein urges governments to combat antigypsyism

Hate speech spreading faster from social media, Orhan Usein urges governments to combat antigypsyism


On the occasion of marking the International Day of Human Rights, marked on 10 December, Euronews Albania spoke with Mr Orhan Usein, Head of Office of the Regional Cooperation Council’s Roma Integration Project

Download: EN SQ 

Closing remarks of the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the Kick Off event of Youth Policy Lab on Mental Health

Closing remarks of the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the Kick Off event of Youth Policy Lab on Mental Health


Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu gave spoke to almost 50 youth representatives from the region, as well as policy makers and representatives of the European Commission at the closing of the Kick Off event of Youth Policy Lab on Mental Health, which took place in Tirana on 9-10 December 2021.

Download: EN 

Introductory remarks by the RCC Secretary General at the Sixth Jumbo Security Coordination Conference

Introductory remarks by the RCC Secretary General at the Sixth Jumbo Security Coordination Conference


Speech by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) at the Sixth Jumbo Security Coordination Conference, organized by the RCC together with the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the French Institute for Higher National Defence Studies (IHEDN), held in Paris on 6 December 2021.

Download: EN 

European Union is Our Future, No Alternative, Interview by RCC Secretary General for Novi Magazin

European Union is Our Future, No Alternative, Interview by RCC Secretary General for Novi Magazin


Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu spoke to Serbian Novi Magazin about Western Balkans EU integration, Common Regional Market and Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, region's response to Covid-19 pandemic and much more.

"Weak Western Balkans makes the EU weak too. But a lot is being said each day by both the EU and Western Balkans leaders. The truth is that the enlargement has become a lot more brutal. In times when geostrategic shifts are taking place across the globe, the impasse of Western Balkans EU accession is never a good news. The scale of problems in the Western Balkans is a call to go beyond nudges and patches. Western Balkans is part of Europe, and is of the vital importance in this political realism. The need for Europe is as powerful as it is unsatisfied.", said Bregu, among other things.

Download: SR EN 

Regional Interoperability and Trust Services in Western Balkans -  Methodology, Implementation Vision and Action Plan

Regional Interoperability and Trust Services in Western Balkans - Methodology, Implementation Vision and Action Plan


Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) is working to support Western Balkans in the implementation of the digital transformation as part of the Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans (WB), Western Balkan Digital Summits’ Conclusions and Common Regional Market (CRM) 2021-2024 Action Plan. On this note, and following the commitments of the Memorandum of Understanding on Regional Interoperability and Trust Services in Western Balkans Region, signed during the 3rd WB Digital Summit, through this report the RCC continues to support the Western Balkan economies on improving regional interoperability and advance with recognition of eIDs and trust services.

The report shows the current state of play in each Western Balkan economy, including the timeline and action plans at economy and regional level, with a view to enable recognition of eIDs and trust service, in order to ensure full compliance with European Interoperability Framework.

The ultimate goal is to develop and introduce practical approach and concrete action plan toward achieving the operational interoperability between WB economies, as well as between WB and EU Member States.

Download: EN 

WBYL: Youth Policy Lab on Mental Health - Regional Pool of Experts

WBYL: Youth Policy Lab on Mental Health - Regional Pool of Experts


RCC Western Balkan Youth Lab (WBYL) presents Regional Pool of Experts dealing with the issue of mental health.

Youth Policy Lab on Mental Health is incorporating the principles of co-management and co-production. Young people and policymakers from the Western Balkans will share power in managing and implementing the space where policies are developed, as well as in undertaking tasks to achieve the commonly defined goals.

Download: EN 

Video podcast: RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu on regional cooperation

Video podcast: RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu on regional cooperation


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu on priorities RCC is we are working on: EU-WB roaming, mental health and WB Green Agenda

View: EN SQ 

Mapping of digital innovation hubs, and identification of needs within Western Balkans and of prospective regional cooperation actions

Mapping of digital innovation hubs, and identification of needs within Western Balkans and of prospective regional cooperation actions


The aim of this report is to provide an overview of the current situation of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) and similar organisations operating in the Western Balkans (WB) with a particular focus on their sustainability, services they offer, available capacities and support they are receiving from national authorities and donor community.
Apart from individual considerations per economy, this document also provides a benchmark of these organisations over the region by comparing their national policies, modus operandi, as well as the types of clients they serve.

Download: EN 

Digital skills needs and gaps in the Western Balkans - scope and objectives for a fully-fledged assessment

Digital skills needs and gaps in the Western Balkans - scope and objectives for a fully-fledged assessment


The overall objective of this report is to support all Western Balkan economies to define the scope and details of a fully-fledged assessment of digital skills gaps and needs. The assessment aims at reviewing strategic documents in each economy, listing key stakeholders, and prioritizing strategic and emerging industries that should be assessed. In addition, the methodological framework for the assessment of gaps and needs in the area of digital skills is prepared, as well as the proposed content of the questionnaire(s) and how to plan a sample.

Download: EN 

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu exclusive interview for Balkan Insider

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu exclusive interview for Balkan Insider


RCC Secretary General gave an interview for Balkan Insider on Green Agenda, Digital Transformation, Common Regional Market and more.

“True. The (Green) divide is large. 16 coal power plants in the region are outdated and produce more hazardous emissions than the 260 power plants in Europe. Making coal history might be a nice tittle for an op-ed. But to do that and compensate or invest in renewable energy to undercut coal will not be easy. But that is our reality. If it were not large, #WesternBalkans would be standing at different position towards the EU, right? Although, this is only one side of the coin. In Green Agenda is not a race after the high European standards, it is actually a race against devastating droughts, floods, premature deaths, and so on," said RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu for Balkan Insider.

Download: EN BS SQ 

Talking Points by the RCC Secretary General at the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2021

Talking Points by the RCC Secretary General at the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2021


Remarks by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu at the high-level meeting during the fourth Western Balkans Digital Summit, held in Podgorica 11-13 October 2021.

High -level meeting was opened by Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic with the following high-level speakers: Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General, Regional Cooperation Council, Olivér Várhelyi, DG NEAR, EC Commissioner and Natasha Azzopardi Muscat, Director of Country Health Systems and Policies at the WHO Regional Office for Europe.

Download: EN 

Talking Points by the RCC Secretary General at EU-Western Balkans Brdo Summit

Talking Points by the RCC Secretary General at EU-Western Balkans Brdo Summit


Talking Points by the RCC Secretary General at EU-Western Balkans Brdo Summit held at Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia, on 6 October 2021.

Download: EN 

Action Plan for the Implementation of the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans 2021-2030

Action Plan for the Implementation of the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans 2021-2030


This Action Plan represents one of the outputs of the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (GAWB) and is used as a tool to guide its implementation. It embodies the “putting words into actions” paradigm by identifying concrete steps and supporting organisations, as well as defining an indicative timeframe for each implementable measure. It sets the framework to coordinate and support its proper implementation and monitor the progress in this regard.

Download: EN BS MK CG SQ SR 

Western Balkans-European Union Roaming Data Report

Western Balkans-European Union Roaming Data Report


The overall objective of the assignment is to provide support to Western Balkan Six economies to further advance in the process of harmonisation of roaming policy with that of the EU and providing expert inputs on the approach and the steps that Western Balkan economies and telecom operators need to take towards reducing the roaming prices between the Western Balkan region and the EU, building on the successful implementation of the Regional Roaming Agreement and the start of the free roaming regime in the Western Balkans as of 1 July 2021.

Download: EN 

Action Plan for the Implementation of the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans 2021-2030

Action Plan for the Implementation of the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans 2021-2030


This Action Plan represents one of the outputs of the Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (GAWB) and is used as a tool to guide its implementation. It embodies the “putting words into actions” paradigm by identifying concrete steps and supporting organisations, as well as defining an indicative timeframe for each implementable measure. It sets the framework to coordinate and support its proper implementation and monitor the progress in this regard.

Download: EN SQ BS SR CG MK 

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu in a podcast on next Western Balkans Digital Summit

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu in a podcast on next Western Balkans Digital Summit


"'One market for all 6 is under construction and we already have the base.
A roaming free Western Balkans as of first of July. While travelling in the EU from the Balkans we pay 43 times higher in roaming than others.
Thus, the ultimate goal is to have the roaming prices between the Western Balkans and EU gradually reduced and closer to the domestic ones in the next five years. So, we are already working on this," - said RCC Secretary General Malinda Bregu ahead of the Western Balkans Digital Summit, from 11-13th October in Podgorica on digital transformation in the region and future digital agendas.

Download: EN SQ 

Promoting Cross-Border Mediation in Resolving Civil and Commercial Disputes in the Western Balkans

Promoting Cross-Border Mediation in Resolving Civil and Commercial Disputes in the Western Balkans


The main aim of the Study was to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current situation in cross-border mediation in civil and commercial matters in the Western Balkans Six and its potential for facilitating resolution of trade disputes between the parties in the region, also in the context of the Common Regional Market 2021-2024 Action Plan.

Download: EN 

Talking Points by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu at the First Annual Conference of the Ministry of Finance “Economic Recovery and Growth Beyond Covid”

Talking Points by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu at the First Annual Conference of the Ministry of Finance “Economic Recovery and Growth Beyond Covid”


Talking Points by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu at the panel on Global and Regional Challenges and Prospects of Recovery and Growth at the First Annual Conference of the Ministry of Finance “Economic Recovery and Growth Beyond Covid”, held in Skopje on 6 September 2021

Download: EN 

Study on Youth Employment in the Western Balkans

Study on Youth Employment in the Western Balkans

08 JULY 2021 | REPORT

Youth employment is an important policy priority for all governments in the Western Balkans. Along with general economic development, all economies have experienced a positive trend in youth employment creation in recent years. However, youth unemployment remains stubbornly high, while activity and employment rates are far below the levels seen in the EU, with a strong gender bias.
This Study presents a comparative analysis of the region’s youth labour markets.
The Appendices to the Study analyse the youth labour markets and the policy responses in each of the Western Balkan economies.

Download: EN 

Talking Points by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu at 2021 Prespa Forum Dialogue

Talking Points by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu at 2021 Prespa Forum Dialogue

02 JULY 2021 | SPEECH

Talking Points by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu at the High-Level Plenary Session “Resetting the EU-US Synergy towards the Western Balkans” within the 2021 Prespa Forum Dialogue, in Ohrid, North Macedonia, on 2 July 2021.

Secretary General Bregu was accompanied by Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, Turkish Minister of Foreign affairs Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Kosovo's* Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Minister of Foreign Affairs from Poland Zbigniew Rau, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Schallenberg and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina Zoran Tegeltija. Keynote speaker of the Session was North Macedonia's Prime Minister Zoran Zaev.

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence

Download: EN 

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on Roaming Free Western Balkans

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on Roaming Free Western Balkans


Answers to Frequently Asked Questions on Regional Roaming Agreement (RRA) and Roaming Free Western Balkans, set into force on 1 July 2021

Download: EN SQ BS CG MK SR 

Western Balkans Calling: We are Roaming Free; Op-ed by the Secretary General Majlinda Bregu

Western Balkans Calling: We are Roaming Free; Op-ed by the Secretary General Majlinda Bregu

30 JUNE 2021 | ARTICLE

Op-ed by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu on the occassion of Roaming Free Western Balkans setting intro force on 1 July 2021.

"Delivering on promises: It took just over 2 years to move from signing the Regional Roaming Agreement to roam free across the region. And today is the difference that makes the difference."

Download: EN BS MK SQ 

RCC Secretary General Introductory remarks on the occasion of the launch of Balkan Barometer 2021

RCC Secretary General Introductory remarks on the occasion of the launch of Balkan Barometer 2021

24 JUNE 2021 | SPEECH

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu opened the presentation of the 7th edition of RCC's Balkan Barometer.

Balkan Barometer is an annual public and business opinion survey commissioned by the RCC examining Western Balkan citizens and businesses perceptions and expectations towards a variety of thematic areas, such as the EU integration and regional cooperation, digitalisation, green recovery, employment, and for the second year in a row it includes topics concerning a challenging regional COVID-19 induced landscape.

More about the Balkan Barometer can be found here:

Download: EN 

Balkan Barometer 2021 - Public Opinion

Balkan Barometer 2021 - Public Opinion

24 JUNE 2021 | SURVEY

Balkan Barometer 2021 - this is the 7th edition of annual public and business opinion survey commissioned by the RCC which examines Western Balkan citizens and businesses perceptions and expectations towards a variety of thematic areas, such as the EU integration and regional cooperation, digitalisation, green recovery, employment, and for the second year in a row it includes topics concerning a challenging regional COVID-19 induced landscape.

Download: EN 

Balkan Barometer 2021 - INFOGRAPHICS

Balkan Barometer 2021 - INFOGRAPHICS


BALKAN BAROMETER is an annual survey of public opinion and business sentiments in six Western Balkans economies, commissioned by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), which examines aspirations and expectations on life and work, prevalent socio-economic and political trends & regional and European integration.
BALKAN BAROMETER’S 2021 infographics booklet features some of the defining thoughts of Western Balkans citizens and businesses on prevailing issues facing the region.
The entire BB survey is available at

Download: EN 

Balkan Barometer Business Opinion

Balkan Barometer Business Opinion

23 JUNE 2021 | SURVEY

Balkan Barometer 2021 - this is the 7th edition of annual public and business opinion survey commissioned by the RCC which examines Western Balkan citizens and businesses perceptions and expectations towards a variety of thematic areas, such as the EU integration and regional cooperation, digitalisation, green recovery, employment, and for the second year in a row it includes topics concerning a challenging regional COVID-19 induced landscape.

Download: EN 

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2020-2021

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2020-2021

16 JUNE 2021 | REPORT

This Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) covers the period April 2020 – April 2021. It outlines main RCC activities and achievements in the past year. It also lays out the overall background and crucial developments impacting and shaping the activities of the RCC and the region of South East Europe in the reporting period.

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2020-2021 has been adopted at the SEECP Summit held in Antalya on 17 June 2021. The document was adopted with reservation of Kosovo*.

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

Download: EN 

South East Europe Strategy 2030

South East Europe Strategy 2030

16 JUNE 2021 | REPORT

The SEE 2030 Strategy is a joint call for action by all 13 SEE economies. The Strategy seeks to promote and advance through regional cooperation the implementation of UN Sustainable Development Goals within the SEE region across the three dimensions of sustainable development: Prosperity; People; and Peace and Partnerships.

Download: EN 

RCC Secretary General for A2 CNN

RCC Secretary General for A2 CNN


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke for Albanian A2 CNN channel on the occasion of the WB6 Leaders & EU Summit, held in Tirana on 10 June 2021.

Bregu spoke about the outcomes of the meeting, but also about the EU Integration of Western Balkans economies, Common Regional Market (CRM) agenda, Green Corridors, digital and green agenda for the region and other regional projects aiming at better future for the whole region.

The entire interview in Albanian is available in video format.

Download: SQ 

Labour Markets in the Western Balkans: 2019 and 2020

Labour Markets in the Western Balkans: 2019 and 2020

11 JUNE 2021 | STUDY

This Study analyses the situation in each of the six Western Balkan economies’ labour markets in 2019 and during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. It considers the factors that affect the region’s labour markets, the measures undertaken by governments to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how these have affected labour market outcomes. It includes an analysis of the structure of the labour force, including employment and unemployment in general and that of particular groups, including youth, low-skilled workers, and women as well as the long-term unemployed and the informal economy. Additionally, factors related to economic and sectoral developments that have affected job losses and opportunities for job creation are considered.

Download: EN 

Meeting of the Ministers of Foregn Affairs  within the Berlin Process’s Western Balkan Summit,  speech by RCC Secretary General

Meeting of the Ministers of Foregn Affairs within the Berlin Process’s Western Balkan Summit, speech by RCC Secretary General

08 JUNE 2021 | SPEECH

Speech by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu at the Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs within the Berlin Process’s Western Balkan Summit, on 8 June 2021.

Download: EN 

Brochure: Youth & Jobs in the Western Balkans

Brochure: Youth & Jobs in the Western Balkans


Western Balkans - Youth & Jobs brochure captures key findings of the RCC's ESAP 2 Study on Youth Employment in the Western Balkans, portraying the position of the young people in the labour market in the six economies of the region.

Download: EN 

Leaflet: Youth Guarantee in Western Balkans

Leaflet: Youth Guarantee in Western Balkans


This leaflet aims at explaining the Youth Guarantee in EU and provides recommendations for its introduction and enhancement in the Western Balkans.

Download: EN SQ BS CG SR MK 

Presentation of the Western Balkans SecuriMeter - the first-ever regional Public Opinion Survey on Security, Opening remarks by RCC Secretary General

Presentation of the Western Balkans SecuriMeter - the first-ever regional Public Opinion Survey on Security, Opening remarks by RCC Secretary General

24 MAY 2021 | SPEECH

Intruductory remarks by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the Presentation of the Western Balkans SecuriMeter - the first-ever regional Public Opinion Survey on Security, on 24 May 2021.

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SecuriMeter Infographics

SecuriMeter Infographics


SecuriMeter Infographics feature some of the most interesting and defining data from the first-ever regional Public Opinion Survey on Security

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Public Opinion Survey on Security issues – Western Balkans SecuriMeter

Public Opinion Survey on Security issues – Western Balkans SecuriMeter

23 MAY 2021 | SURVEY

Public Opinion Survey on Security issues – Western Balkans SecuriMeter is the first-ever regional Public Opinion Survey on Security. The survey reveals what Western Balkans citizens think about security, organised crime, migrants, online radicalisation, owning a gun, fake news and many more issues that can help inform interested regional stakeholders and provide better understanding of the overall regional security.

The Western Balkans SecuriMeter is the first-ever Public Opinion Survey on Security issues conducted by Indago among more than 6.000 citizens of the Western Balkans as a venture of the Regional Cooperation Council in cooperation with IISG, UNDP/SEESAC, MARRI, DPPI- SEE and OBCT.

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South East Europe 2020: Annual Report on Implementation for 2020

South East Europe 2020: Annual Report on Implementation for 2020

30 APRIL 2021 | REPORT

This year’s edition of Annual Report on Implementation (ARI) for 2020 is composed of three parts. Part I provides a summary and a comprehensive overview of the progress achieved throughout the implementation of SEE2020 Strategy. Part II contains an analysis of the progress towards reaching domestic and regional targets set for each of the SEE 2020 growth pillars, whereas Part III provides key policy recommendations along key SEE2020 thematic areas.

ARI for 2020 reflects the progress achieved in 2019 across 11 headline targets and reports on the activities of regional dimension co-ordinators until mid-April 2020. Due to the ongoing situation and challenges coronavirus pandemic keeps imposing on our societies, ARI also sheds light on the most important regional dynamics as well as on regional achievements and successes which occurred during these increasingly challenging times.

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COVID-19 and the World of Decent Work

COVID-19 and the World of Decent Work


Article on the occasion of 1 May, Labour Day

2021 edition of the International Labour Day: COVID-19 and the World of Decent Work

"Around a quarter of youth in the Western Balkans are NEETs – neither in employment, education or training (2019 data). Moreover, out of the total registered unemployed at the end of February 2021, 173,031 are young people, under 24 years, which is more than 12% of all registered unemployed."

By Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)

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RCC Secretary General for Fena:  As of July 1, roaming costs in the entire Western Balkans will be zero

RCC Secretary General for Fena: As of July 1, roaming costs in the entire Western Balkans will be zero


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke to BiH news agency Fena end of April 2021

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu spoke to BiH news agency FENA end of April 2021. Bregu, among other things, spoke about RCC’s and Western Balkans response to Covid-19 outbreak, challenges the region is facing, such as high unemployment, Regional Roaming Agreement, which will bring zero roaming costs within the Western Balkans as of 1 July, digital agenda and the implementation of initiatives that will contribute to digitalization of the Western Balkans.

“Digital agenda is not only composed of Roaming agreement. There are a lot of good and implementable deliverables we are working on, such as e-commerce.

79% of business communities say they do not feel the necessity to switch on online digital services, even they generate money through online sales. We will be working as well on zeroing tariffs on payments and fees while transferring money from one economy to another. A digital story is continuing together with innovations.”, said Bregu.

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Economic Benefits of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in the Western Balkans Six

Economic Benefits of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment in the Western Balkans Six

13 APRIL 2021 | STUDY

The purpose of this study is to shed light on the labour market situation of women in the WB6 economies, assess the economic benefits of women empowerment and provide recommendations for the way forward. Using gender disaggregated data, a comprehensive analysis of the current situation of gender equality and women empowerment in the WB was performed. The economic benefits of gender equality measures were estimated. A Women Empowerment Index (WEI) was developed to measure the economic empowerment of women in the WB6. The study also contains stocktaking and assessment of key policy areas and measures to reduce gender inequality and promote economic empowerment of women in the WB region.

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Report on the Activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period 1 October 2020 – 1 March 2021

Report on the Activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period 1 October 2020 – 1 March 2021

29 MARCH 2021 | REPORT

The Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat is submitted by the RCC Secretary General to the RCC Board in line with Article 15 of the Statute of the RCC. It covers the period between 1 October 2020 – 1 March 2021.

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Article by Gazeta Si, featuring RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu and results and successes of the Regional Cooperation Council

Article by Gazeta Si, featuring RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu and results and successes of the Regional Cooperation Council


Albanian web portal Gazeta Si published an article dubbed "The unspoken of Majlinda Bregu/the International Mission", featuring RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu and results and successes of the Regional Cooperation Council.

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FUTOURISMO award ceremony, Introductory remarks by RCC SG

FUTOURISMO award ceremony, Introductory remarks by RCC SG

02 MARCH 2021 | SPEECH

Intruductory remarks by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of FUTOURISMO award ceremony held on 2 March 2021 in an online format.

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Op-Ed: Women’s empowerment is essential to Western Balkans’ efforts to build back better from the pandemic

Op-Ed: Women’s empowerment is essential to Western Balkans’ efforts to build back better from the pandemic


By Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and
Mirjana Spoljaric, Regional Director for UNDP’s Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States

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Recovering from COVID-19: How and With Whom?

Recovering from COVID-19: How and With Whom?


Recovering from COVID-19: How and With Whom?, Article by Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)

OBSERVING the Western Balkans through Employment Observatory

"Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), our Employment and Social Affairs Platform 2 (ESAP 2) project to be more specific, prepared Observatory on employment in the Western Balkans.
Yes. Observatory is not something you never heard of before. However, this is the first one of its kind. An online platform that compiles and presents labour market data gathered from official sources in each of the six Western Balkan economies."

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Youth Policy Lab Draft Working Group Rules of Procedure

Youth Policy Lab Draft Working Group Rules of Procedure


The Regional Cooperation Council’s Western Balkan Youth Lab project produced Youth Policy Lab Draft Working Group Rules of Procedure, which represents the proposals for the Rules of Procedure for the Working Groups at economy level in regard to the Model on Youth Policy Labs and regional policy recommendations stemming from the Thematic Regional Youth Policy Lab on Youth Unemployment held in December 2020.

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Compliance of Legal Framework in the Western Balkans Economies With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Requirements

Compliance of Legal Framework in the Western Balkans Economies With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Requirements


The Regional Cooperation Council supported the assessment of compliance of the Western Balkans Economies’ legislation with the GDPR requirements. This assessment covers all six Western Balkans economies and aims to evaluate the state of implementation as well as to provide concrete recommendations to ensure proper enforcement of GDPR principles and requirements at both economy and regional level.

The objective of this report is to provide (1) an overview of each of the respective economies separately, both from the perspective of their regulatory frameworks (including assessment of their alignment with the GDPR and points of their non-compliance with the same) and practical solutions for overcoming the existing challenges in the field of further data protection development (Economy Reports), and (2) overview of the data protection related similarities between the respective economies and, consequently, joint conclusions for further development of their data protection environment (Key Findings and Conclusions).

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Multi-annual Action Plan for a Regional Economic Area (MAP REA) in the Western Balkans - Diagnostic Report

Multi-annual Action Plan for a Regional Economic Area (MAP REA) in the Western Balkans - Diagnostic Report


Report on implementation of the Multi-annual Action Plan for a Regional Economic Area (MAP REA) in the Western Balkans covers diagnostics in the following MAP REA components: Trade, Investment, Skills & Mobility and Digital integration, priority areas of the action plan endorsed by the Leaders of Western Balkans at the Trieste Summit in 2017.

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Promoting judicial cooperation in support of economic development in the Western Balkans

Promoting judicial cooperation in support of economic development in the Western Balkans


This report provides an overview of the existing legal framework of the WB6 economies on judicial cooperation in criminal and civil/commercial matters. It highlights whether the existing legal framework is sufficient enough to promote judicial cooperation and foster
free circulation of judgments. It summarises some of the main findings on the rule of law performance of Western Balkans Six (WB6), in particular those related to judicial performance.

The general analysis is based on desk research. The relevant information was collected from different studies and reports analysing the rules on judicial cooperation in criminal and civil matters and the rule of law performance of the WB6.

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5th Ministerial Meeting on Environment and Climate Action in the Western Balkans - Introductory remarks by RCC SG

5th Ministerial Meeting on Environment and Climate Action in the Western Balkans - Introductory remarks by RCC SG


Intruductory remarks by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the 5th Ministerial Meeting on Environment and Climate Action in the Western Balkans, held online on 18 December 2020

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Mapping of Gender-Related Policies, Programmes and Mechanisms on Gender Disparity in STEM in Western Balkans

Mapping of Gender-Related Policies, Programmes and Mechanisms on Gender Disparity in STEM in Western Balkans


The objective of this study is to identify policies related to gender disparity in STEM at the level of each Western Balkan economy and provide a regional overview of existing mechanisms and
initiatives, thus providing recommendations for regional action in the area of STEM.

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Orhan Usein, Head of Office of the RCC's Roma Integration project for Euro News Albania

Orhan Usein, Head of Office of the RCC's Roma Integration project for Euro News Albania


"We still witness violations of human rights of the Roma population – police brutality, segregated schools and housing, discrimination within different public institutions, including health care providers, which is especially concerning at this time when the world is facing a pandemic. Are we talking about Roma inclusion if we build homes for them and put them all in one area? When talking about Roma, we need to start with ourselves, and what makes us feel like human beings. Just like everyone else, Roma also care about their children, think about how they are going to pay their bills, fight to survive, are worried about the current pandemic. Although having a distinct culture, Roma are in no way different from anybody else. And why do we treat them differently, put them in segregated areas, deny their human rights?" said Orhan Usein, Regional Cooperation Council Roma Integration, Head of Office, amongst other things, in his interview for Euro News Albania on the occassion of marking Human Rights Day.

Full interview is available at the links below.

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Speech of the Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the Launch of RCC-UNDP initiative on women empowerment

Speech of the Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the Launch of RCC-UNDP initiative on women empowerment


Speech by the Regional Cooperation Council's (RCC) Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the launching of the the joint RCC and UNDP initiative 'Women’s Economic Empowerment: Areas for joint actions in the Western Balkans' held online on 11 December 2020.

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Women’s Economic Empowerment: Areas for joint actions in the Western Balkans Factsheet

Women’s Economic Empowerment: Areas for joint actions in the Western Balkans Factsheet


‘Women’s Economic Empowerment:Areas for joint actions in the Western Balkans’ Initiative is joint work of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) aiming to enhance collaboration among different stakeholders and underpin systemic change in addressing gender inequalities and co-designing initiatives on women’s economic empowerment. Factsheet shortly describe key priorities initiative is focusing on.

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Bregu: Common Regional Market is a tool that will get us faster to the EU accession

Bregu: Common Regional Market is a tool that will get us faster to the EU accession


In an interview originally published by BiH portal, Majlinda Bregu spoke about the Common Regional Market (CRM), endorsed in Sofia on 10 November 2020 by Western Balkans leaders. Read about the purpose, benefits and next steps in the implementation of the CRM Action Plan.

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Speech of the Secretary General at the Ministerial Meeting of the Western Balkans Platforms on Education and Training & Research and Innovation

Speech of the Secretary General at the Ministerial Meeting of the Western Balkans Platforms on Education and Training & Research and Innovation


Keynote sppech by the Regional Cooperation Council's (RCC) Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the Ministerial Meeting of the Western Balkans Platforms on Education and Training & Research and Innovation, held on 2 December 2020 in online format.

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Strengthening the Role of Parliaments of the Western Balkans Region in the Berlin Process

Strengthening the Role of Parliaments of the Western Balkans Region in the Berlin Process


The overall objective of this regional assessment is to support the strengthening of the role of Western Balkan (WB) Parliaments in the Berlin Process. To this end the assessment includes the analysis of the current involvement of Parliaments of WB economies in the Berlin Process, aiming to identify the steps needed to establish a formal parliamentary dialogue in line with the Chair’s conclusions of the Western Balkans Summit in Poznań 2019 and pave the way for better information sharing on measures linked with regional integration agenda among the Parliaments so as to contribute to a strengthened consultation process at regional level.

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„Addressing the challenges posed by disinformation in the Western Balkans“ - Statement by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)

„Addressing the challenges posed by disinformation in the Western Balkans“ - Statement by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)


Statement by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) on the topic of the issue of disinformation in the region, on the occasion of the online webinar „Addressing the challenges posed by disinformation in the Western Balkans“ held in Sarajevo on 11-12 November 2020.

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Speech of the Secretary General at the Western Balkans Sofia Summit on 10 November 2020

Speech of the Secretary General at the Western Balkans Sofia Summit on 10 November 2020


Speech of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the Western Balkans Sofia Summir, held on 10 November 2020 in online format.

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Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans

Sofia Declaration on the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans


During the Western Balkans Sofia Summit, held on 10 November 2020, region reached important milestone by endorsing the Leaders’ Declaration on the Green Agenda that aligns with EU Green Deal. Declaration is to support and accelerate changes and processes in the region with the overarching goal of addressing climate change.

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Common Regional Market Factsheet

Common Regional Market Factsheet


Common Regional Market Action Plan is to be implemented by Western Balkans economies by 2024. RCC and CEFTA will be leading regional organisations to help Western Balkans implement it, together with other regional and international partners in line with their scope of work.

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RCC SG speech at the Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs within the Berlin Process

RCC SG speech at the Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs within the Berlin Process


Introductory remarks by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the Berlin Process ministerial conference, held on 9 November 2020 in online format.

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Interview of the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu for Novi Magazin

Interview of the RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu for Novi Magazin


"Western Balkans needs to pull its own weight as well, and there comes the Common Regional Market Plan that goes hand in hand with EU’s EIP. We are very small geographic area of around 18 million people altogether. And yet, almost 50% of people in the Western Balkans do not have the equal opportunity to free movement with identity documents. It is a region of scattered markets with different rules and procedures. The goal is to synchronise them to allow for smooth flow of goods, people, services, capital, but also to make the entire region an attractive investment destination. But we also have to bear in mind the global trend in digitalisation and develop plans to catch up with new technologies so we would be competitive."

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RCC Secretary General speech at the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2020 Ministerial Meeting

RCC Secretary General speech at the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2020 Ministerial Meeting


Introductory remarks by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2020 Ministerial Meeting, held in Tirana on 2 November 2020

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Overview of the Relevant Experiences in Judicial e-Learning in the SEE Region

Overview of the Relevant Experiences in Judicial e-Learning in the SEE Region


This Overview of the relevant experiences in judicial distance training in the SEE region and its accompanying Recommendations were developed in the framework of the activity of the SEE Judicial Training Institutions (SEE JTI) Network.

The purpose of this document is to support the implementation of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2020 – 2022, in regard to the activities related to strengthening JTIs cooperation by facilitating and supporting networking and lifelong learning of judges, prosecutors and legal professionals, which should contribute to improved competences, mutual trust and enhanced crossborder and regional cooperation among the judiciaries in SEE.

It should serve as a baseline for future actions in judicial distance learning area within the SEE JTIs Network. The recommendations herein should facilitate more active cooperation for developing and implementing joint initiatives, projects and actions on topics of common interest of the JTI’s in the South East Europe region.

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RCC SG speech at the Ministerial Meeting on Roma Integration

RCC SG speech at the Ministerial Meeting on Roma Integration


Introductory remarks by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu on the occasion of the Ministerial Meeting on Roma Integration, held in Tirana on 27 October 2020

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Opening remarks of the RCC Secretary General at the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2020

Opening remarks of the RCC Secretary General at the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2020


Speech of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu at the opening of the 3rd Western Balkans Digital Summit 2020 in Tirana on 26 October 2020

Report on the Activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period 15 May 2020 – 1 October 2020

Report on the Activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period 15 May 2020 – 1 October 2020


The Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat is submitted by the RCC Secretary General to the RCC Board in line with Article 15 of the Statute of the RCC. It covers the period between 15 May 2020 – 1 October 2020.

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RCC Secretary General speech at the Berlin Process Interior Ministers' Meeting

RCC Secretary General speech at the Berlin Process Interior Ministers' Meeting


Speech by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu at the Berlin Process Interior Ministers' Meeting held on 16 October 2020

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RCC Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General for European Western Balkans:  In times like these anchored cooperation-bashkepunim-saradnja-suradnja-сoработка-сарадња, takes on more importance

RCC Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General for European Western Balkans: In times like these anchored cooperation-bashkepunim-saradnja-suradnja-сoработка-сарадња, takes on more importance


"Economic impact is not falling short either. It’s enough to go to the nearest shopping mall, look around and count how many stores have already been closed. This is just one domino in the entire effect – bringing down jobs and unemployment in the region by 15% from March to July this year. Especially hard hit is the youth, whose unemployment rose by 27%, bringing the number of unemployed young people to almost 800,000, while women unemployment reached 53%."

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Secretary General for EWB: Western Balkans can not lose another decade marked with new instabilities

Secretary General for EWB: Western Balkans can not lose another decade marked with new instabilities


European Western Balkans (EWB), a regional web portal specialized in European integration process of the Western Balkans, published an interview with RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu on regional initiative “Green Corridors”, an initiative "achieved in times of big crisis. Western Balkans 6, the Regional Cooperation Council, the Transport Community Treaty Secretariat and CEFTA, with the support of the European Commission and our bordering EU member states, helped governments in the region to set and open a very much needed measure in the given situation to maintain the flow of goods, especially food, medicines and medical equipment within the region and between the region and the EU in the time of lockdown caused by the coronavirus outbreak. "

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RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu for Deutsche Welle

RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu for Deutsche Welle


Deutsche Welle published an interview with RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu.

Among other things Bregu said: "Any initiative that takes economic co-operation forward is always welcome and worth discussing. However, on the other hand, I think there is room in the Western Balkans to include all those good ideas that may come from initiatives, such as the so-called Mini-Schengen initiative, in this very framework of the Regional Economic Area on which we have been working for several years."

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Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the RCC on 1st edition of Balkathon and future plans in an interview for Albanian Business Magazine

Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the RCC on 1st edition of Balkathon and future plans in an interview for Albanian Business Magazine


"Encouraging innovative ideas, promoting digital solutions and creating room for the introduction of new ideas are the daily efforts on the part of RCC, its mindset not only in terms of thinking but also in terms of acting. It goes without saying that Covid-19 did provide an incentive, for instance when realizing how much more the private sector was using digital solutions. The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) found its inspiration for Balkathon in the efforts made by EU Member States and Western Balkan economies to adjust their way of life in light of the new reality, starting off with the printing of 3D masks, the creation of online teaching and learning platforms, the creation of applications that facilitate online shopping, etc."

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Milena Filipovic: Connecting regional tourism offer through culture tourism in Western Balkan

Milena Filipovic: Connecting regional tourism offer through culture tourism in Western Balkan


Ms. Milena Filipovic the Expert on Cultural Tourism for the Triple P Tourism Project implemented by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and funded by the European Union, in the latest interview for the Bosnian Federal News Agency, FENA, discussed the importance of the tourism development and promotion in the six Western Balkan economies throughout joint regional cultural and adventure tourism offer.

As an Expert on Cultural Tourism, Ms. Filipovic emphasized that the aim of the project is to present and adequately valorise the richness and diversity of both cultural and natural heritage that the Western Balkan region can indeed take pride in, representing significant development resource.

The entire interview can be found bellow.

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Orhan Usein: While one out of four young people in the region is in limbo, this is true for three out of four Roma

Orhan Usein: While one out of four young people in the region is in limbo, this is true for three out of four Roma


Croatian web portal Phralipen published an interview with Orhan Usein, Team Leader of the RCC's Roma Integration project. Usein spoke about achieved results, outcomes , goals and upcoming actvities the Declaration of Roma Integration, signed last year during the Western Balkans Summit in Poznan. Among other things, Usein also spoke about current situation of Roma in the Western Balkans, challenges they face, especially in the light of recent coronavirus outbreak.

The entire interview in Croation and English can be find bellow.

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Report on the preparation of post-2020 Strategy in the Western Balkans

Report on the preparation of post-2020 Strategy in the Western Balkans

23 JULY 2020 | REPORT

The purpose of this report is to provide input into the development of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)’s South East Europe (SEE) 2030 Strategy for the Western Balkans (WB). It provides cross-analysis of findings from relevant post-2020 strategies of six Western Balkan economies. Moreover, it provides comparative analysis of linkages between strategic priorities of the Western Balkan economies with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also addresses the priorities of the European Commission (2019-2024) and their relevance for the Western Balkans, as well as the interlinkages between the national priorities of the WB6 and EU post strategic 2020 agenda, including information relevant in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, this report provides information on the plans, scope
of work, and priorities of relevant regional organisations and initiatives in the period after 2020 in order to identify opportunities for synergies between them and the RCC and to avoid possible overlaps going forward.

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It is our duty to fight discrimination wherever we see it, Article by Orhan Usein, Team Leader of Roma Integration 2020 project on the occasion of the first anniversary of Poznan Declaration

It is our duty to fight discrimination wherever we see it, Article by Orhan Usein, Team Leader of Roma Integration 2020 project on the occasion of the first anniversary of Poznan Declaration


"The discrimination of minorities is a pandemic worse than the coronavirus, as it has managed to rule the world for a lot longer. As well as the virus, it mutates, takes on new forms, and finds many different ways to inhibit the population.

Dehumanisation, degradation, segregation, humiliation – these are the experiences that Roma in Western Balkans face almost every day. Their rights have been denied for years, and the acknowledgment of the problem and serious actions have been to a great extent absent. ", said, among other things, Orhan Usein, Team Leader of Roma Integration 2020 project, implemented by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) with the financial support of the European Union and the Open Society Foundations

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Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2019-2020

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2019-2020

25 JUNE 2020 | REPORT

This Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) covers the period April 2019 – April 2020. It outlines main RCC activities and achievements in the past year. It also lays out the overall background and crucial developments impacting and shaping the activities of the RCC and the region of South East Europe in the reporting period.

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RCC SG speech at the presentation of Balkan Barometer 2020 on 24 June 2020

RCC SG speech at the presentation of Balkan Barometer 2020 on 24 June 2020

24 JUNE 2020 | SPEECH

Introductory remarks by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu on the ocassion of Balkan Barometer 2020 launch held in a form of webinar on 24 June 2020

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24 JUNE 2020 | SURVEY

Balkan Barometer 2020 - the 6th edition of the annual public opinion survey commissioned by the Regional Cooperation Council to gather and interpret data spanning a number of thematic areas and topics. The Barometer examines the region’s perceptions of today, and its expectations for tomorrow, giving voice to the SEE’s business community as well as its citizens at large.

The Balkan Barometer: Public Opinion Survey carries perceptions of the citizens at large, examining their views of the current situation and future expectations.

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24 JUNE 2020 | SURVEY

Balkan Barometer 2020 - the 6th edition of the RCC of the annual business opinion survey commissioned by the Regional Cooperation Council to gather and interpret data spanning a number of thematic areas and topics. The Barometer examines both the region’s perceptions of today, and its expectations for tomorrow, giving voice to the SEE’s business community as well as its citizens at large.

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Balkan Barometer 2020: Covid-19 impact assessment

Balkan Barometer 2020: Covid-19 impact assessment

24 JUNE 2020 | SURVEY

Following the annual issue of the Balkan Barometer survey, the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) initiated additional analysis to observe more closely sentiments and perceptions of the general public and the business community in the context of recent developments deriving from COVID-19. In this respect, RCC engaged in data collection and data processing as a basis for snap-shot analysis of the attitudes, experiences and perceptions on the recent developments in six economies.

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Balkan Barometer - COVID19 pandemic Impact Assessment Infographics

Balkan Barometer - COVID19 pandemic Impact Assessment Infographics


The Balkan Barometer 2020 edition presents for the first time the perception and sentiments on COVID19 pandemic Impact Assessment. COVID19 pandemic Impact Assessment infographics booklet features some of the defining opinions of our citizens and business on jobs, economy and recovery in regard to the COVID 19 pandemic and lockdowns.

The entire BB survey is available at

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BALKAN BAROMETER is an annual survey of public opinion and business sentiments in six Western Balkans economies, commissioned by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), which examines aspirations and expectations on life and work, prevalent socio-economic and political trends & regional and European integration.
BALKAN BAROMETER’S 2020 infographics booklet features some of the defining thoughts of Western Balkans citizens and businesses on prevailing issues facing the region.
The entire BB survey is available at

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Viral slowdown, Article by Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)

Viral slowdown, Article by Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)


Article by the RCC SG on the effects of coronavirus on employment in the Western Balkans.

"According to ILO estimates, in the second quarter of 2020 the Western Balkans will lose 11.6% of hours worked due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is equivalent to more than 800,000 employment losses and could almost entirely wipe out the gains in employment the region has accumulated since 2012."

"While ensuring the health of the population is of utmost priority, economic measures need to be implemented hand in hand in order to preserve employment through subsidies and financial support or to compensate for the loss of jobs or economic activity.

Any economic and employment support scheme in the Western Balkans should also be accompanied by incentives to tackle some of the existing labour market challenges, such as for instance supporting the transition from undeclared into declared work as well as reskilling and upskilling the workforce in order to prepare them better for a continuously evolving labour market."

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Digital is the future, minus the dark side…. , Op-ed by Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General

Digital is the future, minus the dark side…. , Op-ed by Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General

04 JUNE 2020 | ARTICLE

"The lockdown brought high unemployment rate rise in the Western Balkans, between 5% and more than 30%. But without modern technologies that enabled working from home and saving jobs, that number would have been even higher. 38% of our citizens see COVID-19 pandemic as a threat to their job or jobs of their family members and 35% are impatient to get back to work, the latest data from RCC's Balkan Barometer show."

The Western Balkans (WB) Digital transformation agenda 2021-2024, financed by the European Union, is under preparation and will be the backbone for the socio-economic recovery of WB, strongly and timely anchored with the EU recovery efforts.

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With Proven Potential for Innovation, Youth are Our Greatest Investment Opportunity

With Proven Potential for Innovation, Youth are Our Greatest Investment Opportunity


With Proven Potential for Innovation, Youth are Our Greatest Investment Opportunity, Article by Adem Gashi, Team Leader of the RCC Western Balkans Youth Lab Project

"There is no crystal ball to tell the fortune, but it’s crystal clear that by involving youth in decision making, the region will have a better future"

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RCC Secretary General speech at the EU-Western Balkans Zagreb Summit

RCC Secretary General speech at the EU-Western Balkans Zagreb Summit

06 MAY 2020 | SPEECH

Speech by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu at the EU-WB Zagreb Summit held online on 6 May 2020

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RCC Secretary General for Radio Free Europe (RFE)

RCC Secretary General for Radio Free Europe (RFE)


“Implementation of initiatives to strengthen cooperation amongst the [Western] Balkans Six economies would create conditions for better life of our citizens. What might save us from pains is for the political leaders and experts to say, because coronavirus pandemic is an abnormal situation that comes with abnormal risks. Cooperation is vital and I believe we all got the idea that solo play will bring us nowhere,” said, among other things, RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu in Radio Free Europe’s (RFE) article dubbed “Economic cooperation in Western Balkans: Solo play will bring us nowhere” analyzing the effects COVID-19 pandemic will have on the economy of Western Balkans.

The full article including the original answers to RFE questions provided by the RCC SG is available in the document.

Download: EN 

INFODEMIC - spreading fake news is almost as dangerous as spreading the virus; Op-ed by Amer Kapetanovic, Head of Political Department (RCC)

INFODEMIC - spreading fake news is almost as dangerous as spreading the virus; Op-ed by Amer Kapetanovic, Head of Political Department (RCC)

03 MAY 2020 | ARTICLE

"A false story reaches people six times faster than a true one. Especially in crises there is an increased tendency of part of the population to trust the rumors rather than the official information, which is a consequence of an emotional reaction to fear. Then this information is shared further and most of them do it without a bad intent but simply because they are not informed enough to recognize unverified information, which can cause serious problems to the whole society."

Download: EN SQ BS MK 

1st of May 2020: Not the Labour Day as We Know It, Article by Nand Shani, Team Leader of ESAP 2

1st of May 2020: Not the Labour Day as We Know It, Article by Nand Shani, Team Leader of ESAP 2


Article on the occasion of 1 May, Labour Day

1st of May 2020: Not the Labour Day as We Know It
Coronavirus in the Western Balkans: Testing immunity of the world of work

By Nand Shani, Team Leader of Employment and Social Affairs Platform Project (ESAP 2), implemented jointly by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO), funded by the EU

Download: EN BS MK SQ 

Tanja Miscevic, RCC's Deputy Secretary General for the European Western Balkans (EWB)

Tanja Miscevic, RCC's Deputy Secretary General for the European Western Balkans (EWB)


Deputy Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) spoke to European Western Balkans (EWB) about the priorities of regional cooperation at the time of the pandemic, economic recovery plans and cooperation between RCC and the governments of the region, as well as the support the EU has provided for the Western Balkans.

Download: EN SR 

Majlinda Bregu, RCC SG's interview for N1 about the Western Balkans during & after COVID-19 pandemic

Majlinda Bregu, RCC SG's interview for N1 about the Western Balkans during & after COVID-19 pandemic


Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) talks to N1 TV in an online interview about life in the Western Balkans during the corona virus pandemic, its effects on the tourism sector, Green Corridors and the EU integration of the region

View: BS EN 

Article by Al Jazeera Balkans featuring statement by the RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu on Western Balkans Digital Agenda

Article by Al Jazeera Balkans featuring statement by the RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu on Western Balkans Digital Agenda


Secretary General of the Reginal Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu for Al Jazeera Balkans on the topic of development and usage of e-services and cybersecurity and digital literacy in the region: "According to our Balkan Barometer 2019, more than 76% of the WB citizens say they use internet, but only 4% say they are paying bills online, and just 2% use government e-services. According to same data majority, 58% of businesses in WB see digitalisation of public services as the key avenue for increasing transparency and predictability of government conduct.”

Download: EN BS 



12 MARCH 2020 | REPORT

The Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat is submitted by the RCC Secretary General to the RCC Board in line with Article 15 of the Statute of the RCC. It covers the period between 15 October 2019 – 1 March 2020.

Download: EN 

Speech by RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the Western Balkans Competitiveness and Innovation Accelerator kick-off meeting

Speech by RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu at the Western Balkans Competitiveness and Innovation Accelerator kick-off meeting


"Without a strategic innovation function that can enhance the capacities to incubate and accelerate the new technologies, companies in this region will continue to stockpiling undeveloped inventions and this will not return in an investment. "
The RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu delivered the speech at the Western Balkans Competitiveness and Innovation Accelerator kick-off meeting held on 21 February in Tirana, Albania.

Download: EN 

My “whack a mole” questions on Innovation, Op-ed by Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General

My “whack a mole” questions on Innovation, Op-ed by Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu on the necessity of investing in innovation as the engine of the economic growth in the region: "I am still wandering how good we, from this region are in finding the needle in the haystack of vast pools of innovation and technology?
The right needle I mean, the one that can help us spot anomalies in this global reshape of economies, called 4th industrial revolution?!
What novelty is fit for us to help our region change dramatically from a laggard in innovation into a competitive one and get more from these “game of zones” in technological upshift?"

Download: EN BS SQ 

Talking Points by the RCC Secretary General at the International Donors’ Conference “Together for Albania”

Talking Points by the RCC Secretary General at the International Donors’ Conference “Together for Albania”


Talking points and pledge by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu at the International Donors’ Conference “Together for Albania”, held in Brussels on 17 February 2020 and organised by the EU, aiming to support reconstruction efforts after the earthquake that struck Albania at the end of November 2019.

Download: SQ EN 

Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu for Euronews Albania

Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu for Euronews Albania


Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu spoke to Euronews Albania on meaning, importance, successes and challenges of the Regional Economic Area.

The entire interview is avaliable at the following link

Download: SQ EN 

The air pollution is killing us: Article by the RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu for FENA News Agency

The air pollution is killing us: Article by the RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu for FENA News Agency


In the article for FENA News Agency, the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Majlinda Bregu reiterates the importance of addressing the air pollution in the region, as it continuously jeopardises health and wellbeing of the citizens. Many Western Balkans cities occupy the tops of the lists of the most polluted cities in the world and decisive actions to mitigate air pollution are necessary.

Download: EN BS 

Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu in the EU Scream podacst on the EU perspective of the Western Balkans

Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu in the EU Scream podacst on the EU perspective of the Western Balkans


Secretary General of the regional Cooperation Council Majlinda Bregu in the EU Scream podacst on the EU perspective of the Western Balkans

Audio: EN

Download: EN 

Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Majlinda Bregu for “Vijesti”

Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Majlinda Bregu for “Vijesti”


INTERVIEW: Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Majlinda Bregu for “Vijesti”

Download: EN CG SQ 

Report on the preparation of post-2020 Strategy in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Report on the preparation of post-2020 Strategy in Bosnia and Herzegovina


The study detailed in this report outlines both domestic and international policy frameworks that may present opportunities for embedding the post-2020 priorities for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Due to the complexities of the economy’s constitutional system, the review of relevant domestic instruments includes both national and sub-national structures and documents in an effort to provide an accurate mapping of the relevant policy landscape.

In general, as the study demonstrates in great detail, strategic planning documents in Bosnia and Herzegovina tend to be short on detail and frequently lack verifiable indicators for success as well as the funding needed to implement their lofty goals. This is something that is expected to impact any plans for embedding the post-2020 priorities in national strategic frameworks.

Download: EN 

Report on the preparation of post-2020 Strategy in Kosovo*

Report on the preparation of post-2020 Strategy in Kosovo*


This report is a Kosovo*’s contribution to the post 2020 Regional Strategy for the SEE in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that is to be developed by the RCC, along with key regional and international partners, the European Commission, national administrations, civil society, academia, media and private sector. It consists of mapping of mid-term and long-term strategies and the analysis of priorities and national targets with respect to Kosovo*’s post 2020 vision and UN Agenda 2030.

The focus of the report is on Kosovo*’s National Development Strategy (NDS) and its correlation with other strategic planning frameworks namely the Kosovo*’s European integration agenda and the adoption of the acquis. Existing sectoral strategies that span beyond 2020 are also part of the mapping.

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

Download: EN 

Report on the preparation of post-2020 Strategy in Montenegro

Report on the preparation of post-2020 Strategy in Montenegro


This report provides information regarding the national post-2020 strategic and other policy-relevant documents in Montenegro. The report provides an overview of the most important strategic objectives and priorities.

The report describes linkages between the specific strategic documents, priorities of the European Union (EU) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also provides an overview of current donor strategic framework support for Montenegro for the forthcoming period.

Download: EN 

Report on the preparation of post-2020 Strategy in North Macedonia

Report on the preparation of post-2020 Strategy in North Macedonia


This report provides information regarding the relevant national post-2020 policy and other strategic documents in the Republic of North Macedonia and identifies their objectives/priorities/targets and their relation to the specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are of particular importance for the economy, and other European Union (EU) accession frameworks. It also provides an overview of donor strategic framework support for the North Macedonia for the forthcoming period.

Download: EN 

Report on the preparation of post-2020 Strategy in Serbia

Report on the preparation of post-2020 Strategy in Serbia


The overall objective of this analysis is to conduct stock taking and identification of the existing mid- and long-term strategies, analyse priorities within the existing strategies, and provide an overview of the quantification of key national targets with respect to post-2020 vision and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through desk-based research and consultations with the representatives of Serbia, both government and non-governmental organisations, and donors and international organisations based in Serbia.

Download: EN 

Report on preparation of post-2020 Strategy in Albania

Report on preparation of post-2020 Strategy in Albania


The report aims to present an analysis of relevant post-2020 strategies in Albania and a detailed analysis of strategic national priorities with respect to the European Commission priorities and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Download: EN 

Article by Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the RCC: We might not be as competitive as Germany, but we need to counter our fears and ensure mobility of students in the Western Balkans

Article by Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the RCC: We might not be as competitive as Germany, but we need to counter our fears and ensure mobility of students in the Western Balkans


Article by Majlinda Bregu, the RCC Secretary General for Political Trends and Dynamics in Southeast Europe publication of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) about youth in the region and organisation's activities to support full utilisation of this human potential

Youth accounts for over 21% of population in the Western Balkans (WB), or more than 3.5 million in a region of some 18 million people all together. I call this a potential for future, for further strengthening of cooperation, for reconciliation in the region.

Download: EN 

Climate change does not need Schengen visa, Article by Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council

Climate change does not need Schengen visa, Article by Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu on burning issue and challanges of climate change and Green Agenda in the Western Balkans: "We need to do more to raise awareness among the citizens that each and every one of us, including children, can and should make a difference. We truly are in this together, whether you like to admit it or not. The small steps also count – reducing plastic containers, minding the trash to keep our rivers, mountains, fields, forests clean, properly treat waste, turn to domestic foods, print less…a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. "

The article was published in the European Western Balkans

Download: EN BS SQ 

My experience working informally: Take it or leave it, there are always other workers by Aida Djugum, Radio Slobodna Evropa

My experience working informally: Take it or leave it, there are always other workers by Aida Djugum, Radio Slobodna Evropa


My experience working informally: Take it or leave it, there are always other workers
Personal experience of a woman from Bosnia and Herzegovina who has been working informally for a couple of years, with no employment contract, paid pension or health contributions and with no rights.

Download: EN BS 

Secretary General Bregu: Delay in the EU enlargement generates

Secretary General Bregu: Delay in the EU enlargement generates "disappointment climate" in the Western Balkans


RCC Secretary General for Austria Presse Agentur (APA): The delay in the EU enlargement has created a "disappointment climate" in the Western Balkans. "People are the ones who really support the EU accession process," says Secretary General. "They believe that if the EU standards apply to their country, they will feel safer, have equal opportunities to find a job, and be treated fairly in court of justice."

Download: DE EN 

Overview of Grants Recipients – 2nd Call for Proposals, awarded by the RCC’s Tourism Development and Promotion Project

Overview of Grants Recipients – 2nd Call for Proposals, awarded by the RCC’s Tourism Development and Promotion Project


The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)’s EU-funded Tourism Development and Promotion Project has awarded the second sixteen, grants to the best project proposals received through the 2nd public call for proposals looking for ideas intended to improve a joint Western Balkans cultural and adventure tourism offer, as well as infrastructure and quality of services along the selected touristic routes. The first call resulted in 12 grants, awarded in 2018, implementation of which has already been finalised.

Download: EN 

Bregu: Region cannot wait forever in the line for EU

Bregu: Region cannot wait forever in the line for EU


RCC Secretary General for Politika: “The new EU enlargement strategy has to be a bold, clear, coherent strategy, avoiding ambiguity, a methodology that could install better connection between the EU and the Western Balkans even before accession, without empty promises, and definitely a methodology that could empower economies in the region to work on the reforms."

Download: EN SR SQ 




The Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat is submitted by the RCC Secretary General to the RCC Board in line with Article 15 of the Statute of the RCC. It covers the period between 1 May – 30 September 2019.

Download: EN 

Shani: BiH and its institutions do their share of work to tackle informal economy

Shani: BiH and its institutions do their share of work to tackle informal economy


Nand Shani, RCC's ESAP Team Leader, spoke for Radio Free Europe on the issue of informal economy.

"There are no precise data, but according to the estimates shadow economy’s share in Western Balkans (WB) economies’ GDP ranges between 20% and 30%"

"In addition to budgetary implications, countries also lose people over shadow economy because of the lack of opportunities for finding a suitable job has an effect on system’s propensity, i.e. forces young people and other workers to seek better life and better jobs abroad.", said Shani, among other things.

Audio: EN

Download: EN BS 

Speech by RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu, at the High Level Regional Conference “It’s all about Justice”

Speech by RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu, at the High Level Regional Conference “It’s all about Justice”


RCC and Albanian Ministry of Justice, organised the High Level Regional Conference “It’s all about Justice” gathering WB6 ministers, representatives of judicial institutions, civil society, and media, in Tirana on 4 October 2019

Download: SQ EN 




The study “Towards creating E-environment in justice - common standards on promoting quality of judicial training and regional cross-border cooperation in SEE” , aims to identify the possible common basic standards for enhancing the quality of judicial training and its components in the main phases of the training cycle, thus creating the base for exchange of trainers and mentors, materials and methodologies among the SEE Judicial Training Institutes. In parallel, this document proposes the possible modalities of regional and international cooperation for achieving and implementing European and international standards for independent, efficient and accountable judiciary.

Download: EN 

"A clean, well-lighted place", article by Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General, for Bled Strategic Times


Article by Majlinda Bregu, the RCC Secretary General, on European integration prospects of the Western Balkans in the 30 August 2019 issue of the Bled Strategic Times magazine.

“European Integration of the Western Balkans is not a territorial agenda. It is a Transformational agenda. No one expects any shortage of sensitivities or emotional structures on display. But if we continue keeping the focus on the differences rather than seeing the world through the lenses of cooperation, we are simply welcoming an unacceptable risk."

Entire magazine is available at the following link The article by Majlinda Bregu is on page 10.

Download: EN SQ BS 



22 JULY 2019 | REPORT

The report aims to present main achievements related to the implementation of the South East Europe 2020 Strategy (SEE 2020) for the period from May 2018 until May 2019. It is divided into three main parts: a summary overview of the progress achieved, a detailed review per pillar and key recommendations per each dimension.

The Report was endorsed at the SEE 2020 Governing Board meeting held on 8 July 2019 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Download: EN 

RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2020 –2022

RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2020 –2022

08 JULY 2019 | REPORT

The Strategy and Work Programme 2020-2022 ‘Stepping up the Transformation’, of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat, endorsed at the RCC Annual Meeting, on 8 July 2019 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina aims to enhance socio-economic, digital and human connectivity within South East Europe (SEE), and between the region and the European Union (EU) through strengthened regional cooperation and development of a shared, inclusive and competitive economic space.

Download: EN 

Annual Report on of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) 2018-2019

Annual Report on of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) 2018-2019

08 JULY 2019 | REPORT

This Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) covers the period April 2018 – May 2019.
It outlines the main RCC activities and achievements during the past year. It also lays out the overall background and crucial developments impacting and shaping the activities of the RCC and the region of South East Europe in the reporting period. During the reporting period, the RCC has devoted its utmost attention to delivering positive change and facilitating necessary reforms in the region, aimed at speeding up economic convergence with the EU and (re)connecting the Western Balkans economies with the global and EU value chains.

Download: EN 




BALKAN BAROMETER is an annual survey of public opinion and business sentiments in six Western Balkans economies, commissioned by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), which examines aspirations and expectations on life and work, prevalent socio-economic and political trends & regional and European integration.
BALKAN BAROMETER’S 2019 infographics booklet features some of the defining thoughts of citizens and businesses on prevailing issues facing the region.
The entire BB survey is available at

Download: EN 



03 JULY 2019 | SURVEY

Balkan Barometer 2019, the fifth instalment of the RCC-commissioned annual survey of regional perceptions and attitudes across a wide array of social, political and economic factors impacting life in South East Europe (SEE), is modestly optimistic. It shows growing support for EU membership with more than half of all respondents viewing EU accession favourably, a first since the Barometer’s inception in 2015. Regional cooperation continues to be important to an overwhelming majority of respondents. Overall, the region has grown more positive both about its present situation as well as its outlook for the future, indicating a growing level of confidence in the financial stability of the six SEE economies.

The Balkan Barometer: Business Opinion Survey gives voice to the SEE’s business community, examining both their perceptions of today as well as expectations of tomorrow.

Download: EN 



03 JULY 2019 | SURVEY

Balkan Barometer 2019, the fifth instalment of the RCC-commissioned annual survey of regional perceptions and attitudes across a wide array of social, political and economic factors impacting life in South East Europe (SEE), is modestly optimistic. It shows growing support for EU membership with more than half of all respondents viewing EU accession favourably, a first since the Barometer’s inception in 2015. Regional cooperation continues to be important to an overwhelming majority of respondents. Overall, the region has grown more positive both about its present situation as well as its outlook for the future, indicating a growing level of confidence in the financial stability of the six SEE economies.

The Balkan Barometer: Public Opinion Survey carries perceptions of the citizens at large, examining their views of the current situation and future expectations.

Download: EN 

Regional cooperation is becoming a steady pattern to EU’s magnetic attraction

Regional cooperation is becoming a steady pattern to EU’s magnetic attraction


The article of the RCC's Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu tackles anticipations of the Berlin Process's Western Balkans Summit in Poznan, Poland, staring on 4 July 2019.
Summing the expectations up, Secretary General Bregu writes: On 1st of July, Roaming Reductions arrived. On 4th of July, the Western Balkans summit in Poznan will start. EU is a magnetic attraction, while regional cooperation is becoming a steady pattern. For the future, let’s look into the past because the unsavoury one is still a threat! But REA has a clear status with togetherness at its core. Let’s give REA and regional cooperation the force to chart a sustainable long term Western Balkan reconciliation! Through economy, lifting all existing barriers!

Download: EN BS 

Leaflet: Roaming Free Western Balkans

Leaflet: Roaming Free Western Balkans


#RoamingFreeWesternBalkans: After the signing of the Regional Roaming Agreement in Belgrade on 4 April 2019, drastic cuts of roaming costs in the region begun on 1 July 2019, leading to lowering roaming costs with EU, and 0 costs in WB in 2021

Download: EN 

Interview: Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the RCC to A2 CNN channel

Interview: Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the RCC to A2 CNN channel


The Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Majlinda Bregu spoke with Endri Xhafo, journalist of Tirana-based A2 CNN, “I Ftuari” show, on visa liberalisation but also on the overall situation in the region, regional cooperation, results achieved and steps to follow in the upcoming period.

View: SQ 

Western Balkans Youth Employment in Numbers

Western Balkans Youth Employment in Numbers


The brochure "Western Balkans Youth Employment in Numbers" gives an insight into the main indicators on the youth employment in the Western Balkans, including the overall youth employment rate, statistical data, people's sentiment on this issue as well as recommendations on how to improve the youth employment rate in the region.

Download: EN 

Article by Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General, for Euromoney's Global Markets magazine

Article by Majlinda Bregu, RCC Secretary General, for Euromoney's Global Markets magazine

08 MAY 2019 | ARTICLE

Article by Majlinda Bregu, the RCC Secretary General on economic prospects of the Western Balkans in the 8 May 2019 issue of Euromoney's Global Markets magazine.

“Standing on the gateway between the eastern and western part of the world, the region can serve as a safe harbour for investments whilst enabling easy access to the global market”.

Download: EN BS SQ 

Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat

Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat

30 APRIL 2019 | REPORT

The Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat is submitted by the RCC Secretary General to the RCC Board in line with Article 15 of the Statute of the RCC. It covers the period between 15 October 2018 – 1 March 2019.

Download: EN 

Article by Nand Shani, Team Leader of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)’s Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP)

Article by Nand Shani, Team Leader of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)’s Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP)


In an article "One year of additional schooling raises income by 9 percent", Team Leader of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)’s Employment and Social Affairs Platform (ESAP) Nand Shani talks about the origins of 1 May - International Workers' or Labour Day, about the employment in the Western Balkans, challenges and opportunities the region is facing, achieved results and tasks within the employment activities RCC and the region are working on.

Download: EN BS SQ 

Majlinda Bregu, the RCC Secretary General to Milica Magazine

Majlinda Bregu, the RCC Secretary General to Milica Magazine


In the interview to women's online Milica magazine, RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu talks about the region of South East Europe, successes and challenges of regional cooperation but also about the position of women in the region and being a woman in politics.

Download: SR EN 

PROMO FLYER: Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route’s Illyricum Trail

PROMO FLYER: Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route’s Illyricum Trail


Illyricum Trail is a new and upcoming branch of the Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route. It will run through Western Balkans and take tourists to some of the most mesmerising Roman archaeological sites where they will get to experience culture and history of an empire and immerse themselves in myth and legends of an era.

Development of the Illyricum Trail was initiated through the RCC implemented and EU funded Tourism Development and Promotion Project’s grants scheme.

Download: EN 

Roaming free? Downloading... Article by Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council

Roaming free? Downloading... Article by Majlinda Bregu, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council


Regional Roaming Agreement for the Western Balkans: "It means you would be able to speak, SMS or surf more, wherever in the region you find yourself in, and pay much less. No more worries about making sure that your data is off when you cross the border."

Download: EN 

RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu in RTSH1 Përballë programme

RCC Secretary General, Majlinda Bregu in RTSH1 Përballë programme


RCC Secretary General Majlinda Bregu was a guest in Përballë programme of the Albanian Radio Televizioni Shqiptar (RTSH1), hosted by Lutfi Dervishi.
The topics involved expected accomplishments of regional cooperation in 2019 and how they would affect ordinary citizens in the region.

View: EN SQ 

Bregu: Investment in the European future of the Western Balkans is a win-win choice

Bregu: Investment in the European future of the Western Balkans is a win-win choice


BiH online magazine BUKA, published an interview with the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Majlinda Bregu talking about the economic situation in the region, brain-drain, corruption, unresolved issues, but also about opportunities and necessity of regional cooperation and common European future.

Download: EN BS 

A NEW VIRTUAL BATTLEFIELD - How to prevent online radicalisation in the cyber security realm of the Western Balkans

A NEW VIRTUAL BATTLEFIELD - How to prevent online radicalisation in the cyber security realm of the Western Balkans


Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) commissioned a study on cyber security and online radicalization entitled “A NEW VIRTUAL BATTLEFIELD - How to prevent online radicalisation in the cyber security realm of the Western Balkans “.
The main objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive overview and analysis of the situation regarding the cyber security in the Western Balkan Six (WB6) economies but also offers recommendations for enhancement cyber security and prevention of online radicalisation on regional and national levels.
The study contains two chapters: Cyber Security in the Western Balkans, and Online Radicalization in the Western Balkans. The first Chapter focuses on traditional cyber security concerns, while the 2nd one aims at expanding the understanding of cyber security beyond traditional narrow perspective by including information operations, with a focus on online radicalization.
This study has been funded by the European Union (EU) within the IPA II 2016 Regional Action on P/CVE in the Western Balkans.

Download: EN 

Summary of the study

Summary of the study "A NEW VIRTUAL BATTLEFIELD - How to prevent online radicalisation in the cyber security realm of the Western Balkans"


Summary of the Study on Cyber Security (and Online Radicalisation) in the Western Balkans is an addition to Regional Cooperation Council’s study “A NEW VIRTUAL BATTLEFIELD - How to prevent online radicalisation in the cybersecurity realm of the Western Balkans, commissioned by the RCC and funded by the European Union (EU) within the IPA II 2016 Regional Action on P/CVE in the Western Balkans.
The brochure provides global and regional online environment overview, tackles the most important data, terms, statistics, strategies and challenges within the cybersecurity and online radicalization, presents breakdown of key data per each of Western Balkans Six economies and features recommendations for enhancement of cyber security and prevention of online radicalisation on regional and national levels.

Download: EN BS SQ MK TR 

Overview of Grants Recipients – 1st Call for Proposals, awarded by the RCC’s Tourism Development and Promotion Project

Overview of Grants Recipients – 1st Call for Proposals, awarded by the RCC’s Tourism Development and Promotion Project


The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)’s EU-funded Tourism Development and Promotion Project has awarded the first twelve, out of 30 + grants in total value of EUR 548,000. These grants are awarded to the best project proposals received through the public call for proposals looking for ideas intended to improve a joint Western Balkans cultural and adventure tourism offer, as well as infrastructure and quality of services along the selected touristic routes.

Download: EN 

Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat

Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat


The Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat is submitted by the RCC Secretary General to the RCC Board in line with Article 15 of the Statute of the RCC. It covers the period between 15 March – 15 October 2018.

Download: EN 

Checklists on Corruption Risks in the Healthcare Sector

Checklists on Corruption Risks in the Healthcare Sector


The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) developed a comprehensive Checklist of Corruption Risks in Healthcare Sector with a purpose of strengthening capacities of anti-corruption bodies in identifying and addressing corruption risks in healthcare system. Given the RCC’s Balkan Barometer Public Opinion showing continuous high level concerns of region’s citizens when it comes to corruption, especially in healthcare sector, this checklist reviews whether there are full set of controls in place, in order to minimize the risks for corruption.

Download: EN 

Chairs' conclusions of the Economy Ministers' Meeting of the London Western Balkans Summit 2018

Chairs' conclusions of the Economy Ministers' Meeting of the London Western Balkans Summit 2018


The participants of the Economy Ministers Meeting of the Berlin Process met in Vienna on 4 July and issued the conclusions presented in the document. The meeting built on the achievements of previous Berlin Process Summits, the recent European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Western Balkans Investment Summit,
and the Skopje Digital Summit.

Download: EN 

Initial Statement on the Horizon Europe Proposal by Western Balkan Six

Initial Statement on the Horizon Europe Proposal by Western Balkan Six


The Initial Statement on the Horizon Europe Proposal represents the initial joint position of Ministries responsible for Science of the Western Balkan Six on the European Commission proposal for Horizon Europe. The preparation of the Statement has been facilitated by the Regional Cooperation Council which was tasked to communicate the Statement to the relevant European Institutions.

Download: EN 




BALKAN BAROMETER 2018 booklet features the prevailing issues of the Balkan Barometer (BB) 2018 survey through infographics. The 2018 edition of BB is yet another instalment in the series of annual public opinion surveys commissioned by the Regional Cooperation Council. The entire BB survey is available at

Download: EN 



06 JULY 2018 | SURVEY

2018 Balkan Barometer is the fourth instalment of the annual public opinion survey commissioned by the Regional Cooperation Council to gather and interpret data spanning a number of thematic areas and topics. The Barometer, as in previous years, examines both the region’s perceptions of today, and its expectations for tomorrow, giving voice to the SEE’s business community as well as its citizens at large.

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06 JULY 2018 | SURVEY

2018 Balkan Barometer is the fourth instalment of the annual public opinion survey commissioned by the Regional Cooperation Council to gather and interpret data spanning a number of thematic areas and topics. The Barometer, as in previous years, examines both the region’s perceptions of today, and its expectations for tomorrow, giving voice to the SEE’s business community as well as its citizens at large.

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05 JULY 2018 | REPORT

A comprehensive monitoring effort was introduced to measure the progress of SEE 2020 Strategy's activities implemented and results achieved. This Annual Report on Implementation (ARI) is the main output of the SEE 2020 monitoring process. This 2018 report covers the period from June 2017 to June 2018 and is divided into two main parts: a summary overview of the progress achieved, issues arising and a reflection on some of the lessons learned and overall recommendations for adapting and strengthening the Strategy to meet the challenges of a dynamic political and economic environment in which it operates, and a detailed review per pillar.

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Brochure: South East Europe 2020 (SEE 2020) Strategy - 2018 IMPLEMENTATION RESULTS

Brochure: South East Europe 2020 (SEE 2020) Strategy - 2018 IMPLEMENTATION RESULTS


The Western Balkans has returned to the growth path, having added more than 600 THOUSAND JOBS to its economies since 2010 and half a million highly educated people to its workforce. The region expanded its trade by additional EUR 33 BILLION and decreased its trade deficit from -23.1 to -19.7 percent of GDP over the last 7 years through strong export performance, signaling increasing competitiveness of its products and services on the international markets.

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Brochure: South East Europe 2020 (SEE 2020) Strategy -  2018 IMPLEMENTATION RESULTS

Brochure: South East Europe 2020 (SEE 2020) Strategy - 2018 IMPLEMENTATION RESULTS


The Western Balkans has returned to the growth path, having added more than 600 THOUSAND JOBS to its economies since 2010 and half a million highly educated people to its workforce. The region expanded its trade by additional EUR 33 BILLION and decreased its trade deficit from -23.1 to -19.7 percent of GDP over the last 7 years through strong export performance, signaling increasing competitiveness of its products and services on the international markets.

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Annual Report on Implementation of the Multi-Annual Action Plan for a Regional Economic Area (MAP REA) in Western Balkan Six (WB6)

Annual Report on Implementation of the Multi-Annual Action Plan for a Regional Economic Area (MAP REA) in Western Balkan Six (WB6)

03 JULY 2018 | REPORT

The Multi-annual Action Plan (MAP) for a Regional Economic Area (REA) in the Western Balkans Six (WB6), endorsed at the Trieste Summit of 12 July 2017, puts forward a strategic joint agenda for the Western Balkan economies to further regional economic cooperation with a view to unleash the potentials for growth, create conditions for better, transparent and predictable investment climate and improve the overall economic competitiveness of the WB6 economies. The actions introduced in the MAP REA are expected to be implemented until 2020, with some extensions until 2023, focusing on four key components: Trade, Investment, Mobility and Digital Integration.

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Brochure: Implementation of the Multi-Annual Plan for a Regional Economic Area (MAP REA)

Brochure: Implementation of the Multi-Annual Plan for a Regional Economic Area (MAP REA)


Brochure: Implementation of the Multi-Annual Plan for a Regional Economic Area (MAP REA): Economies at a Glance>State of Play and Way Forward

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Tourism Development and Promotion Project presentation by Snjezana Derviskadic, Project's Team Leader

Tourism Development and Promotion Project presentation by Snjezana Derviskadic, Project's Team Leader


Intervention by Snjezana Derviskadic, Project Leader of the RCC-led Tourism and Development and Promotion Project presented at the project launch in Sarajevo on 28 June 2018.

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MAP Stocktaking and Needs Assessment Report

MAP Stocktaking and Needs Assessment Report

19 JUNE 2018 | REPORT

The overall aim of the Multi-Annual Action Plan (MAP) Stocktaking and Needs Assessment Report is to take stock of the measures and resources needed to implement the key objectives set out in the MAP and recommend future actions, both at economy and regional level. The report identifies the major policy gaps and needs, including assistance through bilateral or regional projects, and proposes a set of measures needed to overcome them with a view to effective and timely implementation of the MAP as a whole.

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Study on climate change in the Western Balkans region

Study on climate change in the Western Balkans region

06 JUNE 2018 | STUDY

This Study aims to support the Western Balkans (WB) region in creating its sustainable development cycle coordinated by the priorities of the WB economies, which is in compliance with global and EU responsibilities, releasing some burden of extensive work expected from each economy to implement. It provides quantitative data for implementation of the South East Europe 2020 Strategy, decision-making process and supports further advance in the work of the Regional Working Group on Environment. In addition to its initial motive, the Study analyses and outlines the issues of cross-border dependence, which require WB coordinated approach. Results obtained during this Study are beyond the presented conclusions, and hopefully will find purpose in further detail assessments of more specific issues related to future planning.

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Agenda of the 7th Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Environment

Agenda of the 7th Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Environment


Agenda of the 7th Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Environment, 30 May 2018 in Skopje

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Participants list of the 7th Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Environment

Participants list of the 7th Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Environment


Participants list of the 7th Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Environment, 30 May 2018 in Skopje

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Tourism Development & Promotion Brochure

Tourism Development & Promotion Brochure


The Regional Cooperation Council’s Tourism Development & Promotion project works to develop and globally promote joint regional tourism routes and offers; improve skills and capacities in tourism industry; remove administrative barriers to tourism development; and increase inflow of tourists and tourism-generated revenues, thus contributing to the overall economic growth of the region.

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Statement from the Ministerial Meeting of the South East Europe Investment Committee

Statement from the Ministerial Meeting of the South East Europe Investment Committee


The Ministerial Statement on “Sustaining Growth in SEE through Development of Regional Economic Area” has been adopted at the SEEIC Ministerial Meeting held on 11 May 2018 in Tivat, Montenegro.

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Regional Investment Reform Agenda for the Western Balkans Six

Regional Investment Reform Agenda for the Western Balkans Six


The Regional Investment Reform Agenda (RIRA) was endorsed by representatives of the six Western Balkan (WB6) economies at the Ministerial meeting of the South East Europe Investment Committee (SEEIC) held in Tivat, Montenegro on 11 May 2018. The goal of the RIRA is greater harmonization of WB6 investment policies with the European Union (EU) standards and international best practices, within the framework of the SEE 2020 Strategy, Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) and EU pre-accession and accession processes. The RIRA will be forwarded to presentation, consideration and approval of the region’s Prime Ministers at the occasions of the upcoming WB6 Summits in Sofia and London, taking place on 17 May 2018 and 10 July 2018, respectively.

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Statement from the Ministerial Meeting of the South East Europe Investment Committee (SEEIC) in 2018

Statement from the Ministerial Meeting of the South East Europe Investment Committee (SEEIC) in 2018


Statement from the Ministerial Meeting of the South East Europe Investment Committee (SEEIC)
“Sustaining Growth in SEE through Development of Regional Economic Area” held in Tivat, Montenegro on 11 May 2018

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Draft Conclusions of the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2018

Draft Conclusions of the Western Balkans Digital Summit 2018


After Western Balkans Digital Summit 2018 held in Skopje in April, Conclusions of the WB Digital Summit were created.

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Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2017-2018

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2017-2018

23 APRIL 2018 | REPORT

This Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) covers the period 1 April 2017 – 15 March 2018. It outlines main RCC activities and achievements in the past year. It also lays out the overall background and crucial developments impacting and shaping the activities of the RCC and the region of South East Europe in the reporting period.

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Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period 1 September - 31 December 2017

Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period 1 September - 31 December 2017

20 MARCH 2018 | REPORT

The Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat is submitted by the RCC Secretary General to the RCC Board in line with Article 15 of the Statute of the RCC. It covers the period between 1 September – 31 December 2017 .

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SEE 2020 Programming Document 2018-2020

SEE 2020 Programming Document 2018-2020


The RCC South East Europe (SEE) 2020 Strategy Programing Committee adopted the SEE 2020 Programming Document 2018-2020 at its 6th meeting on 12 March 2017 in Brussels. The document sets out the priority actions for the Strategy implementation in the coming period.

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Conclusions from the Fourth Meeting on Donor Coordination in the Western Balkans

Conclusions from the Fourth Meeting on Donor Coordination in the Western Balkans


The Fourth Meeting on Donor Coordination in the Western Balkans was held in Brussels on 13 March 2018. The objective of the Meeting was to map and coordinate donor activities in the Western Balkans so as to help achieve a better alignment of governments’ regional development priorities and donors’ sectoral interventions. The meeting called for synergies in donor coordination process for implementation of SEE 2020 Strategy and Regional Economic Area in the WB region.

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Fourth Meeting on Donor Coordination in the Western Balkans - Participants List

Fourth Meeting on Donor Coordination in the Western Balkans - Participants List


List of participants of the Fourth Meeting on Donor Coordination in the Western Balkans held in Brussels on 13 march 2018

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Conclusions from the Sixth Meeting of the SEE 2020 Programming Committee

Conclusions from the Sixth Meeting of the SEE 2020 Programming Committee


The sixth meeting of the SEE 2020 Programming Committee was held in Brussels on 12 March 2018 back to back with the Fourth Meeting on Donor Coordination in the Western Balkans. The aim of the meeting was to discuss and potentially endorse the SEE2020 Programming document for the period 2018 – 2020. The meeting gathered representatives of the South East Europe’s (SEE) economies participating in implementation SEE 2020 Strategy, including representatives from the Offices of the National IPA Coordinators (NIPAC Offices), SEE2020 National Coordinators and representatives from the institutions responsible for aid coordination.

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Agenda of the Sixth Meeting of the SEE 2020 Programming Committee

Agenda of the Sixth Meeting of the SEE 2020 Programming Committee


Agenda of the Sixth Meeting of the SEE 2020 Programming Committee held in Brussels on 12 March 2018

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List of participants of the Sixth Meeting of the SEE 2020 Programming Committee

List of participants of the Sixth Meeting of the SEE 2020 Programming Committee


List of participants of the Sixth Meeting of the SEE 2020 Programming Committee held in Brussels on 12 March 2018

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Recommendation on Public Participation in Policy-Making Process for Western Balkans

Recommendation on Public Participation in Policy-Making Process for Western Balkans


Western Balkans Recommendation on Public Participation in Policy-Making Process have been endorsed by ministers in charge of public administration reform from Western Balkan economies, at the 8th Governing Board Meeting at Ministerial Level, organised by Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA), on 6 November 2017 in Tirana. The Recommendations, developed by RCC in partnership with ReSPA, are the result of a joint work with the region's economies based on a need for greater involvement and stronger role of the public and civil society in legislative and policy-making processes. They represent a set of guidelines and rules made to encourage and assist governments to design policies and legislation in an inclusive manner, enabling an active participation of society, including non-governmental organisations, private sector and advisory bodies.

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Western Balkan Public Employment Services Benchlearning Initiative - Good Practices and Flagship Results

Western Balkan Public Employment Services Benchlearning Initiative - Good Practices and Flagship Results


The data presented in this brochure are result of the regional Public Employment Services (PES) benchlearning exercise, which included self-assessment and external assessment in crucial areas and aspects of PES performance fully aligned with the European Union (EU) PES benchlearning model, conducted in 2017 by the Regional Cooperation Council under the Employment and Social Affairs Platform – ESAP in each of the Western Balkans six economies.

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Labour Markets in the Western Balkans: Performance, Causes and Policy Options

Labour Markets in the Western Balkans: Performance, Causes and Policy Options


The report is an analysis of trends in the Western Balkan Six labour markets since 2010 and provides recommendations for improving labour markets’ conditions. It focuses on conditions for job creation and factors leading to the employment problems of the region. This is a joint endeavor of researchers from the region and is the first comparative analysis of this kind covering recent years and made available to the regional and international audience in the English language.

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Leaflet on Multi-annual Action Plan on a Regional Economic Area in the Western Balkans - MAP

Leaflet on Multi-annual Action Plan on a Regional Economic Area in the Western Balkans - MAP


The leaders of Western Balkans Six (WB6) endorsed the Multi-annual Action Plan on a Regional Economic Area in the Western Balkans (MAP), at the Berlin-process summit held on 12 July 2017 in Trieste.

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A Waiting Game: Assessing and Responding to the Threat from Returning Foreign Fighters in the Western Balkans

A Waiting Game: Assessing and Responding to the Threat from Returning Foreign Fighters in the Western Balkans


This study, based on a combination of desk research, questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, as well as field visits to the Western Balkans, aims to map the needs and provide an assessment of capacities in the region related to the disengagement, de-radicalization, rehabilitation, and reintegration of former foreign fighters.

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Ministerial Declaration on the occasion of the 2nd High-level Panel on Environment and Climate Action in the Western Balkans

Ministerial Declaration on the occasion of the 2nd High-level Panel on Environment and Climate Action in the Western Balkans


The participants of the 2nd High-level Panel on Environment and Climate Action in the Western Balkans, organised by the RCC and the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Serbia, on 17 November 2017 in Bonn, endorsed the Declaration on Environment and Climate Action in the Western Balkans agreeing on the growing need in the region to improve the coordination of existing regional initiatives and projects as well as those which would be developed to serve the SEE 2020 Strategy goals. They also recognised strong interlinkages between energy, and environment and climate change policies, looking for ways to strengthen inter-sectorial cooperation at the highest political level

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Agenda of the 2nd High-level Panel on Environment and Climate Action in the Western Balkans

Agenda of the 2nd High-level Panel on Environment and Climate Action in the Western Balkans


Agenda of the 2nd High-level Panel on Environment and Climate Action in the Western Balkans, in Bonn (Germany) on 17 November 2017

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Western Balkans - Recommendation on Public Participation in Policy-Making Process

Western Balkans - Recommendation on Public Participation in Policy-Making Process


Western Balkans Recommendation on Public Participation have been endorsed by ministers in charge of public administration reform from Western Balkan economies, at the 8th Governing Board Meeting at Ministerial Level, organised by Regional School of Public Administration (ReSPA), on 6 November 2017 in Tirana. The Recommendations, developed by RCC in partnership with ReSPA, are the result of a joint work with the region's economies based on a need for greater involvement and stronger role of the public and civil society in legislative and decision-making processes. They represent a set of guidelines and rules made to encourage and assist governments to design policies and legislation in an inclusive manner, enabling an active participation of society, including non-governmental organisations, private sector and advisory bodies.

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The Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat is submitted by the RCC Secretary General to the RCC Board in line with Article 15 of the Statute of the RCC. It covers the period between 1 April – 31 August 2017 .

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This publication features the prevailing issues of the Balkan Barometer (BB) 2017 survey through infographics. The 2017 edition of BB is yet another instalment in the series of annual public opinion surveys commissioned by the Regional Cooperation Council. The entire BB survey is available at

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The 2017 edition of BALKAN BAROMETER (BB) is yet another instalment in the series of annual public opinion surveys commissioned by the Regional Cooperation Council. It collects and analyses data across a host of thematic areas, examining aspirations and expectations of the region's populations and its business community on life and work, prevalent socio-economic and political trends as well as regional and European integration, among others. Balkan Barometer Business Opinion Survey conducted by GfK, among 16800 companies in the course of 2016 throughout our part of Europe, is an easy-to-access source of information. The RCC website permits download of the publication as well as its datasets which are easily searchable.

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The 2017 edition of BALKAN BAROMETER (BB) is yet another instalment in the series of annual public opinion surveys commissioned by the Regional Cooperation Council. It collects and analyses data across a host of thematic areas, examining aspirations and expectations of the region's populations and its business community on life and work, prevalent socio-economic and political trends as well as regional and European integration, among others. Balkan Barometer Public Opinion Survey conducted by GfK, among 8000 citizens in the course of 2016 throughout our part of Europe, is an easy-to-access source of information. The RCC website permits download of the publication as well as its datasets which are easily searchable.

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Western Balkans Recommendations on Public Participation-draft

Western Balkans Recommendations on Public Participation-draft


The Recommendations represent a set of guidelines and rules for effective public participation and recommendations for policy-making cycle, including policy formulation, decision-making process, implementation and evaluation.

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Multi-annual Action Plan for a Regional Economic Area in the Western Balkans Six

Multi-annual Action Plan for a Regional Economic Area in the Western Balkans Six


The leaders of Western Balkans Six (WB6) endorsed the Multi-annual Action Plan on a Regional Economic Area in the Western Balkans (MAP), prepared by the RCC, at the Berlin Process summit on 12 July 2017, in Trieste, Italy . The RCC has been tasked to monitor and inform on the progress achieved in MAP implementation.

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South East Europe 2020: 2017 Annual Report on Implementation

South East Europe 2020: 2017 Annual Report on Implementation

29 JUNE 2017 | REPORT

The report, endorsed at the SEE 2020 Governing Board meeting held on 28 June 2017 in Dubrovnik, Croatia, reflects the status of implementation of the RCC’s SEE 2020 Strategy.

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Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2016-2017

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council 2016-2017

29 JUNE 2017 | REPORT

The Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) covers the period 1 April 2016 – 31 March 2017. It outlines main RCC activities and achievements in the past year. It also lays out the overall background and crucial developments impacting and shaping the activities of the RCC and the region of South East Europe in the reporting period.

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Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat for the period 1 January – 31 March 2017

Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat for the period 1 January – 31 March 2017

16 MAY 2017 | REPORT

The Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat is submitted by the RCC Secretary General to the RCC Board in line with Article 15 of the Statute of the RCC. It covers the period between 1 January and 31 March 2017.

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Report on e-enforcement system on the basis of the authentic documents

Report on e-enforcement system on the basis of the authentic documents

26 APRIL 2017 | REPORT

The Report focuses on analysis of the existing systems of judicial e-enforcement based on authentic documents in the Beneficiaries with the ultimate goal of improvements in the field of enforcement in the entire region through legislative, organizational and ICT measures.

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Public Attitudes to Whistleblowing in South East Europe - Data Analysis of Opinion Survey about Whistleblowing and the Protection of Whistleblowers

Public Attitudes to Whistleblowing in South East Europe - Data Analysis of Opinion Survey about Whistleblowing and the Protection of Whistleblowers

12 APRIL 2017 | REPORT

This report examines how citizens in South East Europe view whistleblowers and the practice of whistleblowing. The analysis is based on hard data, providing hard evidence of where societies are in their progression towards better understanding of corruption and actions needed to be undertaken in order to generate public awareness about this issue.

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Skills and Mobility

Skills and Mobility


Brochure on RCC’s flagship ‘Skills and Mobility’, featuring goals, results, and actions of the organization in this area to be taken in the forthcoming period. The Regional Cooperation Council is working towards globally competitive base of knowledge and skills in South East Europe; unhindered movement of people, students, researchers and workforce, allowing for increased employment opportunities and creation of new jobs.

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SEE 2020 Programming Document 2017-2019

SEE 2020 Programming Document 2017-2019


The RCC South East Europe (SEE) 2020 Strategy Programing Committee adopted the SEE 2020 Programming Document 2017-2019 at its 5th meeting on 15 March 2017 in Sarajevo. The document sets out the priority actions for the Strategy implementation in the coming period.

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Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period 1 September – 31 December 2016

Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period 1 September – 31 December 2016

15 MARCH 2017 | REPORT

The Report was presented by the RCC Secretary General Goran Svilanovic at the RCC Board meeting held at the RCC Secretariat on 15 March 2017.

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Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council in the area of Countering Radicalization and Violent Extremism (CVE)

Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council in the area of Countering Radicalization and Violent Extremism (CVE)


The report provides an overview of the year 2016, unveils the steps made by the RCC towards strengthening coordination and cooperation on countering radicalization and violent extremism at national and regional levels, under the political umbrella of the SEECP. It puts forward recommendations that may feed into the policy making process, addressing radicalization and violent extremism in SEE in both short and medium term.

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Balkan Barometer 2016, Infographics, pocket edition

Balkan Barometer 2016, Infographics, pocket edition


Balkan Barometer 2016 edition is a comprehensive survey commissioned by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) on attitudes, experiences and perceptions of the general public and business community in South East Europe on various economic, social, political and cultural issues. It is an integral part of the annual monitoring process of the SEE2020 Strategy. Balkan Barometer pocket edition reveals the main thoughts of people and businesses on burning issues facing our economies, through infographics. This survey, conducted by GfK, among 8000 citizens and 1800 companies through our part of Europe, is an easy-to-access source of information. The RCC website permits download of both components of the Balkan Barometer - Public Opinion Survey and Business Opinion Survey - as well as their datasets which are easily searchable. Check it out at: and

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Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period 1 April – 31 August 2016

Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period 1 April – 31 August 2016


The Report was presented by the RCC Secretary General Goran Svilanovic at the RCC Board meeting held at the RCC Secretariat on 12 October 2016

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Balkan Barometer 2016: Public Opinion Survey

Balkan Barometer 2016: Public Opinion Survey

21 JUNE 2016 | SURVEY

The Balkan Barometer, published for the first time in 2015, surveys 7,000 citizens and 1,400 businesses in seven SEE economies, on a wide range of issues dealing with the political, socio-economic, business and investment climate, infrastructure, rule of law and other developments in the region. This year’s survey also includes select information on Moldova and Slovenia, giving a wider overview of the South East European region. The Balkan Barometer 2016 is published in two volumes: The Public Opinion Survey, detailing the citizens’ attitudes, and the Business Opinion Survey, summarizing the business sentiments. The research and publications have been prepared and developed in cooperation between the RCC and the GfK, one of the world’s largest market research institutes.

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Balkan Barometer 2016: Business Opinion Survey

Balkan Barometer 2016: Business Opinion Survey

21 JUNE 2016 | SURVEY

The Balkan Barometer, published for the first time in 2015, surveys 7,000 citizens and 1,400 businesses in seven SEE economies, on a wide range of issues dealing with the political, socio-economic, business and investment climate, infrastructure, rule of law and other developments in the region. This year’s survey also includes select information on Moldova and Slovenia, giving a wider overview of the South East European region. The Balkan Barometer 2016 is published in two volumes: The Public Opinion Survey, detailing the citizens’ attitudes, and the Business Opinion Survey, summarizing the business sentiments. The research and publications have been prepared and developed in cooperation between the RCC and the GfK, one of the world’s largest market research institutes.

Download: EN 

South East Europe 2020: 2016 Annual Report on Implementation

South East Europe 2020: 2016 Annual Report on Implementation

01 JUNE 2016 | REPORT

The report, presented at the SEE 2020 Governing Board meeting held on 30 May 2016 in Pravets, Bulgaria, reflects the status of implementation of the RCC’s SEE 2020 Strategy.

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Strategy and Work Programme 2017-2019, 'Changing with the Region'

Strategy and Work Programme 2017-2019, 'Changing with the Region'

31 MAY 2016 | REPORT

The Strategy and Work Programme 2017-2019, 'Changing with the Region', of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat, endorsed at the RCC Annual Meeting, on 31 May 2016 in Pravets, Bulgaria, has been designed to respond to the needs of the region and add value to cooperation in South East Europe in the areas of joint interest. The Strategy and Work Programme outlines the organisation’s vision and activities for the next three years.

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Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council on Regional Cooperation in South East Europe in 2015-2016

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council on Regional Cooperation in South East Europe in 2015-2016

11 MAY 2016 | REPORT

The Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) covers the period 1 April 2015 – 31 March 2016. It outlines main RCC activities and achievements in the past year. It also lays out the overall background and crucial developments impacting and shaping the activities of the RCC and the region of South East Europe in the reporting period.

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Backlog Reduction Programmes and Weighted Caseload Methods for South East Europe, Two Comparative Inquiries

Backlog Reduction Programmes and Weighted Caseload Methods for South East Europe, Two Comparative Inquiries

14 MARCH 2016 | STUDY

In this Report the information on the delay reduction policies undertaken by the six Beneficiaries involved in the project is considered in the wider European context. The policies highlighted in the Beneficiaries are compared with the most interesting policies and effective practices carried out by the select European countries to improve the pace of litigation. Even though it is not possible to design a one-size-fits-all model to reduce case backlogs that could be used by all the courts, some quite specific policies and practices that have been proven to be effective in several participants can be singled out and adapted for consideration by the Beneficiaries.
Thus, the report proposes a concrete programme of actions with different options that could be implemented in the judiciaries of the Beneficiaries, based on the policies and practices of the European examples described here.
The literature review complements the statistical data, responses to the questionnaire and interviews with the Beneficiaries, and they together provide a basis for a concrete plan of backlog reduction for the Beneficiaries.
The Report has been approved by the WB Working Group on Justice.

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Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period  1 October – 31 December 2015

Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period 1 October – 31 December 2015


The Report was presented by the RCC Secretary General Goran Svilanovic at the 28th RCC Board meeting held at the RCC Secretariat on 26 February 2016.

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Corruption Risk Assessment in Public Institutions in South East Europe - Comparative Research and Methodology

Corruption Risk Assessment in Public Institutions in South East Europe - Comparative Research and Methodology


The purpose of this paper is to provide Southeast European (SEE) economies with different options, integrated framework and practical advices to conduct tailored corruption risk assessment(s) efficiently and comprehensively, and consequently improve or upgrade governance / management of public sector institutions on integrity grounds. The paper is based on international best practices, theory and research, as well as the personal experience of author who was in the period 2011 - 2013 involved in the implementation of new system of integrity plans in Republic of Slovenia.
At the Regional Conference on Corruption Risk Assessment, Public Procurement, and Open Contracting in South Eastern Europe, that took place on 26 – 27 May, 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey, 10 Principles on Effective Corruption Risk Assessment in Public Administration were endorsed. The event was organized by United Nations Development Program (UNDP), in cooperation with Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative (RAI) and co-funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

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Anti-Corruption Assessment of Laws in South East Europe (‘Corruption Proofing’)

Anti-Corruption Assessment of Laws in South East Europe (‘Corruption Proofing’)


Anti-corruption assessment of laws aims at closing entry points for corruption contained in any legislation. For example, a badly regulated procedure for obtaining a building permit can make it easy for public officials to extort bribes from citizens. Once corruption proofing becomes an established practice, it will make legal drafters think ahead what corruption risks the legislation might facilitate in the future and how these risks can be avoided from the very beginning of the drafting process. The publication was developed by the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative and the Regional Cooperation Council, in cooperation with Dr. Tilman Hoppe. It shows that 13 countries in the world have a method in place for reviewing whether their general legislation contains any corruption risks. The added value of the publication lies in the Methodology it suggests. The Methodology compiles all best practices internationally available and describes an ideal corruption proofing process, the framework for implementing it, as well as all typical regulatory corruption risks. It is written as an easy to understand manual, which any reader will be able to work with, including civil society stakeholders, which are new to this tool.
On 13 – 14 November, 2014, the Regional Anti-corruption Initiative (RAI), the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), the Ministry of State on Local Issues of Albania and the Southeast Leadership for Development and Integrity (SELDI) co-organized the Regional Conference on Good Governance and Anti-corruption Policy Challenges. The Conference recommended for use the Methodology on Anti-corruption Risk Assessment of Laws developed by RAI and RCC, and adopted the 10 Ten Principles of Effective Corruption Proofing as an international standard in this field and recommended corruption risk assessment as a corruption preventive tool.

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Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council on Regional Cooperation in South East Europe in 2014-2015

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council on Regional Cooperation in South East Europe in 2014-2015

12 MAY 2015 | REPORT

The report covers the period April 2014-March 2015 and outlines main RCC activities and achievements in the past year. It also lays out the overall background and crucial developments impacting and shaping the activities of the RCC and the region of South East Europe in the reporting period.

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Balkan Business Barometer 2015

Balkan Business Barometer 2015

06 MAY 2015 | SURVEY

The report presents the results of the RCC-commissioned survey of business sentiment in SEE on crucial economic and development issues, intended to engage more closely the business community in context of the RCC’s SEE 2020 Strategy. The survey was carried out in December 2014 by GfK, and was conducted face to face with 1400 companies of different size and different business areas, which are not majority-owned by the state or government, in all seven economies covered by the Strategy.

Download: EN 

Balkan Opinion Barometer 2015

Balkan Opinion Barometer 2015

06 MAY 2015 | SURVEY

The report presents the results of the RCC-commissioned survey of public opinion of SEE citizens on crucial economic and development issues, intended to engage more closely the general public in context of the RCC’s SEE 2020 Strategy. The survey was carried out in December 2014 by GfK, and was conducted face to face with 7000 respondents, in all seven economies covered by the Strategy.

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Article/audio recording by Radio Funkhaus Europa featuring Regional Cooperation Council

Article/audio recording by Radio Funkhaus Europa featuring Regional Cooperation Council


The article/audio recording features RCC past and future activites.

Download: SR 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian daily Politika

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian daily Politika


In the interview the RCC Secretary General speaks about the EU prospects of the region.

Download: SR 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to BiH weekly Dani

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to BiH weekly Dani


In the interview the RCC Secretary General speaks about the current momentum in the region, explains why he thinks BiH will make significant steps forward in 2015, presents the SEE 2020 Strategy for employment, and explains why he brings Nusic’s play ‘Gospodja Ministarka’ to the citizens of Sarajevo.

Download: SR EN 

The address of Secretary General of the RCC, Goran Svilanovic, at the WB6 Meeting in Belgrade

The address of Secretary General of the RCC, Goran Svilanovic, at the WB6 Meeting in Belgrade


The speech was delivered at the WB6 Meeting in Belgrade – Economic Governance and Connectivity

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Interview by Goran Svilanovic, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council to ONASA news Agency

Interview by Goran Svilanovic, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council to ONASA news Agency


Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Goran Svilanovic speaks about SEE 2020 Strategy, regional relations, RCC plans and activities in the interview to ONASA Agency

Download: EN BS 

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council on regional cooperation in South East Europe in 2013-2014

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council on regional cooperation in South East Europe in 2013-2014

19 JUNE 2014 | REPORT

The report covers the period April 2013-April 2014 and outlines main RCC activities and achievements in the past year. It also lays out the overall background and crucial developments impacting and shaping the activities of the RCC and the region of South East Europe in the reporting period.

Download: EN 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Turkish Anadolu Agency

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Turkish Anadolu Agency


In the interview the RCC Secretary General speaks about the RCC’s activities and their focus on economy issues.

Download: EN BS 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian daily Danas

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian daily Danas


In the interview the RCC Secretary General speaks about Serbian Prime Minister, Aleksandar Vucic's, visit to Sarajevo

Download: EN SR 

Address by the RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, at the Sarajevo Business Forum

Address by the RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, at the Sarajevo Business Forum

14 MAY 2014 | SPEECH

The speech was delivered at the event organized in cooperation with the RCC Secretariat, on 14 May 2014, within the panel “Regional investments and business guidelines”, chaired by the RCC Secretary General

Download: EN 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian Magazine CorD

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian Magazine CorD


In the interview the RCC Secretary General is speaking about the RCC’s SEE 2020 Strategy, organisation's priorities, economic situation in SEE and regional cooperation.

Download: EN 

Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period  January – March 2014

Report on the activities of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat for the period January – March 2014

24 APRIL 2014 | REPORT

The Report was presented by the RCC Secretary General Goran Svilanovic at the 23rd RCC Board meeting held at the RCC Secretariat on 24 April 2014

Download: EN 

Address by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, at the conference ‘Enhancing Growth through Regional Action – South East Europe 2020’

Address by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, at the conference ‘Enhancing Growth through Regional Action – South East Europe 2020’

18 MARCH 2014 | SPEECH

The speech was delivered at the event marking the completion of project Improving Cooperation in South-East Europe by Actions for Strengthening the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), organised by CEI and the RCC Secretariat.

Download: EN 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to BiH news agency FENA

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to BiH news agency FENA


In the interview the RCC Secretary General speaks about the new approach of the European Union towards the countries in the region, RCC’s South East Europe (SEE) 2020 strategy, and social protests.

Download: EN BS 

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat


The report covers the period from 1 October to 31 December 2013.

Download: EN 

Article by BiH news agency FENA featuring Regional Cooperation Council

Article by BiH news agency FENA featuring Regional Cooperation Council


The article was published on the occasion of Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)'s sixth anniversary, on 27 February 2014.

Download: EN BS 

Address by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, at EBRD high-level meeting on investing in the Western Balkans

Address by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, at EBRD high-level meeting on investing in the Western Balkans


The Speech was delivered at the conference “Investing in the Western Balkans”, hosted by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, in London on 24 February 2014

Download: EN 

Article by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, featuring RCC’s SEE 2020 strategy

Article by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, featuring RCC’s SEE 2020 strategy


The author article by the RCC Secretary General, has been published by 9 dailies from the region: in Politika (Serbia, published on 24 January 2014); Dnevni avaz, Nezavisne novine and Vecernji list (Bosnia and Herzegovina, published on 22 January 2014); Vijesti (Montenegro, published on 20 January 2014); Mapo (Albania, published on 17 January 2014); Jutarnji list (Croatia, published on 17 January 2014); Utrinski vesnik (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, published on 17 January 2014); and Tribuna (Kosovo*, published on 16 January 2014). The articles, including all translations to English are available at the language links below.

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.


Final Report, 2nd Academy on Media Law in South East Europe, with conclusions and recommendations

Final Report, 2nd Academy on Media Law in South East Europe, with conclusions and recommendations


Media professionals, practicing media lawyers, legislators/parliamentarians, government officials, members of media regulatory and self-regulatory bodies, civil society and academia from South East Europe dealing with media freedom issues gathered for the 2nd edition of the Academy in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 2-5 September 2013, to discuss solutions to common challenges in media policy and regulation in the region.

Download: EN 

Address by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, at the South East Europe Investment Committee Ministerial Conference

Address by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, at the South East Europe Investment Committee Ministerial Conference


The opening address has been delivered at the conference held on 21 November 2013.

Download: EN SR 

Statement from the Ministerial Conference of the South East Europe Investment Committee, adopting SEE 2020 strategy

Statement from the Ministerial Conference of the South East Europe Investment Committee, adopting SEE 2020 strategy


The Statement has been adopted at a meeting held on 21 November 2013 in Sarajevo, BiH.

Download: EN 

Welcome address by Jovan Tegovski, Chief of Staff of the RCC Secretariat, at the 4th South East Europe Workshop on Counter Terrorism

Welcome address by Jovan Tegovski, Chief of Staff of the RCC Secretariat, at the 4th South East Europe Workshop on Counter Terrorism


The workshop “THE LINKS BETWEEN ORGANIZED CRIME AND TERRORISM” was held in Antalya, Turkey, on 4-5 November 2013

Download: EN 

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat


The report covers the period from 24 April to 20 September 2013, and reflects progress in implementation of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2011-2013.

Download: EN 

Article by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to The Parliament Magazine

Article by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to The Parliament Magazine


In the article, the RCC Secretary General writes about regional challenges and economic cooperation in South East Europe (SEE), featuring RCC’s SEE 2020 strategy.

Download: EN 

Welcome notes by Jovan Tegovski, RCC Secretariat's Chief of Staff, at the 2nd South Eastern European Government Communication Conference (SEECOM)

Welcome notes by Jovan Tegovski, RCC Secretariat's Chief of Staff, at the 2nd South Eastern European Government Communication Conference (SEECOM)


The notes were delivered at the opening of the RCC-co-organized three-day conference in Budva, Montenegro, on 27 September 2013.

Download: EN BS 

Article by Goran Svilanovic, RCC Secretary General, to World Commerce Review

Article by Goran Svilanovic, RCC Secretary General, to World Commerce Review


In the article, the RCC Secretary General is commenting regional cooperation in South East Europe and RCC’s role in that context, especially in relation to the preparation of the SEE 2020 strategy.

Download: EN 

Article by Croatian daily, Jutarnji list, featuring RCC's SEE 2020 strategy

Article by Croatian daily, Jutarnji list, featuring RCC's SEE 2020 strategy


The article, published on 23 September 2013, feature Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)’s South East Europe (SEE) 2020 strategy

Download: HR EN 

RCC staff featuring South East Europe (SEE) 2020 strategy

RCC staff featuring South East Europe (SEE) 2020 strategy


Videos of RCC staff: Sanjin Arifagic, SEE 2020 Coordinator and Senior Expert on Economic and Social Development; Dinka Zivalj, Spokesperson; Mladen Dragasevic, Head of Building Human Capital and Cross Cutting Issues Unit; Miroslav Kukobat, Senior Expert on Energy and Infrastructure; and Svetlana Gligorovska, Expert on Infrastructure, featuring SEE 2020 strategy, at a workshop held in Sarajevo on 16 September 2013.

Download: BS HR CG SR MK 

Address by Goran Svilanovic, RCC Secretary General, at the 2nd Academy on Media Law in South East Europe

Address by Goran Svilanovic, RCC Secretary General, at the 2nd Academy on Media Law in South East Europe


The Secretary General of the RCC delivered the address at the closing of the Academy on Media Law in South East Europe, in Sarajevo on 5 September 2013.

Download: EN BS 

Opening address by Head of RCC Expert Pool, Gazmend Turdiu, at the 2nd Academy on Media Law in South East Europe

Opening address by Head of RCC Expert Pool, Gazmend Turdiu, at the 2nd Academy on Media Law in South East Europe


The speech was delivered on 3 September 2013 in Sarajevo, at the event organized under RCC auspices.

Download: EN BS 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian news agency Tanjug

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian news agency Tanjug


In the interview the RCC Secretary General is speaking about the situation in Serbia, Belgrade-Prishtina relations, and regional cooperation.

Download: EN SR 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian weekly Nin

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian weekly Nin


In the interview the RCC Secretary General speaks about Serbia’s EU integration, Belgrade-Prishtina agreement, impacts of Croatia’s EU entry, regional cooperation, and main goals of South East Europe (SEE) 2020 growth strategy.

Download: EN SR 

Article by RCC Secretary General Goran Svilanovic to Al Jazeera

Article by RCC Secretary General Goran Svilanovic to Al Jazeera

29 JUNE 2013 | ARTICLE

The article, published at the portal of Al Jazeera Balkans, is a commentary of Croatia’s entry into the EU.

Download: EN SR 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Bosnia and Herzegovina daily Oslobodjenje

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Bosnia and Herzegovina daily Oslobodjenje


The RCC Secretary General talks about political situation in South East Europe, regional cooperation and the RCC role, especially in relation to the SEE 2020 growth strategy.

Download: EN BS 

Article by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian daily Danas

Article by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian daily Danas

26 JUNE 2013 | ARTICLE

The article discusses regional cooperation, EU integration, SEE 2020 and Serbia in this context.

Download: EN SR 

Address by RCC Secretary General Goran Svilanović at the meeting of SEECP Ministers of Foreign Affairs

Address by RCC Secretary General Goran Svilanović at the meeting of SEECP Ministers of Foreign Affairs

31 MAY 2013 | SPEECH

The address was delivered in Ohrid on 31 May 2013.

Download: EN 

Address by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Goran Svilanovic, at the fifth RCC Annual Meeting

Address by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Goran Svilanovic, at the fifth RCC Annual Meeting

30 MAY 2013 | SPEECH

The fifth RCC Annual Meeting was held on 30 May 2013 in Ohrid.

Download: EN 

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council on regional cooperation in South East Europe in 2012-2013

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council on regional cooperation in South East Europe in 2012-2013

30 MAY 2013 | REPORT

The report, endorsed by the participants of the RCC Annual Meeting, on 30 May 2013 in Ohrid, covers the period May 2012 – April 2013.

Download: EN 

Strategy and Work Programme of the Regional Cooperation Council for 2014-2016

Strategy and Work Programme of the Regional Cooperation Council for 2014-2016

30 MAY 2013 | REPORT

The strategy was adopted by the RCC Board on 25 April 2013 in Sarajevo and endorsed by the participants of the RCC Annual Meeting, on 30 May 2013 in Ohrid.

Download: EN 

Address by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, at the OSCE Permanent Council meeting

Address by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, at the OSCE Permanent Council meeting

02 MAY 2013 | SPEECH

The Permanent Council meeting of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), was held in Vienna, on 2 May 2013. The document containing RCC Secretary General’s address also includes links to available responses by the missions to OSCE.

Download: EN 

Statute of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)

Statute of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)


As amended by the RCC Board on 25 April 2013

Download: EN 

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat

25 APRIL 2013 | REPORT

The report covers the period from 18 February to 10 April 2013, and reflects progress in implementation of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2011-2013.

Download: EN 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian weekly Novi magazin

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian weekly Novi magazin


In the interview RCC Secretary General speaks about Belgrade-Prishtina agreement, RCC activities and South East Europe (SEE) 2020 Strategy.

Download: SR EN 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian monthly Kurir Go International

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian monthly Kurir Go International


In the interview, RCC Secretary General speaks about importance of regional cooperation in South East Europe (SEE), RCC activities and preparation of SEE 2020 Strategy.

Download: EN 

South East Europe Investment Committee (SEEIC) Work Programme for the Year 2013

South East Europe Investment Committee (SEEIC) Work Programme for the Year 2013


Adopted at the 12th SEEIC meeting, held in Sarajevo, on 19 March 2013.

Download: EN 

Statement by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to BiH news agency Fena

Statement by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to BiH news agency Fena


Secretary General Svilanovic talks about opportunities for the region under the new EU Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II).

Download: EN BS 

Address by RCC Secretary General Goran Svilanovic at a meeting of the European Association of Public Service Media in South East Europe

Address by RCC Secretary General Goran Svilanovic at a meeting of the European Association of Public Service Media in South East Europe

08 MARCH 2013 | SPEECH

The meeting was hosted by Radio-Television Slovenia, in Ljubljana, on 8 March 2013.

Download: EN 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Croatian public broadcaster HRT

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Croatian public broadcaster HRT


The interview has been broadcasted in HRT's magazine ‘Horizonti’ on 27 February 2013.

Download: HR 

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat


The report covers the period from 8 October 2012 to 15 February 2013, and reflects progress in implementation of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2011-2013

Download: EN 

Participants of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)

Participants of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)


As amended by the RCC Board on 28 February 2013

Download: EN 

Address by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanović, at a panel discussion marking the 5th RCC anniversary

Address by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanović, at a panel discussion marking the 5th RCC anniversary


A panel discussion ‘Five years of Regional Cooperation Council: Building on foundations and embracing new challenges’, was a central element which marked the fifth anniversary of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), in Sarajevo on 27 February 2013.

Download: EN BS 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Beta news agency and EurActiv Serbia portal

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Beta news agency and EurActiv Serbia portal


In the interview the RCC Secretary General speaks about development of South East Europe 2020 Strategy, activities of the RCC, region’s EU integration processes, neighbourly relations and cooperation in the region, visa-free regime for Western Balkans, etc.

Download: EN SR 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian daily Blic

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Serbian daily Blic


In the interview, the RCC Secretary General speaks about objectives of the South East Europe 2020 Strategy, current relations in the region, and his meetings with Serbia’s top officials in Belgrade last week.

Download: EN SR 

Speech by Head of RCC Expert Pool, Jelica Minic, on behalf of RCC Secretary General on the occasion of receiving International Peace Centre Sarajevo (IPC)’s traditional award ‘Sloboda’ (Freedom)

Speech by Head of RCC Expert Pool, Jelica Minic, on behalf of RCC Secretary General on the occasion of receiving International Peace Centre Sarajevo (IPC)’s traditional award ‘Sloboda’ (Freedom)


The International Peace Centre (IPC) Sarajevo awarded the RCC for the organization’s outstanding role in developing euro-regional cooperation in South East Europe and for the creation of a stable and safe atmosphere for economic and social development.

Download: EN SR 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to BiH daily Dnevni avaz

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to BiH daily Dnevni avaz


In the interview, the RCC Secretary General speaks about South East Europe (SEE) 2020 Strategy, economic situation in SEE, priorities of RCC in its activity areas, region’s EU bids, etc.

Download: EN BS 

Interview by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Goran Svilanovic, to BiH News Agency FENA

Interview by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Goran Svilanovic, to BiH News Agency FENA


In the interview, the RCC Secretary General talks about current state of regional cooperation, EU integration, dangers of abolishment of visa-free regime for the Balkan countries and the priorities in the RCC work.

Download: EN BS 

Interview by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Goran Svilanovic, to BiH News Agency SRNA

Interview by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Goran Svilanovic, to BiH News Agency SRNA


In the focus of the RCC Secretary General’s interview to SRNA, published yesterday, is South East Europe 2020 (SEE 2020) Strategy.

Download: EN SR 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to BiH public broadcaster BHT1

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to BiH public broadcaster BHT1


In the interview, the RCC Secretary General speaks about the future priorities of the organisation, regional cooperation in South East Europe (SEE), SEE 2020 Strategy, etc. The interview was broadcasted on BHT1’s central newscast on 31 January 2013.

Download: SR 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s TV1

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Goran Svilanovic, to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s TV1


In the interview, broadcasted on TV1’s central newscast on 31 January 2013, the RCC Secretary General speaks about priorities of the organisation in the future period, importance of regional cooperation in Western Balkans’ EU accession process, RCC projects, etc.

Download: SR 

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Bisevic, at the ministerial conference ‘National Museums in South East Europe - Status, Management and Partnerships’

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Bisevic, at the ministerial conference ‘National Museums in South East Europe - Status, Management and Partnerships’


The address was delivered at the ministerial conference in Skopje, on 13 November 2012.

Download: EN 

Address by the RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at the South East Europe Investment Committee Ministerial Conference

Address by the RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at the South East Europe Investment Committee Ministerial Conference


The address was delivered at the conference held in Tirana, Albania, on 9 November 2012.

Download: EN 

Statement from the Ministerial Conference of the South East Europe Investment Committee

Statement from the Ministerial Conference of the South East Europe Investment Committee


Ministers of the Western Balkans economies adopted the statement at the conference ‘South East Europe 2020 – Towards Convergence and Growth’, held in Tirana, Albania on 9 November 2012.

Download: EN 

Interview by Hido Biscevic, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, to BiH news agency FENA

Interview by Hido Biscevic, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, to BiH news agency FENA


In the interview, published on 4 November 2012, the RCC Secretary General speaks about regional cooperation in South East Europe following the recent European Commission’s 2012 Enlargement Package.

Download: BS EN 

Statement by Jelica Minic, Deputy RCC Secretary General, to Radio Free Europe

Statement by Jelica Minic, Deputy RCC Secretary General, to Radio Free Europe


In the article, Deputy RCC Secretary General promotes RCC’s project ‘Les Femmes Des Balkans’, a CD of ethno music from South East Europe, performed by female soloists from the region.

Download: BS EN 

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biščević, at a conference on financing digitalization in Eastern Europe

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biščević, at a conference on financing digitalization in Eastern Europe


The address was delivered at a conference on financing digitalization in Eastern Europe, ‘The Challenge for Public Service Broadcasters’, held in Vienna, Austria, on 29 October 2012.

Download: EN 

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat


The report covers the period from 4 May to 5 October 2012, and reflects progress in implementation of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2011-2013.

Download: EN 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, to Anadolu Agency

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, to Anadolu Agency


In the interview, the RCC Secretary General speaks about visa and enlargement issues in the Western Balkans.

Download: BS EN 

Article by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biščević, to World Commerce Review

Article by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biščević, to World Commerce Review


The article, published in the September 2012 issue of the World Commerce Review, focuses on regional cooperation and development potentials in South East Europe.

Download: EN 

Opening address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at the 3rd Road Congress in South East Europe

Opening address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at the 3rd Road Congress in South East Europe


The event, co-organized by the Association of Consulting Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ACE BiH) and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat, with support of the Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina, took place on 20-21 September in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Download: EN 

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biščević, at the third meeting of ISIS Programme Governing Body

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biščević, at the third meeting of ISIS Programme Governing Body


The third Governing Body meeting of the Implementation of Single European Sky (ISIS) Programme in South East Europe, which took place in Ohrid on 12 September 2012, was co-organized by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat and the European Commission’s Directorate General for Mobility and Transport.

Download: EN 

Interview by Deputy RCC Secretary General, Jelica Minic, to Montenegrin weekly Monitor

Interview by Deputy RCC Secretary General, Jelica Minic, to Montenegrin weekly Monitor


In the interview the Deputy RCC Secretary General speaks about the regional cooperation in South East Europe.

Download: CG EN 

Final Report on the First Academy on Media Law in South East Europe, with conclusions

Final Report on the First Academy on Media Law in South East Europe, with conclusions

19 JULY 2012 | REPORT

The Academy took place in Zagreb, Croatia, on 3-8 June 2012, with participation of media law practitioners from all of the countries in South East Europe as well as from relevant international organisations. It aimed at safeguarding media freedoms by enhancing regional cooperation and by building capacity of media lawyers to use the best national media laws and practices in the region in line with international and European media standards.

Download: EN 

Commentary by Hido Biscevic, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, to BiH news agency FENA

Commentary by Hido Biscevic, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, to BiH news agency FENA


The RCC Secretary General comments regional cooperation and EU integration process in South East Europe.

Download: EN BS 

Interview by Hido Biscevic, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, to BiH news agency FENA

Interview by Hido Biscevic, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, to BiH news agency FENA


In the interview, published on 24 June 2012, the RCC Secretary General speaks about the issues in the region and current political and economic situation that affects South East Europe.

Download: BS EN 

Address by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic at the meeting of SEECP Ministers of Foreign Affairs

Address by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic at the meeting of SEECP Ministers of Foreign Affairs

14 JUNE 2012 | SPEECH

The address was delivered in Belgrade, Serbia, on 14 June 2012.

Download: EN 

Address by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Hido Biscevic, at the RCC Annual Meeting

Address by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Hido Biscevic, at the RCC Annual Meeting

13 JUNE 2012 | SPEECH

The fourth RCC Annual Meeting was held on 13 June 2012 in Belgrade, Serbia.

Download: EN 

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council on regional co-operation in South East Europe in 2011-2012

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council on regional co-operation in South East Europe in 2011-2012

13 JUNE 2012 | REPORT

The report, endorsed by the participants of the RCC Annual Meeting, on 13 June 2012 in Belgrade, Serbia, covers the period May 2011-May 2012.

Download: EN 

Interview by Hido Biscevic, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, to Deutsche Welle

Interview by Hido Biscevic, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, to Deutsche Welle


In the interview, published on 7 June 2012, the RCC Secretary General speaks about regional cooperation in South East Europe.

Download: EN BS 

Opening address by Hido Biscevic, RCC Secretary General, at the First Academy on Media Law in South East Europe

Opening address by Hido Biscevic, RCC Secretary General, at the First Academy on Media Law in South East Europe

04 JUNE 2012 | SPEECH

The address was delivered at the opening of the first academy on media law in South East Europe, in Zagreb, Croatia, on 4 June 2012. The week-long event has been organized under the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), with support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, and the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project will be implemented by ARTICLE 19: Global Campaign for Free Expression and the European Association of Public Service Media in South East Europe.

Download: EN 

Opening address by Josip Popovac, President of the European Association of Public Service Media in South East Europe/ Director General of the Croatian Radio-Television, at the First Academy on Media Law in South East Europe

Opening address by Josip Popovac, President of the European Association of Public Service Media in South East Europe/ Director General of the Croatian Radio-Television, at the First Academy on Media Law in South East Europe

04 JUNE 2012 | SPEECH

The address was delivered at the opening of the first academy on media law in South East Europe, in Zagreb, Croatia, on 4 June 2012. The week-long event has been organized under the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), with support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, and the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project will be implemented by ARTICLE 19: Global Campaign for Free Expression and the European Association of Public Service Media in South East Europe.

Download: EN 

Opening remarks by Nina Suomalainen, Deputy Head of OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, at the First Academy on Media Law in South East Europe

Opening remarks by Nina Suomalainen, Deputy Head of OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina, at the First Academy on Media Law in South East Europe

04 JUNE 2012 | SPEECH

The address was delivered at the opening of the first academy on media law in South East Europe, in Zagreb, Croatia, on 4 June 2012. The week-long event has been organized under the auspices of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), with support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, and the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project will be implemented by ARTICLE 19: Global Campaign for Free Expression and the European Association of Public Service Media in South East Europe.

Download: EN 

Welcome address by Stanislav Daskalov, Deputy Head of RCC Liaison Office Brussels, at the conference on investigative journalism and data protection

Welcome address by Stanislav Daskalov, Deputy Head of RCC Liaison Office Brussels, at the conference on investigative journalism and data protection

30 MAY 2012 | SPEECH

The event, which was co-organized by the Regional Cooperation Council, took place in Pula, Croatia, on 29-31 May 2012.

Download: EN 

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat

15 MAY 2012 | REPORT

The report covers the period from 6 March to 3 May 2012, and reflects progress in implementation of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2011-2013.

Download: EN 

Address by RCC Spokesperson, Dinka Živalj, on the occasion of marking the International Girls in ICT Day

Address by RCC Spokesperson, Dinka Živalj, on the occasion of marking the International Girls in ICT Day

26 APRIL 2012 | SPEECH

The event, organized by the Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in partnership with the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat, the United Nations Development Programme, Microsoft, Oracle, Lexmark and One World – Platform for South East Europe Foundation, was held on 26 April 2012, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Download: EN HR 

Article by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, published in ‘Die Südosteuropa Mitteilungen’, the journal of  Southeast Europe Association

Article by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, published in ‘Die Südosteuropa Mitteilungen’, the journal of Southeast Europe Association


The article has been published in the first 2012 issue of ‘Die Südosteuropa Mitteilungen’, the journal of Southeast Europe Association.

Download: EN 

Southeast Europe Investment Committee (SEEIC) Work Programme 2012-2013

Southeast Europe Investment Committee (SEEIC) Work Programme 2012-2013


The SEEIC Work Programme 2012-2013 has been adopted at the meeting held under the umbrella of the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on 24-25 April 2012.

Download: EN 

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at 10th meeting of South East Europe Investment Committee

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at 10th meeting of South East Europe Investment Committee

24 APRIL 2012 | SPEECH

The meeting was held at RCC Secretariat in Sarajevo on 24-25 April 2012.

Download: EN 

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at 13th Bled Forum

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at 13th Bled Forum

29 MARCH 2012 | SPEECH

The address was delivered at the 13th Bled Forum’s ‘Foresight Conference: Europe Beyond Smart – Inclusive – Sustainable, Throughout Cloud Computing Decade’, held in Bled, Slovenia, on 29-30 March 2012.

Download: EN 

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at a signing ceremony of the Platform for Joint Action of the Security Exchanges of South East Europe

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at a signing ceremony of the Platform for Joint Action of the Security Exchanges of South East Europe

27 MARCH 2012 | SPEECH

Directors of eight South East European stock exchanges signed the Platform under the RCC Secretariat auspices, in Sarajevo on 27 March 2012.

Download: EN 

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat

15 MARCH 2012 | REPORT

The report covers the period from 30 November 2011 to 5 March 2012, and reflects progress in implementation of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2011-2013.

Download: EN 

Welcoming speech by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at a panel discussion ‘From Ownership to Responsibility: Regional Cooperation in South East Europe and EU Membership’

Welcoming speech by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at a panel discussion ‘From Ownership to Responsibility: Regional Cooperation in South East Europe and EU Membership’

14 MARCH 2012 | SPEECH

The panel discussion was held in Sarajevo, BiH, on 14 March 2012, to mark the 4th anniversary of the Regional Cooperation Council.

Download: EN BS 

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at informal meeting of SEECP ministers of foreign affairs

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at informal meeting of SEECP ministers of foreign affairs


The meeting took place on 31 January 2012, in Belgrade, Serbia.

Download: EN 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, published by Albanian daily Gazeta Shqiptare

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, published by Albanian daily Gazeta Shqiptare


In the interview RCC Secretary General speaks about the RCC’s work and the regional cooperation in South East Europe.

Download: EN SQ 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, to BiH daily Dnevni avaz

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, to BiH daily Dnevni avaz


In the interview RCC Secretary General speaks about relations in South East Europe today as compared to 2008.

Download: EN BS 

Interview by Deputy RCC Secretary General, Jelica Minic, to Radio Free Europe

Interview by Deputy RCC Secretary General, Jelica Minic, to Radio Free Europe


In the interview Deputy RCC Secretary General speaks about RCC’s activities in 2011 and plans for 2012.

Download: EN BS 

Article by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, to New Europe weekly

Article by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, to New Europe weekly


The article speaks about regional cooperation in South East Europe.

Download: EN 

 Interview by Hido Biscevic, RCC Secretary General, to Albanian weekly Tirana Times

Interview by Hido Biscevic, RCC Secretary General, to Albanian weekly Tirana Times


In the interview, published on 23 December 2011, the RCC Secretary General speaks about the organization’s work and the regional cooperation in South East Europe.

Download: EN 

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat


The report covers the period from 9 September - 30 November 2011, and reflects progress in implementation of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2011-2013.

Download: EN 

Written address by Hido Biščević, RCC Secretary General, at the 18th Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council

Written address by Hido Biščević, RCC Secretary General, at the 18th Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council


The 18th meeting of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)’s Ministerial Council took place on 6-7 December 2011, in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Download: EN 

Opening address by the RCC Secretary General, Hido Biščević, at the IPA Multi-Beneficiary Coordination Meeting

Opening address by the RCC Secretary General, Hido Biščević, at the IPA Multi-Beneficiary Coordination Meeting


The two-day meeting, hosted by the RCC Secretariat, opened on 15 November 2011 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Download: EN 

Opening address by the Head of EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina/EU Special Representative, Ambassador Peter Sorensen, at the IPA Multi-Beneficiary Coordination Meeting

Opening address by the Head of EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina/EU Special Representative, Ambassador Peter Sorensen, at the IPA Multi-Beneficiary Coordination Meeting


The two-day meeting, hosted by the RCC Secretariat, opened on 15 November 2011 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Download: EN 

Opening address by Hido Biščević, RCC Secretary General, at the International seminar ‘South East Europe 20 Years On: Transformation from State to Public Broadcasting’

Opening address by Hido Biščević, RCC Secretary General, at the International seminar ‘South East Europe 20 Years On: Transformation from State to Public Broadcasting’


The seminar, co-organized by the European Commission (EC)’s Enlargement Directorate-General and the RCC Secretariat, with support of the European Association of Public Service Media in South East Europe and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), was held on 14 November in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Download: EN BS 

Address by Dinka Zivalj, RCC Spokesperson/Head of Media Unit, at the International seminar ‘South East Europe 20 Years On: Transformation from State to Public Broadcasting’

Address by Dinka Zivalj, RCC Spokesperson/Head of Media Unit, at the International seminar ‘South East Europe 20 Years On: Transformation from State to Public Broadcasting’


The seminar, co-organized by the European Commission (EC)’s Enlargement Directorate-General and the RCC Secretariat, with support of the European Association of Public Service Media in South East Europe and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), was held on 14 November in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Download: EN 

Conclusions of the international seminar ‘South East Europe 20 Years On: Transformation from State to Public Broadcasting’

Conclusions of the international seminar ‘South East Europe 20 Years On: Transformation from State to Public Broadcasting’


The seminar, co-organized by the European Commission (EC)’s Enlargement Directorate-General and the RCC Secretariat, with support of the European Association of Public Service Media in South East Europe and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), was held on 14 November in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Download: EN BS 

Article by Radio Free Europe featuring Regional Cooperation Council

Article by Radio Free Europe featuring Regional Cooperation Council


The article, containing statement by Jelica Minic, Deputy RCC Secretary General, focuses on the RCC co-organized regional conference “New Skills for New Jobs”, that took place in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 27-28 October 2011.

Download: BS EN 

Address by the RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic at the Third Health Ministerial Forum: Health in All Policies

Address by the RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic at the Third Health Ministerial Forum: Health in All Policies


The address has been delivered at a two-day meeting on 13 October 2011 in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Download: EN BS 

Protocol on Regional Cooperation in Education and Training among members of the European Association of Public Service Media in South East Europe

Protocol on Regional Cooperation in Education and Training among members of the European Association of Public Service Media in South East Europe


The Protocol has been signed by directors general of 12 public broadcasters, as well by RCC and EBU, on 30 September 2011 in Sarajevo.

Download: EN BS 

Interview by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Hido Biščević, to BiH daily Dnevni list

Interview by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Hido Biščević, to BiH daily Dnevni list


This is the second, economic, part of the interview published on 29 September 2011.

Download: EN HR 

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat

Report to RCC Board on activities of RCC Secretariat


The report covers the period from 9 May 2011 to 9 September 2011, and reflects progress in implementation of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2011-2013.

Download: EN 

Interview by Deputy Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Jelica Minic, to Business News

Interview by Deputy Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Jelica Minic, to Business News


In the interview Deputy RCC Secretary General speaks about RCC’s role in regional cooperation in South East Europe, organization’s activities and its short and long-term goals.

Download: EN 

Interview by Hido Biscevic, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, to Croatian daily Slobodna Dalmacija

Interview by Hido Biscevic, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, to Croatian daily Slobodna Dalmacija


In the interview RCC Secretary General talks about activities of the organisation and regional cooperation in South East Europe.

Download: EN HR 

Address of RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic at the meeting of SEECP Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 29 June 2011

Address of RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic at the meeting of SEECP Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 29 June 2011

29 JUNE 2011 | SPEECH

The address was delivered in Budva, Montenegro.

Download: EN 

Address by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Hido Biscevic, at the RCC Annual Meeting

Address by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Hido Biscevic, at the RCC Annual Meeting

28 JUNE 2011 | SPEECH

The third RCC Annual Meeting was held on 28 June 2011, in Becici, Montenegro.

Download: EN BS 

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council on regional co-operation in South East Europe in 2010-2011

Annual Report of the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council on regional co-operation in South East Europe in 2010-2011

28 JUNE 2011 | REPORT

The report, endorsed by the participants of the RCC Annual Meeting, on 28 June 2011 in Becici, Montenegro, covers the period May 2010-May 2011.

Download: EN 

Interview by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Hido Biscevic, to Montenegrin daily Pobjeda

Interview by Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), Hido Biscevic, to Montenegrin daily Pobjeda


In the interview, given prior to the third RCC Annual Meeting, which was held on 28 June 2011 in Becici, Montenegro, the RCC Secretary General speaks about the organisation’s past activities and future challenges.

Download: CG EN 

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biščević, at the constitutive meeting of the RCC Task force on Culture and Society

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biščević, at the constitutive meeting of the RCC Task force on Culture and Society

23 JUNE 2011 | SPEECH

The event was held on 23 June 2011 in Cetinje, Montenegro.

Download: EN 

Final Declaration of the 9th Conference of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) Presidents of Parliament

Final Declaration of the 9th Conference of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) Presidents of Parliament


The document was adopted at a meeting in Becici, Montenegro, on 14-15 June 2011.

Download: EN 

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biščević, at the seminar on railway reform in South East Europe and Turkey

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biščević, at the seminar on railway reform in South East Europe and Turkey

14 JUNE 2011 | SPEECH

The event was held on 14 June 2011 in Brussels.

Download: EN 

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic at the meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Central European Initiative

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic at the meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Central European Initiative

10 JUNE 2011 | SPEECH

The event took place on 10 June 2011, in Trieste, Italy.

Download: EN 

Address by Deputy RCC Secretary General, Jelica Minic, at a regional conference on social agenda for the Western Balkans

Address by Deputy RCC Secretary General, Jelica Minic, at a regional conference on social agenda for the Western Balkans

25 MAY 2011 | SPEECH

The speech was delivered at the opening of RCC-organized conference in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 25 May 2011.

Download: EN BS 

Conclusions of a roundtable on fundraising for projects of the International Sava River Basin Commission

Conclusions of a roundtable on fundraising for projects of the International Sava River Basin Commission


The meeting was hosted by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat in Sarajevo, on 17 May 2011.

Download: EN 

Quarterly report by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic

Quarterly report by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic

12 MAY 2011 | REPORT

The report covers the period from 9 March 2011 to 9 May 2011, and reflects progress in implementation of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2011-2013.

Download: EN 

Conclusions and recommendations of the Second Conference on Road Infrastructure Safety Management

Conclusions and recommendations of the Second Conference on Road Infrastructure Safety Management


The event, co-organized by the Association of Consulting Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat, was held on 20 April in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Download: EN 

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at the OSCE Permanent Council meeting

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at the OSCE Permanent Council meeting

14 APRIL 2011 | SPEECH

The Permanent Council meeting of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), was held in Vienna, on 14 April 2011. The document containing RCC Secretary General’s address also includes links to available responses by the missions to OSCE.

Download: EN 

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, to Serbian Radio Novi Sad

Interview by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, to Serbian Radio Novi Sad


In the interview, RCC Secretary General speaks about the conference ‘Western Balkans and Europe 2020 – Towards Convergence and Growth’, organized by RCC on 30-31 March 2011 in Brussels, as well as about RCC activities in general.

Download: SR 

Article by New Europe weekly featuring Regional Cooperation Council’s activities

Article by New Europe weekly featuring Regional Cooperation Council’s activities


The article reports on the conference ‘Western Balkans and Europe 2020 – Towards Convergence and Growth’, organized by the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat on 30-31 March in Brussels.

Download: EN 

Preliminary summary findings of a survey of regional initiatives and task forces in South East Europe

Preliminary summary findings of a survey of regional initiatives and task forces in South East Europe


The document was presented at the RCC-organized conference ‘Western Balkans and Europe 2020 – Towards Convergence and Growth’, on 30-31 March 2011 in Brussels.

Download: EN 

Article by Serbian news agency Beta featuring Regional Cooperation Council’s activities

Article by Serbian news agency Beta featuring Regional Cooperation Council’s activities


The article reports on the opening of the conference ‘Western Balkans and Europe 2020 – Towards Convergence and Growth’, organized by the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat on 30-31 March in Brussels.

Download: EN SR 

Address by the RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at the conference 'Western Balkans and Europe 2020: Path Towards Convergence and Growth’

Address by the RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at the conference 'Western Balkans and Europe 2020: Path Towards Convergence and Growth’

30 MARCH 2011 | SPEECH

The event, that gathered over 100 participants, was held in Brussels, Belgium on 30-31 March 2011.

Download: EN 

Article by Radio Free Europe featuring Regional Cooperation Council’s activities

Article by Radio Free Europe featuring Regional Cooperation Council’s activities


The article reports on the meeting on the role of national parliaments in Western Balkans and Turkey in negotiations for EU accession, co-organized by the Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat and the European Commission’s Enlargement Directorate-General on 17-18 March in Sarajevo.

Download: EN BS 

Common Declaration of SEECP Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs regarding the endorsement of the Regional Strategic Document 2011-2013 and the Action Plan for its implementation

Common Declaration of SEECP Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs regarding the endorsement of the Regional Strategic Document 2011-2013 and the Action Plan for its implementation


The Declaration was adopted by the Ministers in Budva, Montenegro, on 18 March 2011.

Download: EN 

Regional Strategic Document on Justice and Home Affairs 2011-2013 and the Action Plan for its implementation

Regional Strategic Document on Justice and Home Affairs 2011-2013 and the Action Plan for its implementation

18 MARCH 2011 | REPORT

The Strategic Document was endorsed by the Ministers in Budva, Montenegro, on 18 March 2011.

Download: EN 

Address by the RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at the regional conference of ministers of justice and ministers of interior from South East Europe

Address by the RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at the regional conference of ministers of justice and ministers of interior from South East Europe

17 MARCH 2011 | SPEECH

The SEECP ministerial conference ‘Strengthening Co-operation in Fight against Organized Crime in South East Europe’ was held in Budva, Montenegro on 16-18 March 2011.

Download: EN 

Article on cross-border cooperation in Western Balkans, with references to Regional Cooperation Council.

Article on cross-border cooperation in Western Balkans, with references to Regional Cooperation Council.


The article, published at TransConflict and Eurasia Review websites, was originally written by Development and Transition, a joint project of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Europe and the CIS and the London School of Economics (LSE).

Download: EN 

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at the meeting of defense ministers of the South-East European Cooperation Process

Address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at the meeting of defense ministers of the South-East European Cooperation Process

15 MARCH 2011 | SPEECH

The meeting of the defense ministers of the South-East European Cooperation Process was held in Budva, Montenegro on 14-15 March 2011.

Download: EN 

Quarterly report by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic

Quarterly report by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic

08 MARCH 2011 | REPORT

The report covers the period from 4 December 2010 to 4 March 2011, and reflects progress in implementation of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2011-2013.

Download: EN 

Welcoming speech by the RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at a panel discussion ‘South East Europe in 2011 and Beyond: Sharing the Same Vision’

Welcoming speech by the RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at a panel discussion ‘South East Europe in 2011 and Beyond: Sharing the Same Vision’

07 MARCH 2011 | SPEECH

The panel discussion was held in Sarajevo, BiH, on 7 March 2011, to mark the third anniversary of the Regional Cooperation Council.

Download: EN 

Address by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Hido Biscevic, at the informal meeting of the SEECP Ministers of Foreign Affairs

Address by the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Hido Biscevic, at the informal meeting of the SEECP Ministers of Foreign Affairs


The informal meeting of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) Ministers of Foreign Affairs took place on 28 January 2011, in Becici/Budva, Montenegro

Download: EN 

Talking points of Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Hido Biscevic, at the meeting of the SEECP Political Directors

Talking points of Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, Hido Biscevic, at the meeting of the SEECP Political Directors


The meeting of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) Political Directors took place on 27 January 2011, in Becici/Budva, Montenegro

Download: EN 

Article by Hido Biščević, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, for New Europe weekly

Article by Hido Biščević, Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, for New Europe weekly


In the article, Secretary General writes about regional cooperation in South East Europe in 2010.

Download: EN 

Interview by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic to Business Magazine

Interview by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic to Business Magazine


In the interview, the RCC Secretary General talks about the activities of the organization over the past three years, as well as future prospects.

Download: EN BS 

Quarterly report by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic

Quarterly report by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic


The report covers the period from 11 September to 26 November 2010, and reflects progress in implementation of the RCC Strategy and Work Programme 2011-2013.

Download: EN 

Address by Senior RCC Expert on Justice and Home Affairs Virgil Ivan Cucu at the SEE Regional Coordination Conference on Justice, Home Affairs and Security Cooperation

Address by Senior RCC Expert on Justice and Home Affairs Virgil Ivan Cucu at the SEE Regional Coordination Conference on Justice, Home Affairs and Security Cooperation


The address was delivered at the opening of the two-day event, dedicated to finalization of drafting of the South East European Regional Strategic Document and Action Plan 2011-2013 in the area of justice, home affairs and security cooperation, held under RCC auspices in Sarajevo, BiH.

Download: EN 

Interview by Jelica Minic, Deputy Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, to Serbian daily Politika

Interview by Jelica Minic, Deputy Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, to Serbian daily Politika


In the interview, the Deputy RCC Secretary General speaks about the regional cooperation in South East Europe, with an emphasis to economic cooperation.

Download: EN SR 

Address by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic at the EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs

Address by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic at the EU-Western Balkans Ministerial Forum on Justice and Home Affairs


The address titled “Working Together in Strengthening EU Perspectives: the Role of the RCC” was delivered on 23 November 2010 in Brussels.

Download: EN 

Interview by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic to Odbrana, bi-weekly magazine of the Serbian Ministry of Defence

Interview by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic to Odbrana, bi-weekly magazine of the Serbian Ministry of Defence


In the interview, Secretary General Biscevic speaks about the RCC and its activities, and regional cooperation in general with emphasis on security cooperation.

Download: EN SR 

Conclusion of the regional conference ‘The Role of Inspectors in Education Quality Assurance in South East Europe’

Conclusion of the regional conference ‘The Role of Inspectors in Education Quality Assurance in South East Europe’


This regional event, that took place on 20-21 October 2010, in the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat in Sarajevo, discussed the inspectors’ contribution to modernizing educational systems in South East Europe.

Download: EN 

Conclusions of the international conference ‘Addressing Europe’s Digital Divide: Towards Sustainable Public Service Media in South East Europe’

Conclusions of the international conference ‘Addressing Europe’s Digital Divide: Towards Sustainable Public Service Media in South East Europe’


The RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic and the EBU Vice-President Claudio Cappon signed these conclusions on 15 October 2010 in Sarajevo, BiH.

Download: EN BS 

Opening address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at the international conference on digitalization and sustainability of public service media

Opening address by RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, at the international conference on digitalization and sustainability of public service media


The opening address refers to the international conference ‘Addressing Europe’s Digital Divide: Towards Sustainable Public Service Media in South East Europe’, held in RCC Secretariat on 14-15 October 2010.

Download: EN BS 

Article by BiH daily Oslobodjenje featuring Regional Cooperation Council

Article by BiH daily Oslobodjenje featuring Regional Cooperation Council


The article is about the Strategy and Work Programme 2011-2013 of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and carries statements of RCC Secretary General, Hido Biscevic, and his Deputy, Jelica Minic.

Download: EN BS 

Interview by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic to RTV Vojvodina/Radio Novi Sad

Interview by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic to RTV Vojvodina/Radio Novi Sad


In the interview, the RCC Secretary General talks about the Regional Cooperation Council, its activities so far and the organization’s Strategy and Work Programme 2011-2013.

Download: SR 

Quarterly report by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic

Quarterly report by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic


Download: EN 

Commentary for EurActiv by Hido Biščević, Secretary General, Regional Cooperation Council

Commentary for EurActiv by Hido Biščević, Secretary General, Regional Cooperation Council


Secretary General Biscevic writes about the new spirit of rapprochement in Western Balkans and the ways it can be advanced, also in light of the RCC strategy for the next three years, endorsed last month by South East European heads of state and government.

Download: EN 

Declaration in respect of the Western Balkans Investment Framework

Declaration in respect of the Western Balkans Investment Framework


Download: EN 

List of 2009 Activities of the RCC Secretariat

List of 2009 Activities of the RCC Secretariat


Download: EN 

Overview of South East Europe economic indicators

Overview of South East Europe economic indicators


The document gives an overview of selected economic indicators for South East Europe (SEE) for the first six months of 2009.

Download: EN 

Article by Croatian weekly Nacional on Regional Cooperation Council, featuring Secretary General Hido Biscevic

Article by Croatian weekly Nacional on Regional Cooperation Council, featuring Secretary General Hido Biscevic

14 JULY 2009 | ARTICLE

Croatia's leading political weekly Nacional gives an overview of the Regional Cooperation Council and its activities, imbedding segments of an interview with the RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic into the article.

Download: EN HR 

Address by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic at The Croatia Summit 2009

Address by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic at The Croatia Summit 2009

10 JULY 2009 | SPEECH

Description: The theme of the Croatia Summit 2009, held in Dubrovnik, was “Europe’s Strategic Imperative: Energy, Investment and Development”.

Download: EN 

Address by Minister of State at German Foreign Office, Gernot Erler, delivered at RCC Secretariat

Address by Minister of State at German Foreign Office, Gernot Erler, delivered at RCC Secretariat

10 MARCH 2009 | SPEECH

Lecture by the Minister of State at the German Foreign Office, Gernot Erler, on regional cooperation, stability and way to the EU, held on 10 March 2009 at the premises of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat in Sarajevo.

Download: EN 

Quarterly report by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic

Quarterly report by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic


Report to the RCC Board on the activities of the RCC Secretariat, for the period 1 October-5 December 2008.

Download: EN 

Minutes of Regional Coordination Meeting

Minutes of Regional Coordination Meeting


Download: EN 

Quarterly report by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic

Quarterly report by RCC Secretary General Hido Biscevic


Report to the RCC Board on the activities of the RCC Secretariat, for the period 20 May-1 October 2008.

Download: EN MO 

Concept Paper on Regional Ownership

Concept Paper on Regional Ownership

20 MAY 2008 | REPORT

Download: EN MO 

Strategic Work Programme of the RCC, 2008-2009

Strategic Work Programme of the RCC, 2008-2009

20 MAY 2008 | REPORT

Download: EN MO